Saturday, March 18, 2017

How to contact with the woman "physically, mind"

Many brothers in the pursuit of their favorite girls, always do not know how to quickly let girls have a good impression on their own, often take the initiative to buy things for girls, or attentive, want to use this way to attract the attention of girls The

But this method tends to let the boys gradually fall into a passive state, they have no initiative, it is easy to be manipulated by girls.

In case of the kind of cheating, and he has paid a lot of time and effort, but finally cheaper than other boys, maybe girls have long enjoyed you to make a gift, buy a mobile phone, send snacks, while the other While cheerful with her like the boys go to the romantic flow.

So, today to tell you how to quickly attract girls, let her have a good impression on you, to be a master of love. Often someone told me that he gave the girls did not pull the hands. But the girls have borrowed him 5000, I think all are sad, although most girls are not so do not rule out some of the so-called green tea bitch, that you are silly root, nothing to cheat you money, imagine you borrow 5000 to He, now is not yet developed what relationship? But if you use 5000 to upgrade yourself I think you get much better than this now embarrassing situation.

5000 can buy a very good clothes, you can find a well-known barber shop to get a hairstyle with a hairstyle, really, men's hair is really important, so today I give you first talk about hairstyle it, because we Each person's face is different so different face should be with a different hair, rather than the kind of the previous era like which star you stay who hair. We are based on their own appropriate face to design, remember that hair is used to modify the face. Then there is clothing, shoes, in fact, boys wear clothes to wear it also so several styles. What should be done as a first step in attracting a woman?

Own construction

Why should you build your own?
Your own building is your personal clothing dress taste temperament, today we say a single hairstyle, because you know a girl must have a circle of communication around, then why do not you choose high score, it is simple to promise that you are not as good as his side of the social Circle of other men know. So you have to go beyond the girls in this circle of more than eighty percent of the men, you can attract to her. Or girls have so many high-quality boys, why tell you out? This truth can actually be used in social software, with my sister to say hello, because 100 men are talking about you, you say you are good, what is the special place, this time you need a Good photo wall (display side)

And when you are dating with the girls when you must first understand the girls in her favorite style, go with a style with her close to the clothes, so that you can attract girls in the appointment of attention, let her doubly doubts. Because you are a class of people, psychologically that the same effect will increase the intimacy of two people together, is the resonance of a class of skills.
In addition, I have asked some women they are dating to see boys generally see where they tell me is the first time is hair or shoes, that more refined girls will even see your clothes, or even what brand, such as dust Brother of the kind of taste of girls, are generally fancy a person's taste, to see if she is like.

In addition we most people say that women like handsome guy, but I have come into contact with some women they basically boyfriend is not handsome, but at least very clean, they often do not ask you more handsome, but you have to dress up some taste.

So before dating to find a barber shop to re-design their own hairstyle, a good fit for your hair, will instantly improve your personal charm, in the hair design when you have to pay attention is not just messed up like, But according to your different face to choose the right hair for you to better show your personal charm. The following according to your different face can recommend some suitable for your hair.

State face

Guo Zi face is a very good example, because his face is long and side, hairstyle with bad words will obviously feel that you are very serious, no fun, in this little face is king of the times, how to modify the big face. This kind of niggaz you can refer to the following hairstyle.

Round face

Round face brothers, the whole face is very short, and there is no prominent part, it is recommended that brothers can choose some of your hair can elongate the hair, to make up the face of the shortage, you can refer to the following hairstyle.

Triangle face

Triangle face of the brothers are very narrow chin and wide on both sides of the cheek, forming an inverted triangle shape, giving a sense of sincerity, the face of the brothers are best to choose to make the face looks like with the soft hair slightly longer hair Or choose a more three-dimensional hair to ease the kind of too cold feeling, you can refer to the following several hair.

Triangle face

Triangle face is the forehead narrow face wide, this face of the temples of the hair will look less, and the head is relatively sharp, need a little thick or have a level of hair to fill the head on both sides of the vacancy, the proposed brothers can refer to the following Several hairstyles.

Long face

Long face of the brothers up and down the face evenly, that is, some long face, (similar to Zhao Benshan as long, but his long crooked into the shoes of the face ...) such a face suggest that brothers can stay The sea cover some of the forehead, his face slightly closer to some, but should pay attention to Liu Hai stay long when both sides should be slightly longer, but not too long, too long hair but will stretch the face, you can refer to the following several.

Good get the hairstyle later, we are more of a self-display. So now the best self-display where it is friends circle, friends circle display is the first step to open the sister and your chat window, although the show is not the focus, but also missing, your friends circle show the most At least better than 80 percent of the boys, or so much handsome guy more than you strong people, sister, why choose you, even the girls are not the first pass, but also talk about a wool?

