Saturday, December 17, 2016

I want to seal day--A bronze mirror--0004

Treasure cabinet inside the bling, greeted colorful glowing rays, rows of green jade, in each grid has the dazzle, Aquarius, small sword, wek-jin, orb, let Meng Hao shortness of breath instant, the heart jump, as if the blood of the moments into the brain, stood there.
Meng Hao this small rest, have never seen so many treasures, at the moment he was completely submerged by the bling, mind between hum, not perception has an all will treasure.

"The value of these treasures... this is priceless, rich, working for immortals, is so good." Meng Hao mumbling, through rows of jade, look with a concussion, but subconsciously looked up at upper part, thought this treasure cabinet three layers, only the first layer is so, wouldn't it be said that the above two layers of treasures of greater value.
"Fairy... really rich!" Meng Haoshen breath when his eyes suddenly a clot, see the very prominent position in the treasure pavilion, there is a bronze mirror.
This bronze mirror some rust, ugly, no baoguang above, and the treasures around the contrast is very big.
With surprise, Meng Hao picked up a bronze mirror, carefully looked at a few eye, this bronze mirror more see the more ordinary, like traveling, no surprise, since can put in treasure cabinet, Meng Hao thought should have its value.
"Teacher younger brother good taste." Meng Hao voice behind him, the wise man does not know when, looking at Meng Hao bronze mirror, in the hands of a tone with praise.
Since "teacher younger brother picked up the mirror, you decree by destiny, with it the mirror has a lot of legends, especially its mystery, is said to be able to get it, except the big chance need more big accident, presumably teacher younger brother is a man who have the temperament of, hold the mirror graced the heavens and the earth, just around the corner." Smart man sighed repeatedly, the voice as if with a force of some kind of strange, let Meng Hao listen to zheng.
"The mirror......" Meng Hao look strange, bowed their heads and looked at the bronze mirror again, there is no complex carving, especially those rust, make this mirror even as things are ambiguous.
"Teacher younger brother don't look at the mirror doesn't limpid, is a treasure to know any psychic, is other people proposition, the more the humble, the more common." Smart man bronze mirror to see Meng Haoyao put back to the grid, blocked by hurriedly stepped forward a few steps, looked at Meng Hao seriously.
"Teacher younger brother, picked up is predestined friends, give up because it seems the profane? Brother responsible for treasure cabinet here for many years, know the origin of each piece of treasure here, stir this bronze mirror when zhao, a ray of light of outer drop formation, by studying after backer bodhi old zu obtained, thought to be borne the treasure, though never study to understand, but decided that such a mirror encounter is predestined friends the human, will can roam the heavens and the earth."
Heard the name of the bodhi old zu, close to the Meng Hao zheng, he just outside into the cases, many are not ripe, they hesitate.
"Backer bodhi old zu didn't research to understand, I..."
"Teacher younger brother he is wrong, brother can tell you, the bodhi old zu no results, is to illustrate the treasure fate, and there are dozens of others before you took this baby, although no research to understand, but they also have no regret."
"One thousand...... you are the mirror with the right person? Can be at ease, and you take away the mirror before you, those ties, there are quite a few are two less than three months back, brother this person after we contact after a long time you know, I'm nice, don't want to embarrass stuff, and had a baby to be replaced."
"If you take away after didn't understand, may at any time to return, and then in to choose a, can this opportunity... if abandoned, one thousand decree by destiny, can regret a lifetime." Of great meaning to the wise man watched Meng Hao, see the Meng Hao more hesitant, heart did Sarah laugh, heart way these just outside the disciple best fool, as long as the origin of the mirror and rumors say, with the words of heaven and earth that hold a hook, guarantee immediately have a boiling passion.
The origin of the bronze mirror with rumors, he didn't cheat to Meng Hao, but is induced with the mirror, for he made a lot of LingShi, every time, after all, back of the mirror, a little impatience, natural need LingShi accommodation.
"But..." Meng Hao have been reading a book, very intelligent, the wise man counsel naturally listen to clear, knowing that the mirror, I'm afraid not like each other, but the man stopped in front of, is clearly made up his mind not to let him put back to the mirror easily, even casually dropped, even also useless, some regret picked up the mirror inside.
"Teacher younger brother, don't make the door into the cases of the first day, in this treasure cabinet picks up not down." Smart man feel temperature enough, then according to the previous method, was a heavy, low drink, big sleeve shaking, immediately with the wind whistling, pushing Meng Hao moments flew out of the cabinet, treasure on the outside.
A bang, treasure cabinet doors closed.
"As the brother softhearted, if you do not mirror with this decree by destiny, can to change at any time after today." Treasure cabinet inside spread the voice of smart man.
Meng Hao frowned, looked up to close the treasure cabinet, has brought angry, with a sigh, and looked down at the hands of the bronze mirror and Meng Hao thought of condensate gas volume open book, just a hesitation, andao if really backer bodhi old zu studied, also calculate values, shaking his head in the mirror in the bosom, hate hate again took one look at the treasure cabinet, turned to leave.
Walking out of bluestone road, Meng Hao according to jade Jane houses in azimuth, at noon, found belongs to outside his home, here is the edge of the north district, very remote, around houses, thickly dotted crowded together.
Pushed open the door of the dwelling houses, the door open with a creaking, inside a bed, a table, Meng Hao stood looking down at a long time, very satisfied, it is better than factotum place on many here.
Cross legs sitting on the bed, Meng Haoshen breath, took out her arms of bronze mirror, carefully research, but until sunset xishan, nightfall, lit the lamp again after a long time, and Meng Hao also didn't understand what this bronze mirror.
No matter how you look at it, the bronze mirror are very unusual.
Night, Meng Hao simply put this bronze mirror in the side, looking out the window bright moon, thought of the little fatty, miss some small fatty purring.
Out the window bright moon, the moonlight fell on the window eaves, around is very quiet, only the loud brawl of a slightly wind blowing through the sound, let Meng Haoshen breath, think this a few months of life, Meng Hao kind if suddenly feel like a lifetime ago, murmured.
"I was no longer YunJie county scholar, has become patron of the outside of the disciple..."
Pack up for a long time Meng Hao mind, close the meditation, body running reiki filar silk, this kind of life he has been going on for a few months, now already used.
Cases and factotum difference, here have not a disciple to prepare food, all food all want oneself to think of some way to get to, if not to starve to death, nor ignore, but over the years, patron of the outside, is really not starve to death.
After all in the condensate gas layer, and heaven and earth reiki, although cannot solve the hunger, but can keep the life existence.
A few days after noon, Meng Haozheng cross legs meditation, suddenly a scream coming from outside, Meng Hao immediately opened his eyes, and stood up to the window looked out, he saw a disciple was stepped on the foot, outside the chest bloody, though not dead but has injured, was removed store content bag, cold hum away.
The man struggling to climb up, and with a malicious crime, in the eyes of the sputtering go far, have a lot of the fence surrounding people, mostly look of indifference, the hidden with sarcasm.
Meng Hao silence, such a scene, he has seen several times these days, the heart for the backer of land outside the rules, the more profound.
Time flash, in the past seven days, seven days Meng Hao out again and saw several times of robbery, the disciple competing with hand, let Meng Hao character gradually become silent, especially when he saw a two or three layers of condensate gas brother was snuffed out of public area, this let Meng Hao out, be careful.
Fortunately, although he is very low, but after all, there is nothing valuable thing in the world, people are not pay any attention to him.
And Meng Hao practice, also appeared a stagnation, condensate gas layer is a layer of, is also a reiki into the body, but according to condensate gas volume, on the second floor has begun to change human body, make the body more adapt the reiki, so the reiki more than one layer.
Similarly, Meng Hao also know in what was known as the qualification of say, body alignment with heaven and earth reiki, is the qualifications, qualifications, the better, the alignment, the higher the qualification, the worse, the fusion of the lower, the same deep breathing, natural inhalation of reiki is a good qualification level.
According to his calculations, want to become a condensate gas layer, it needs one or two years, as for the three layers of condensate gas, more time out several times.
Unless it's for Dan medicine or LingShi, relying on the power of Dan medicine LingShi into reiki, can greatly shorten the time, which is why cases of door of robbery is bitter, because every month, the outside will be issuing of Dan medicine.
"The more the better, the weak, the weak, the anchor is in this way, to cultivate the inner disciple..." Meng Hao silence.
This one day in the morning, and pursued my vovage Meng Hao cross legs sitting on the bed, he didn't qualification, but there is a strong, deep breathing, even at night, you don't give up meditation at this time of door bell sirens, continued to slowly Meng Hao opened my eyes.
"This bell..." Meng Hao eyes a clot, faint guessed what, look have a bit excited, went out of the houses, saw many ties around one by one immediately look exciting, go straight to the distance.
"Bells rang, this is to distribute LingShi Dan medicine."
"Computation is today." As the bells, more people run out, not only is this place, now outside the whole range, almost all of the outside of the disciple.
"Put Dan." Meng Haoshen breath, also as they run a few steps, along with the crowd outside a moment later in the center of the square, the square is very large, around nine pillars of carved dragons, distributing the harsh light, spread out on the front pillar ten zhangs square platform, on which rosy clouds shrouded, faint with figure, let who hazy.
Outside this disciple of more than one hundred people, all dressed in green robe, muttering pillars of gaze from time to time in the rosy clouds above the platform.
Platforms now slightly rosy clouds scattered, show clear figure, there stood a man dressed in golden robes, some spots on the face, can look but not anger from Wisconsin, binocular such as electricity. Next, one male and one female two people in silver, man, pretty special, look cool, a vital qi, as for the woman, see Meng Hao at the moment, his eyes a contraction.
This woman, is three months ago from daqingshan caught him.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

