Saturday, March 11, 2017

How to chat with your favorite girls

Our biggest problem is that long with the girls no topic chat, get together with the girls do not know what to say. Let alone find people who like to date. You do not have the topic of natural and that you do not have a common language, can not create a sense of familiarity, but will not come out and you date.

How do I chat with my favorite people?

How to chat with people is very critical, chat can increase feelings, increase the understanding of each other, through some of the views of the topic can be seen each other's outlook on life and world view, but also allows the other side to understand what kind of person you are.

1, how to chat with people like? Nowadays hot spots.

How do you chat with girls for the first time? Start chatting when the best from the moment we are talking about and hot spots concerned about the issue, like the recent boycott of South Korea, you can say that Lotte supermarkets are basically no one, and many products are off the shelf.

Or now are boycotting things in South Korea, I think a lot of girls are no eyebrows of the bar, because they have to get things Korean semi-permanent eyebrows. This will naturally enter the chat topic.

Girls will think you know some of them have a common language. This kind of topic can be suitable for some high school girl or like makeup girl.

2, how and like people chat? The other's school or work.

General and girls how to chat? If she is a student, you can talk more about the school, the exam, the study, the teacher, the classmate, or the recent confusion in my studies. These are very good topics. The skills of chasing students are not complicated. Need your heart.
If she has been working, you can also understand their units of interpersonal relationships, management system, and their own work is not handy, but can not blindly ask, give people the feeling of secret is not good.

You need to use a guiding sentence, for example, if the girl is just graduated from college to find a job, you can share your college graduates looking for work, some things and experience, and finally when a departmental leadership.

And then give others guidance at the same time you show their own heart to serve twice or twice.

3, how to chat with people like? Interesting topics.

Talk about leisure time like to do things, for example, she mentioned that she likes to read, so you can talk about the role of books on the human, there are some literary and literary story, from which you can understand her views , And then understand what some of her criteria for life.

Chat with the strange girl bad boys generally try every means to understand the girls' hobbies, this is the necessary homework chasing girls.
4, how to chat with people like? Clothing decoration.

No girl is not beautiful, and girls chat is always inseparable from the clothes, make-up topic, if you understand these aspects, you can discuss with her clothing skills, make-up tips, etc., if you are not very understanding, but also Baidu can look at this kind of thing, look at the microblogging on the net red are concerned about what.

You have a topic first, and these are energy. Explore the chat topic about beauty.

5, how to chat with people like? pet.

Girls are very loving, and some like to keep a small pet, and like a child to take care of her, if you and her to discuss her pet, she will be very happy if you give her a small Pet to buy food, she will be very happy.
6, how to chat with people like? Shopping information.

Girls do not like shopping, if you happen to have a large shopping malls discount news, or a brand clothing anti-season promotions, but this brand you need to know is your current chat goal or wear the brand , If the girls wear gucci you know the Baleno special, this is not to say.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Women in addition to peek your phone from these channels found that you derailed

Men you have not heard such a word woman's degree of care is terrible, can be said to be all called Holmes, like Wu Yifan's window incident, because the small gna saw her hotel in another hair The Imagine if you are on a sudden dress with a girl is seen on the other woman's thing I would like to die it miserable it.

In fact, this thing is not uncommon, and I remember the last time I heard a man said he was arrested and killed in the WeChat movement, because of course they two people say good sleep each other, girls from the WeChat movement also saw the number of action that night , Men were diagnosed because of guilt out.

I can only sincerely say, brothers, you have a girlfriend to pay attention to no girlfriend should pay attention. Quickly follow the old drivers together to improve their anti-detection ability now!

Sucker like bathing home, do a bad thing after the bath should not be coated with a strange shower gel do not wash your hair.

Usually do not even start a straight start to dress up, I believe that I am not derailed is the unit to the new little girl. Want to derail three months in advance or change. Do not be suddenly found.

Go to the supermarket to buy the suite before and after the trip is not the same amount of time, you know is certainly in the outside messed up. So when you have to engage in a more money.

Taobao found a new receipt address, but also a girl's name

Close the iphone often go to the local location record

The phone is always silent, and call records and chat records are also deleted.

Shielded friends circle, and other girls out to play with the photos.

Has been holding the phone, a close to put the phone chat dialogue to quit, or quickly point to see the work group. Go out to play do not answer the phone, the next day that is busy not see.

Qq space message board, found a girl message, said "today is very happy", so I opened the girl's space, no lock, and the other side of the space backdrop is their two kiss photos. The Internet age has opened too many people's secrets. For several consecutive times have the same point of praise, intuition told me something is a woman and may have a problem, and later turned her space to find the two made a dynamic coincidence of the place .... so that the real woman's prospective Terrible

Go out to play do not answer the phone, after the toilet reply (the surrounding environment is empty can be heard out).

A person who rarely changed his head, suddenly made a couple portrait.

WeChat red envelopes recorded 5.21 and 13.14 red envelopes, opened with the other side of the chat record but found that the contents of the empty inside.

Suddenly began to upload self-photo when, suddenly give you a new expression when the QQ tribe suddenly made his dynamic in the girl with him to QQ when he gave the time.

Loss of consistency, before the computer did not password, QQ is automatically logged on, then, the computer on the lock, QQ for the password.

Micro search function search "husband, wife, baby, my dear and so on ambiguous words.

Take-off software: US group, hungry what the address is the hotel, home and so on

Send some new facial expressions, and then chatting began to appear when the new modal words. Of course, men if you read the article here that you are lucky, the above points to do after the girls will think you are a very talented man, must be affectionate for you, love is thick, remember the love of a woman Are from the details of the. So that your future will win white Fu Mei, as ceo, to the peak of life.