Your display surface is like a microcosm of your life, girls add you after you through your circle of friends can quickly understand you. So that you can save you and your sister to introduce themselves, let her own to understand that you are not better in a look at your life taste and temperament does not meet her requirements, this is the girl and you continue to develop the key.
But the brothers should pay attention to that, although the display side can not be less, but remember not to rely too much on the display surface to Paoniu, a lot of brain damage all day shouting mouth, with the display surface is equal to a sister, I just want to say really moron.

We have a student before he is a luxury hotel to work, the display surface are all filled with full of photos, but he still did not have a sister, because he did not core, will not care sister, do not know how to control girls mood, not Know how to go with girls flirting, so that to attend the course to learn the core skills of sister.

If you can only rely on Niubi show the face of the sister, then there is no need to have our existence.

Well, the above two are ready. Then you will find your female resources have been very rich. But you still do not come out, so what do we need to do?

Emotional attraction

Emotions and girls are the key to interactive chat, you will find, rock musicians, singers, poets, triad boss; their side is always no beauty, not because they have handsome, how much wealth but they can give The spirit of the sister to provide a considerable value.

What we advocate in our love is that you can maximize the spiritual value, thereby reducing the loss of your own wealth and appearance, this is the real purpose of learning love.

I believe a lot of people in the chat which will always want to send her birthday gift to her, what kind of words she would like to rely on these to attract girls to you have a good impression, from time to time will go back to a small joke to please her favor, But the results are often ineffective or even counterproductive.

While the real emotional attraction is through push and pull, ridicule, suppress, fugue, and so on.

Your eyes are very attractive, especially the feeling attracted me, (always staring at her eyes, pause) because I see from the inside of my handsome look. (A burst of powder boxing hit)

Hey, you know what? I think you laugh like a flower as lovely, do you know what flower? (This time girls may answer several kinds of flowers to BLABLABLA, from which you can also know what she likes)

And then we have to be very serious to her: wow, you really narcissistic, I said is the flower friends `` haha

We are waiting for the arrival of powder box `~

Then we can do further into Norway: after she kicks off, we can hold her little face, looking at her eyes, said: But really, you start anger more cute `` `
In this way with girls to chat to let girls have emotional fluctuations on you, that chat with you more interesting, happy. Like a rickety turn everyone likes to play the same. Because people can not guess through, to girls to produce a strange and curious, girls because you can control her emotional ups and downs, so feel with you interesting, bad.

I believe there are a lot of brothers who have heard men do not bad women do not love it, that is the push and pull skills generated by the emotions to attract girls so that you greatly increased the way.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Girls "want" when the girls how to read the "subtext"

Men will be looked at the younger sister
The woman saw the slag man

Because the single because of lovelorn because of the other half of the missing, we take a lonely pain to think about a good feeling, how to become people empty, and even to the end can not go it? Life if only as early as possible, what autumn wind sad flute fan. So easy to change the heart, but it is easy to change the heart.

In the present life, boys like to play a lot of games to drink, girls could not help saying: you do not play the game again!

Which makes a lot of love to play the game boys are very angry, I play the game did not do sorry for your business? Why do you control me?

Girl said: I am for you!

Boys do not understand

Faced with these quarrel bit by bit, slowly into the feelings of the watershed.

When we first meet, we are all satisfied, gentle and considerate, gold is also funny. We are all half of the other are full of surprises, girls, she all kinds of pretentious, all do not match, he is also very patient.

So good each other, of course, the rapid warming of feelings.

What is the intimate understanding of girls? for example. Every girl has a lot of secrets, but as a man do not ask right, you have to know, if the girls are willing, sooner or later will say. Anyway, you just like her on the line, remember the birthday, together at home watching the film, remember to accompany and security.

Cook together for future participation. You Lennon Lennon, as if you can accidentally be able to grow old together

Of course, all of us love, initially not all like this? When the four heads are relative, they light each other. Even if there are shortcomings, but also that the shortcomings are acceptable.

We are willing to accompany each other to do all the things that have not been done before, do not speak sweet words have become very careful to find some love on the network, trying to make the other side happy.

But had so good love, why the end of the end of it, forced it?

But slowly because of different lifestyles with each other, the feelings of two people began to decline.

Girls because of the lack of sense of security, boys want to go home because of the initiative to go to bed. But boys once out, girls can not contact. You will say how you do not.

And boys full of feel uncomfortable, that girls do not understand slowly.

So found a lot of dissatisfaction.

People or those two people, and the original encounter the same, but the feelings have become increasingly thin.

Girls because of a sense of security, when she is not accompanied him to do something, but said to him, "you do not ... ...", in fact, the signal is very clear, that he did something wrong, even if it is right At least she does not like it.

I think that everyone does not like it. Each other began to deny each other, from a certain behavior such as playing games such as drinking began, slowly upgrade to the person itself.

Disputes continue, contradictions to stimulate, in the end, two people actually can not go.