I want to seal day--Outside the promotion of--0003

"Sleep quite early, all give you tiger grandpa!" As the door of the house for, from the outside into a big man, wearing fatigues Meng Hao at his fierce and is still in bed little fatty.
"You two small zai son from now on, give me ten wood cut down more trees per person a day, or tiger ripped your grandpa live." The big fellow malicious voice openings.
"Seen a tiger, niche..." Meng Hao hurriedly stepped down from the bed and stood tense, words haven't say that finish, the big fellow eyes a stare.
"Small fart sounds, feel great tiger voice big?"
Merely Meng Hao a fierce, the meaning of faces, looking at each other's strong body, hesitate to speak: "you can... factotum brother only let us each a wood every day."
"Out of ten more wood, is to Lao tze." The big fellow cold, with a snort.
Meng Hao silence, thoughts in my head spun, just come to this gate of the immortal being bullied, he was unwilling, can each other body burly, his thin obviously could not resist, are hesitant when he suddenly saw the table Angle tooth marks, thought of the little fat man in the terrible, brainstorm how to have to try to figure out, and immediately cried to sleep little fatty.
"Fatty, someone grabs your steamed buns, someone grabs you lady!"
Meng Hao words just fell, the little fat man fiercely sit up, eyes closed mouth roar loud, grim face distortion.
"Who rob my steamed bread, who rob my lady, I killed you, I killed you." Small fat man came down from the bed, thumping wildly in the room, look at the big fellow first one leng, then forward a slap shot to little fat.
"Also dare at bluffing in front of the tiger." This slap slammed down on small fat face, it is followed by the big fellow scream, the little fat man, with his eyes closed one bite at the big fellow of the arm, how let the big fellow shaking, he now don't loose half mouth.
"Let go, give I let go." This big fellow was fatigue, is not a monk, just lay in the long run, body is strong, but now is also the pain down cold sweat, punched, also can't let small fat man was let go, but the bite the deeper, bloody, seem to be living a bit off a large piece of meat.
Screams coming from outside the houses, immediately drew the attention of all round the houses factotum, at this time, a distant voice coming from outside like winter set.

This is the voice of a young horse face, falling into a big fellow, immediately let him shivering body, although the pain has been changed, but again dare not loud cries.
"Factotum brother don't like, you I have no good fruit, you are quick to let him loose, big ten wood I don't." The big fellow walked with rapid said.
Meng Hao was surprised that the little fat man in so a bit, now also know not to continue, hurriedly come forward to gently patted the little fatty, whispered in his ear.
"Steamed bread back, lady also came back."
Eyes closed little fat body suddenly relaxed, also loose mouth, punch back to bed, and continue to sleep.
The big fellow couldn't look at the little fat man, rather than hurriedly out of the room, Meng Hao aside leng a long time, admire glanced at small fatty, gingerly back to bed.
The next morning.
Dawn, houses outside came the bell, it sounds with a sort of strange power, incoming ears make people wake up and immediately with sound outside the houses spread clutter, small fat man opened his eyes, dull to look at themselves messy footprints, and touched his face.
"I zha last night? How general so pain, as if was beaten by people..."
Are wearing fatigues unlined upper garment Meng Hao silence, a long time after opening.
"No, everything is all right."
"How can I feel swollen face?"
"Maybe this mosquito is larger.
"But there is blood in my mouth?"
"You broke the ground, last night fell several times." Meng Hao hurriedly pushed open the door of the houses, was about to take hesitated, and looked back at the little fat boy, said seriously.
"Fatty, you later want to grind teeth more, best some sharp."
"Yi? You also say so, my father and I said so." Small fat eating pain wearing fatigues, side surprised to speak.
To meet the rising sun, Meng Hao walked out of the houses, with small fat man began his cutting wood at backer of fatigue life.
Ten wooden per person per day, in the north district factotum, there is a rapid flow of barren hills, trees standing on the mountain, though not rough, but to many, one eye can't see the marginal, looked much like the beautiful.
Carrying fatigue in ax, Meng Hao rubbed shoulders, the entire arm is acid hemp, faint pain, this heavy axe, as for the fatty boy there is panting, them up to the barren hills, found the assigned area, the sound of banging out gradually, constantly cut down the trees.
"My dad is a rich man, I also is the rich man, I don't do it factotum..." The fat little sad face, wielded an axe.
"You said this strange immortal, they had a spell, do not also need to make a fire, why let us cut down a tree..."
Compared to the one side small fat man ramble about, Meng Hao already tired to say a word, sweating heavily, he in poor YunJie county, eat less meat, so that the body emaciated, strength is not big, sweet time, this moment is less than half column as a whole on didn't cut the trees, catch up.
Look little fat, but also tired trembling, but still sad face in a whisper, and cut down the trees, clear in physical strength, though young, but did a lot of than Meng Haojiang.
Meng Hao wry smile shook his head, through the rest of the time, out of the condensate gas volume to look up again, silent as described above, to feel the nimbus of heaven and earth.
Time passed so quickly in the dusk, Meng Hao this day to cut in two wood for small fat, is cut down as much as eight wood, put together can let a person eat, two people together, small fat man to take food, two points to eat inside the houses, this just tired to fall sleep.
Until the fatty boy shout once again spread across the room, Meng Hao struggle to climb up, persistent, his eyes endure hunger and fatigue, picked up a condensate gas volume silently.
"Before reading, often endorsement until morning, early hungry habit, this kind of life at the moment, although tired, but it is a way out, Meng Hao I not the letter, his imperial examination, in this practice is not a door." Meng Hao more persistent in the eye, with perseverance, bowed their heads and connect.
Until late at night, Meng Hao don't know when to sleep, as if in his sleep and are feeling the spirit of heaven and earth full force, when he was bell to wake up in the morning, open my eyes with bloodshot eyes, teeth to get up, and spirit is full of little fatty, to continue to chop wood.
One day, two days, three days... Until the past two months, this two months, four wooden Meng Hao can gradually cut down every day, but most of his time on the comprehension reiki, in blood increases gradually, until the day's evening, meng haoqi panting rest, cross legs meditate, before long, his body suddenly a shock, he suddenly felt a limb acid hemp, don't see that there like a breath from the condensed out in the flesh and blood.
Then, created a spiritual force in his body, though a flash disappear, but Meng Hao is excited opened his eyes, his fatigue swept away, eyes bloodshot were scattered, the body trembling, now holding condensate gas volume, he this month to eat less, sleep less, in addition to cut wood all the time to feel the reiki, at this moment, finally have the harvest, let Meng Hao spirits.
Time went quickly, and in the past two months, today season is summer in August, irritable the sun be hot.
"Condensate gas into the body, the whole body, meridians, heaven and earth." , at noon on the backer of the scope of the mountains, fiddling with Meng Hao one hand in front of the fire, the one hand and a condensate gas volume of the brochure, carefully savoring.
After a wick sweet, he closes his eyes, feel the body silently even a trace of mild flavor, the flavor is in more than two months ago, was Meng Hao treasure if, now obviously than had a lot of strong, according to the condensate gas volume formula and method of operation, he constantly in this meditation let filar silk breath circulation of whole body.
Time is not long, Meng Hao opened his eyes, and there is a heavier in the distant jungle figure carrying a big axe running fast.
"How, what happened?" Little fatty panting, although still so fat, but he was obviously strong some, after running quickly.
"Still cannot come loose and systemic, but I sure have a week of time, can reach the standard of the first floor of condensate gas." Meng Hao mesh showing confidence in spirits, said with a smile.
"I ask is that chicken." Small fat boy licked his lips at the fire.
"Almost." Meng Hao added her lips and picked up a stick around just through the fire, small fat man buried in the ground immediately picked up an axe ripe pheasant dug out.
Fragrant, two people each allotted half, devoured.
"But since the reiki, you always can catch some pheasant, otherwise we have to starve to death, think of the first two months of life, I think it is a nightmare..." Small fat people eat mouthful is oil, beside Meng Hao habitual form of flattery.
"The game a lot of people are doing these things, you just don't know it." Meng Hao bite a chicken leg, enunciation unclear said.
"Well, a week later if you are in the condensate gas layer, outside a disciple, then what should I do ah, the formula I look not to understand at all." Small fat man pull a long face, eyes looking at Meng Hao.
"The fat man, only became the disciple, may go home." Meng Hao put chicken leg, looking at present little fatty.
Small fat man silent, firmly nodded his head after a long time.
Time when it is six days, the day night, the little fat man already asleep Meng Hao cross legs sit in the houses, he thought of his four months in addition to cut almost all of the time used in condensate gas, think of the first two months ago, scent of excited when they arrived, at the moment deep breath, close the filar silk reiki works when the body and mind after a short boom, this time has not come loose and systemic of reiki, at this moment, suddenly spread to every corner of his body, and a feeling of elation, emerge in the Meng Hao's mind.
In almost Meng Hao reiki to condensate gas layer at the same time, in the cottage, it seems all day and night cross legs sitting on a stone horse face of youth, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the Meng Hao houses, closed her eyes again.
Early in the morning, in the north district factotum many people envy eyes, Meng Hao walked out of the residential houses four months of silence, came to the horse's young side face.
Fatty boy didn't come, at the gate looked at Meng Hao, firm orders.
"Four months become condensate gas layer, not outstanding talent, but also is not stupid." Look young horse face looked at Meng Hao, not indifference, calm to speak.
"This to outside, I want to you account outside the rules, although every month give LingShi, Dan medicine, outside but not ban plunder and to each other, more specified area for killing a public area, you... you watch yourself." Young horse face light said, with a wave of his hand, right hand raised, a jade JianFei out, before falling into a Meng Hao, be Meng Hao hold it in hand.
"Reiki into jade Jane, ZongBaoGe can take you to the outside, there is also a promotion outside disciple registration place." The horse face youth closed her eyes.
Meng Hao silent, again after a worship, turned around and looked at the little fatty, two eyes looked at later on, Meng Hao inner feelings, then no longer want to more, make a pinch hand jade Jane, this jade Jane immediately sends out a soft blue light, slowly forward.
Meng Hao fast walk a few steps to the jade Jane as the guide, gradually away from the bottle washer, in the gate road toward the mountain more walk more far, slowly into the four months, he had never stepped into the area.
There are four main backer cases, is the southeast, northwest periphery is endless mountains the vast boundless, every mountain has a middle factotum, such as Meng Hao north, is the north factotum, but can only stop in the mid-levels, law has the block up, the area of the top of the mountain, only the inner disciple and elders to live.
Four peaks, as for the area between the four peak plain, is surrounded by houses, there is the patron of outside.
Some different backer of land with other door, the next, but is a mountainside factotum can live, this is the patron the door of the bodhi old zu somehow set rules.
Look out here and this is the fog fills the air, can step into after the fog in an instant, reveal Meng Hao eyes, everywhere railing build by laying bricks or stones jade, attic everywhere, even roads are paved with stone, there are so many cases of disciple form outside of wearing green gown, in Meng Hao passed by, also attracted the attention of some attention.
Those eyes with contempt, no compassion, Meng Hao there such as sweep by violent wild animals, reminds him of the horse face brother about outside of discourse.
A little while, outside of the land, southern Meng Hao came to a black next to the attic, the attic has three floors, though black, but it seemed like jade carving out, give a person a kind of glittering and translucent get rid of feeling.
Meng Haogang a looming, attic opened the door quietly, from the inside out of a thin body, middle-aged man, the man in dark green robes, to make a sense of wise. He lifted a hand to grasp, immediately in front of Meng Hao jade Jane fly into his hands, he took one look, lazy words.