So turn, go each of the, and then to find the right person. This is now the state of the break up. Many of us love, do not all this is a little bit worse?

Many messages in the background let us find that the trajectory of each episode is very similar.

At first two people to attract each other, even if the other is not very perfect person, obviously there are many shortcomings, and even some places they do not like, but they feel completely indifferent, is like all the things on him.

Since the together, do not like to stay up all night with the girls chatting with him, never went to the nightclub's good girl followed him in front of the bar to drink a long island of iced tea, never visited the women's shop with her boys know the original bra or Points abcdefg. Obviously do not like sports, but to follow her every day out for a walk.

At this time, two people into each other's life, feelings of concentration was not open, that love is really good.

At the moment the feelings of the dialogue are generally the case

Female: I want to travel.
M: Well, I'll take you to a very fun place where there's a lot of water.
Female: where ah Far from?
Male: okay, where the scenery is particularly good xxxxxxxx.
Woman: Well, just be with you.

But do not know when to start, two people's dialogue into this:

Girl: we go to travel on weekends
M: I do not want to stay at home.
Female: you know every day with the same pig sleep!
M: Do you understand more people?
Female: where i do not understand you?

So, inevitably, two people began to quarrel for three days, complaining about each other. To the end. The The The

Many people do not understand, good feelings, how to become full of holes?

In fact, the feelings are not for no reason deterioration, all the source, are from each other to deny the beginning.

You do not drink, subtext is, I do not like you to drink, you look like drinking is very annoying.

You do not go out with friends, subtext is, I do not like you to make friends, but also hate your friends.

You do not come back so late, subtext is, I hate you late return, who knows what you do outside!

Managed to be bound, so that the party said to produce rebellious, or in the same way to accuse each other.

Unhappy feeling between the two vicious circle, to the last full rupture.

So, when you find yourself and the other half start with "negation" as the opening time, it is necessary to be particularly vigilant, quickly brakes, otherwise, feelings may become worse and worse.

Since the beginning just feel that there is no shortcomings, why not always enjoy it? When the discerning once opened, you will find the other side of the body more and more problems, feelings less and less. What do we do when we are divided?

Of course, there is a skill here, when you control a person you can also be replaced by another way.

Come back later Become: I like you to appear early in my eyes.

I go out with you The subtext is: I like to stay with you, you have to give me more time points.

This tea is good to drink. Subtext is: I like you to drink tea, wine can drink less.

This kind of positive language and hints, of course someone has to say a lot of things you can not bear, you can of course tell him "you do not ..." this is an attitude.

But there is one thing to remember, do not put the requirements into a nagging and complaining.

If the other side of the behavior you can not accept, do not change after communication, then re-find the right. Because once the opening of complaints and accusations mode, the feelings of it is difficult to change better, only getting worse.

Two people together, is to love each other, not to transform each other. Remember the original intention of love, in order to better maintain a feeling.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

5 moments women need men!

As a husband and boyfriend, in their own women when the most needed is a very important thing. However, many times they will miss these critical points, such as the following five points:

One, heartbroken

When the woman encountered sad things, usually the first time to find a beloved man complain, its purpose is two: 1, talk to their own grievances, eager to get the appropriate comfort; 2, hope that the beloved man can wind for their own rain The

Most women are lack of sense of the group, more time to find a man crying, not in front of men to expose their hypocritical, but eager to be protected. To this end, when a woman sent a distress signal, the man must respond to a copy of the play. At this moment to do the faltering turtle, will only let the woman down, and try to pull away.

Second, sick when helpless

People in the most vulnerable when sick, in addition to the disease itself winding, but also lead to low mood, resulting in a variety of cranky. At this time, women need to accompany and care, especially like the love of men to stay around.

Accompanied by the very important, but more important is to take care, not on the side regardless of care. If you can personally cook, give her a delicious meal, she will increase your favor a lot of Oh!

Three, unexpected surprise

Sad to cry, happy, of course, want to share it! When a woman gets rewarded or sure will be the first time in front of the beloved man show off, the show is actually sharing the joy of the heart, and want to get a man's reward "I know my woman is the best", but will There are some men will not be happy to chat, when the woman happy, like pouring cold water, so that a woman's good mood suddenly disintegrated.

Fourth, the hospital when the child

Pregnant woman is the most beautiful, because during pregnancy during pregnancy, she tasted the world's bitter, the reason to be able to stick to it, it is a great expression of maternal great. When the child when the piercing pain will let a woman remember life, just to love the crystallization of a woman no regrets. In other words, the man in the whole process of a woman even if the broken heart, but the suffering is a woman.

Women in this period is not a high demand for men, only hope that men can be loyal to love, and in the child can be accompanied by their own side. So, when his wife produces, the man is best to take the paternity, which is also the way to prove that you love him the best.