"Meng Hao, promoted the disciple, give you separate houses, green robe, spirit tablet, storage bag, a spirit tablet can get the same magic weapon into treasure cabinet." Essence of mans man right hand a rejection, a gray pocket immediately fell among Meng Hao.
Meng Hao looked at the gray bag in his hand one leng, the thought of it all the way to see all the cases of disciple of such pockets are hung on the waist.
"Aura, will carry a number of things." At Meng Hao shrewd man, the heart immediately tell each other must have nothing outside of acquaintances, otherwise can't can't even use store content bag and inner slightly relieved, light openings.
Meng Haowen, immediately will run in the body of the few reiki into pockets inside, in the sight of a fuzzy, seem to see the one and a half's small space, there is a green robe jade Jane, etc.
Seeing this, he immediately some excitement, andao this store content bag is afraid, sometimes I also value this treasure is home means.
Mind to move, space a jade Jane appeared in his hands, gazing into a look, there is a map, describes the outside this area, a remote corner of the houses, there will be Meng Hao later.
"Go back and read, treasure cabinet already open, don't enter." Wise men said the cold voice.
Meng Hao raised his head, will store content bag into his arms, looked at the attic door open eyes, deep breath, with a hint of expectation, marching into them.
The moment of the step into treasure, Meng Hao suddenly look a change, the breath.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Arouse the enthusiasm of the five houses hermetic

Now a single sex model has far cannot satisfy the needs of both sides. Due to various pressures, let men and women both parties did not spend so much energy in private, is often a haphazard, elaborate work. Such sex without a past passion and interest. So how to save it? How to transfer the woman has been hidden passion?
Days in advance, people's ideas also change with The Times is changing, for example, the original people about sex are almost closed, but now many people are not in secrecy, but to talk about. As a man naturally want to show their abilities in front of women, especially in the aspect of sex, man has always played a dominant role, while women only enjoy, but some women just don't fit, so let men confidence to sweep the floor. Master this applauded the five skills, let a woman scream for you.
Slow fine clay pot
Churned out taste will never than simmered. Like the lip stick glass, when I lick like to antique sweep the dust off and touch, I will like to burn the unction of... In short, in accordance with the film slow motion speed command you mouth, tongue, hand, it makes her skin more sensitive than ever.
Don't always remains the same after dinner before going to bed to do those things, but also is fixed on the bed! This woman will because there is no fresh and stimulating distractions, cannot make the bed, of course, the consequences of not call bed is your orgasm is very difficult to achieve. Change the place, such as the floor, such as the car. Change the time, such as weekend morning or warm afternoon sunshine.
Grab a short time
When you are busy, sex is easy to be ignored. But a quick sex is better than not, after all, and it will make your relationship work, until you have more time and energy together. So on the schedule, please allow time for your intimate relationship.
Live in surprise
A lot of people say what they want to feel is very embarrassing, so show each other may be easier to choose - and more sexy. When you are about to reach orgasm, you come to dominate, you'll have a better process.
Have a laugh
Yes, he had just started dating, you try to avoid embarrassment. A joke, your friend will feel very good. Make a fuss, or neglect, or cry, it can really help you. You need is not out of control, of course, laughter, but a sense of humor, the success of the importance of sex as a condom.

After hearing the groan of sexual intercourse in the next room...

After heard groans of sexual intercourse in the next room
You will have what kind of reaction

Remember that time
Hear the sound of the next door
Dormitory quiet for two seconds, then
Take out a cellular phone to start recording... everybody
According to the discretion of the voice inflection and moaning
To what degree to analyze the two sides
Then restore the picture in my mind
The last time to check in
Next to a couple of too oscillation
Then... I called louder than she
Must not be weaker than her
Have a live outside
The room sound insulation effect is not very good
When more than 1 point in the middle of the night
There is a woman began to cry
There is not any sound after 5 minutes
I was very distressed that woman
Silently I opened the little porn
Up the music
Quiet moment
Share with your classmates
Classmate and her boyfriend live together
Due to the rent place bed instability
They often lay music sexual intercourse
But really good hear you clearly
Sorry to remind
Can only silently pretended to hear
Can't hear you... see... see...
Your girlfriend out of the closet
Or your boyfriend out of the drawer
Then call the voice of the greater than them!
Call time longer than them!
Let them shame!
I just want to say
Why sexual intercourse when speak in tongues
The accent is not sharp
In a quick hotel
Hear that bed
In the mind reaction is: god, so loudly...
I went to, sound good to listen to...
I wipe, boyfriend looking good...
I le a go, but also to bully the old niang didn't bring a boyfriend is...
Good good finally finished...
I wipe, is coming again, 3 p...
I went to, the man won't kidney... I am man
Call best friend listen to live together...
A few years ago lived in rent
Every time the that girl next door call bed
I play table tennis against the wall
As a result it wasn't long before the next moved away
Dormitory feel
Alone or with friends
After hearing the next sex moan
We all can "cool"
But if it is and live together with their parents
Is really embarrassing

Friday, December 16, 2016

I want to seal day--Backers of--0002

The backer, is located in the south Shan zhao on the edge of the earth south domain, was zhao four big door, even the entire south domain are also quite a name, but now, than it once was, also does not have the once glorious, now in zhao, can be tough.
Actually the backer was not called this name, just before the one thousand out of a sensation throughout the south domain of monks, who since the backer bodhi old zu, has forced the ancestor the door instead of the name of the backer, bullying, almost all cases of exploiting the zhao door of treasure, scenery is not two.

But now in one thousand years, much transformed, backer bodhi old zu has been missing for more than four hundred years, were it not for the life and death is unknown, threatens the future trouble, may have been other cases of annexation, now the backer of sunset xishan, coupled with the limited resources of zhao, even to recruit is shunned by the other three cases of fatigue, also need to disciple go out to come, not to mention aboveboard open widely accept disciples.
With green robe man behind, Meng Hao walking on the backer of the mountains, all around such as taoyuan, stone strange trees everywhere, the mountains, these luxury penthouse within the cloud and mist, as if the tiles are paved with jade, see Meng Hao exclamation, just around the little fat boy sad all the way, let the Meng Hao feel some bad here.
"Over over, this time really over..."
"I want to go home, the home has a big steamed bread, home have a fish..."
"Damn, damn, I should be inherited home ZuTian later, become a master, a few united, I should not lay here..." The little fat man shivering, while murmurs from the sad face, tears in eyes.
He muttered, all the way until after half a lamp that tea time, walk in the front of the green robe man came the voice of indifference.
"Say nonsense, directly cut your tongue."
Small fat body suddenly shivered, his eyes reveal strong fear, hurriedly put his mouth covered, body trembling more intense.
This curtainfall Meng Hao eyes, let he suddenly feel as if things is not so good I want to, but he was determined, at the moment deep breath, also did not say more.
Time is not long, in halfway up the mountain, Meng Hao saw between the clouds rolling ahead, revealing rows flat house, there are seven or eight teenagers wearing the same thick hemp gown, a tired sitting outside the houses, a few people noticed Meng Hao, but largely ignored.
Sitting nearby, a piece of rock, a youth wearing a light blue gown, the man faces slightly longer, like horse face, clothes is significantly than the young showily, look with indifference, can be seen in coming up with Meng Hao green robe man, he stood up respectfully towards green robe man fuels a worship.
"Visit brother."
"These two are new mountain factotum, right now you arrange accommodation." Green robe man a face, say that finish turned to look at Meng Hao 2 people, step away.
After he left, the horse face youth cross legs and sat down again, cold swept Meng Hao with little fatty.
"Here is the north factotum, backer is not a waste, you two people came to this place, both do half jia factotum, expiration of Japan went down the mountain, if midway escape, barren hills, more ten death there is no life. Get factotum unlined upper garment, from now on and then cut off from the bun, set his mind at to do handyman." Two young horse face looked at Meng Hao, cold openings.
Shivering little fat body more, in despair, Meng Hao look is very calm, eyes hidden in the strange spirits, made the horse face gave Meng Hao youth pay more attention, he here for many years, have seen quite a few young, was caught to lay such as Meng Hao so calm in front of him, is rare.
Fatigue is not such as "human nature is good, you must full half jia, who can also practice, if can achieve condensate gas layer, it is no longer factotum, advancement to be outside the disciple." Young horse face light mouth, big sleeve of a rejection, immediately in front of Meng Hao with small fat, their respective appeared a coarse linen gown, there is the size of the thumb above're, engraved with "miscellaneous" word.
In addition, there is a small volume, with three little words.
Condensate gas volume.
Three little words fall into this Meng Hao eyes, immediately let Meng Hao shortness of breath are up and now he stared at the brochure, the moment to mind, is before the green robe man on woman is grim compliment words mentioned in the seven layers of condensate gas.
"Outside the condensate gas layer can be a disciple, that caught me woman, she is... what is condensate gas condensate gas seven layer, is this not the legendary cultivate immortality.
Is it should lay wages, although such wages is not silver, but if you can take out, will be sold to the king! "Meng Hao bait, and grabbed the gown, wrap're with the brochure.
"West first seven rooms, are you two people, from tomorrow on, you two people work is chopping wood, wood of 10 / person/day can't do, do not have to have a meal." Young horse face to say that finish, closed her eyes.
Meng Haoshen breath, learn to each other from before and after a worship fuels, pull a small fat man hurriedly walked towards houses, there seems to be an expanded the siheyun of many times, according to the room outside door, found the first seven west room, opened the door after entering into it.
Room is small, in addition to the two small bed and a table, although simple, but is very clean, sat down on a bed, the little fat man no longer insist on not to live at the moment, crying.
He is 12 years old, at the moment to cry voice is very loud and clear, even if in the outside as if also can hear the echo.
"My dad is a rich man, I should also is a rich man, I don't lay......" Small fat man cry very sad, shivering body fat also with trembling.
"Don't cry, but you think it is good, we are working for fairy, said out how many people envy us." Meng Hao hurriedly to close the door, and comfort.
"I don't want to work, my family had money, and... I thought all say out, dowry to the past, have mercy on me that is not the door beautiful darling, it is not about grass widow yao..." Small fat man the more the more sad cry.
Meng Hao look a little odd, andao this small fat person is not large, had said, his so big age, today did not even touched a woman's hand, not the feeling of rich is good, the little fat man rich in the home, food, and their poor, ancestral homes were sold last year, now still owe w debt next week.
But think of the borrower, the Meng Haole, thought oneself had come together here, zhou w just for yourself, if if will not be able to go out alone after a half jia, estimated each other... Is gone.
Thinking about thinking, Meng Hao more think here is good, need not spend money can solve the food and clothing, we haven't even work of wages have to value the gold, and in particular, this is the place where the immortals live Meng Hao came here and found for yourself can be said to be a survivor.
The fatty boy crying upset, Meng Hao just picked up the booklet inside the coarse linen shirts, cross legs sat up in bed, read up, opened the first page, read the first sentence, Meng Hao some dumbfounded.
"If people have when backer, mortal life riches and honour, the godsworn easy if there is life, my backer, the old is the patron." Open book, this is the booklet from backer bodhi old zu.
A few dozens of words, but give a unutterable swagger, more naked for the backer, let Meng Hao paused, suddenly feel this sentence is reasonable.
"This is not the backer of the backer, meaning, to find the backer, find the backer of life with a silver spoon in her mouth. After" Meng Haoyue think more think this sentence is very correct, think of yourself if there is a big officer do the backer, is continuous this three times. Sigh for it never saw the bodhi old zu, close to the faint with respect, he felt that life is a door, at the moment as the words, have opened slowly.
"That is to say, I am in this backer, should use various methods to find the backer for oneself, so can be safe here." Meng Hao eyes more bright, continue through the hands of the brochure, forget time, forget the cry of nearby little fatty.
Until the night, the little fat man crying tired have to sleep, snoring echoed houses, Meng Haocai reluctant to go on the brochure, although tired, but the look in his eye is great verve.
"This book is not worth hundreds of gold, this is worth money!" Meng Hao murmuring, life dream officials make a fortune to become a rich man, he can appreciate the value of something if it is to the daughter, then this thing for him, has been promoted to the second only to the point of life.
Purring is excited and is little fat man ceases to look Meng Hao one leng, with your eyes closed, see small fat man had sat up from the bed, both hands to play, read aloud.
"Killing you, rob my steamed buns, I killed you, you dare to rob my lady." Some point, the little fat boy close your eyes and get out of bed, a power of the wind in the room, accidentally bumped into a table, can let the Meng Hao zheng big eyes, the little fat man has a hard to bite on the table cape, leaving a deep after the tooth marks, this just went back to bed continue to sleep, snoring sound again.
Meng Hao see little fatty along while, identified the man has a habit of it and then looked at the table Angle, faint feel the fatty boy asleep, not provoke, carefully move away some, bowed their heads and looked at the brochure, look to continue excited.

The "path to condensate gas nine layers, a fairy, as the immortal works, can be a fairy, that's the biggest wages, if I not the letter himself immortal, also cannot make a rich man!" Cling Meng Hao brochure, strong light eyes, he saw himself in addition to the reading of another road.
At this moment, suddenly the door of houses a bang, being a feet chuai open, a cold hum subsequently introduced into the room.
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I want to seal day--Scholar Meng Hao--0001

Zhao is a small country, such as the south Shan the other small nations of the earth, the east soil, datang, changan, this is the Lord's admiration, also guo-wen zhao gave birth to the ideal, as are the city's buildings, and the palace's high, as can be seen from outside the mountains east changan.

Season in April, say a cold, and natural no time hot, slight wind touching the earth, and over the northern desert QiangDi, blowing through the east datang soil, such as fog up some dust, in the evening sunset, turned a corner, roll in the south edge of zhao daqingshan, fell on to the top at the moment in the castle peak, a Vincent who sat there.
Young some thin, holding a bottle gourd, dressed in a clean blue gown the scribe, and look about 16 years old, a word is not high, some black skin, but with a clear eyes with intelligent, and just this moment eyebrows rose, make intelligent inside collect, many with a vacant look.

"This again..." Young sighed, and his name is Meng Hao, under the daqingshan YunJie county is a typical scholar, early parents suddenly disappeared, leave a house is not much, reading a lot over the years, to lean lean, such as washing now.
"Test for three years, three years to watch the sage books all day long, have seen several desire to sick, the imperial really isn't my Meng Hao future road?" Meng Hao self-mockery, looking down at the hands of the hoist, some look bleak.
"Officials be rich to be a rich man's ideal has been more and more far, not to mention money after to the east soil datang... is the wrong with scholar." Meng Hao wry smile, sitting in the quiet of the top of the mountain, looking at the hands of the hoist, look at a more and more deep, there is a fear of the future in the vacant, confusion of his own life, not knowing what can be done later, where also don't know the way of the future.

Will there be a noble bullish on yourself, whether there is a miss purdah suddenly like yourself, or after some years, oneself also in the imperial examinations.
These questions have no answer, for a young people at the age of 16, such confusion, as if into a big bite, consumes his invisible, he was a bit scared.
"Mr Even the teaching in the county seat, a month and only a few money, even as heirs to the carpenter shop to make money, early know so first some years not to read, and the old man to learn carpentry, wang want finally to adequate food and clothing in the future, better than nothing. Now" Meng Hao silence.
"Has not much food in the home, silver also spends very little, still owe the week w two silver, and three... what can I do in the future." Meng Hao raised his head and looked at the sky, muttered, the sky is very blue, very big, far away with no end in sight, as if he could not see the future.
Long after, Meng Hao shook his head, take out a piece of paper from the bosom, looked at it carefully, put the note into the gourd, stood up and sees the gourd cast castle peak.

Castle peak under a broad river, the river of winter is not cold, the legend to the east datang soil.
Mountain Meng Hao, quietly looking at the foot of the river is floating away in the gourd, without blinking, as if saw his mother, see the joys of childhood, the gourd, hooked his ideal, with his magnificent prospect for the future, more the farther gone with the wind, I do not know the future one day, who would have picked up the bottle gourd, see the note inside.
Until the past dozens of interest time, Meng Haocai look back, will look in the vacant hidden, deep breathing the breath of a top of the mountain, firm orders.
"Anyway, reading, work, is always to live...." Meng Hao personality is such, intelligent, with a strong, if not, early go out after his parents could not have a man to live alone now.
Meng Hao looked up and looked at the sky, in a firm of deeper, is headed for the hill.
At this moment, suddenly from under the cliff came the faint sound of the voice is like the wind blows away, fall into Meng Haoer weak seemed to be difficult to detect.
"Help... help..."
Meng Hao footsteps, dazed and listened to carefully, after a sound of the help at the moment with his focus is clear.
Meng Hao fast walk a few steps, and got to the top of the mountain edge, look down, soon see in the steep hillside, there seems to be a deep crack, someone from there out half of the body, pale with terror and despair are Shouting.
"You... but Meng Hao, help, meng wit save me." Out halfway up the hill was a teenager, he saw Meng Hao at a glance, look immediately show surprise, as if in the deepest water is the will.
"Wang Youcai?" Meng Hao opened the big eye, looked at halfway up the hill where the teenager, who he knew, was the county carpenter spread heirs to son.
"You... how do you run here?" Meng Hao glanced at the bottom of the mountainside cracks, there is very steep, can't let the people go on climbing, a slightly do not pay attention to must fall in the river below.
Especially the river rushing, once fell into the water near.
"Is more than I, and several other people nearby county, we are all here, Meng Xiong stop first, quick save us out." Wang Youcai quickly opening, xu had body in the long run, there one hand clutched empty air when the words say that finish, if not be behind companion catch garment unlined upper garment, nearly fell, frighten Wang Youcai was more pale.
Meng Hao saw the risks, but he alone up the mountain, no rope to save there is no way to look back at the moment at ma of cane, a bright eyes immediately start looking for.
He is thin body, with two column sweet time, this just find enough long cane, panting hurriedly rolled cane back to the cliff edge, side was chanting the name of the Wang Youcai below, side bend over to cane along the cliff.
"You haven't said, you what's up?" Asked Meng Hao along a cane.
"Fly!" Say the word is not Wang Youcai, but his side out of one body eight or nine years old boy, this young looking dignified and strong, speak loudly.
"What bullshit, fly fly, you can fly, why not fly now." Meng Hao taunt, simply drag rattan up a little.
"Don't listen to his nonsense, we are a woman who will fly to grasp, to take us to what lay." Wang Youcai hurriedly open, afraid to provoke Meng Hao recovery of the cane.
"Bullshit again, can fly? That is the legendary immortal, who believe ah." Meng Hao, andao oneself read books, there are many story to be a rich man met fairy results, this kind of thing, just book lying.
Watch that cane into the cliffs, the crack was Wang Youcai grabbed, but suddenly, behind Meng Hao think evil wind blast, as if suddenly back in the winter, the temperature of around him shivering body, subconsciously looked back, immediately exclaimed, whole person nearly empty fall cliffs.
You couldn't see a pale, elderly woman, dressed in a silver gown, standing straight in there looking at the Meng Hao, that girl looks very beautiful, but the white face, Yin cold breath, but has a sense of just from the grave to climb out of.
"Some qualifications, since yourself to, also calculate your creature."
This voice falls as bones in the friction in the ears, especially the women's eyes seemed to contain some kind of weird power, let Meng Hao glance, immediately the instant a cold, as if no secret in front of the woman, has been through the whole body.
Words echoed in the still, that female sleeves jilt, suddenly a green wind rolled up Meng Hao moment, in Meng Hao exclaimed, with that female have fallen to the cliff, the scene me-what let meng huge brain a blank.
Stay in the cracks, this woman's hand a jilt, throws Meng Hao directly into the cracks, she entered into between green wind roar. She came in, immediately frighten of Wang Youcai three people back.
The woman stood there without a word, just look up at a glance on Fang Shun cane.
Meng Hao body shaking, inner tension, climb up quickly and looked around, behind the crack is not big, inside is very small, standing a few people has no spare.
When his eyes fell upon Wang Youcai, saw him two teenagers, a guy is that looking dignified and strong, the other is white white net body is fat, they are now the body trembling, look of fear, seems to be fast to cry out.
"This is a deficiency, you and they together." The face turned pale as if don't have any emotional woman, now no longer go to the cane, but send Meng Hao eyes rested.
"Who are you...... you." Meng Hao simmered inner panic, after all, he had read many books, and the strength of character, in spite of fear, but know not panic at the moment.
Woman did not speak, with a wave of his hand, right hand raised, and the green wind again, roaring up Meng Hao and Wang Youcai people, with the woman who flew out of the cave, straight to the sky, the moments disappeared, only the daqingshan, still stands, in the dusk of the evening melts gradually into the darkness.
Meng Hao pale face, he saw himself in the green wind, unexpectedly TianJue crossing, there gallop to fly between heaven and earth, in front of the wind blow into the mouth, feel breathing difficulties, can be a word is strong to mind.
"Fairy?" He insisted on dozens of interest, and hard to bear, black blacked out at the moment.
When he opened his eyes, has been in a mountainside bluestone ground, surrounded by rolling hills, the cloud is not traveling, to see some beautiful surrounded by mountains, the attic with strangers.
Him Wang Youcai and two other young, have to wake up at the moment, is the body trembling fear looked at his back to the four people ahead of the woman.
In the front of the woman, there are two of the men in green robes, age seems to have is about 20 years old, but are eyes sag, the pupil green, cost most daunting.
"Said the teacher elder sister good, go out a unexpectedly brought back four little Eva with qualifications." One of the two men with a compliment to the woman said.
"Will they bring fatigue." That female listless, look at Meng Hao four people, move between the people into a changhong, mergence between mountains disappear.
Meng Hao has been restored at this time in mind, he disappeared all looked at the woman's place, in has gradually revealed a bit on him for 16 years, unprecedented spirits, the spirits to Meng Hao heart, suddenly erupted.
"Factotum? This is working for fairy, should make it." Meng Hao expect, because he looked out, the people here is not the key.
"Said the teacher elder sister has come to condensate gas layer 7, return to teach gives wind complications, not to build the base you can fly, let a person envy." Another brother green robe, regrets, then look with high above the meaning, look at Meng Hao four.
"You, and you, and follow me, go to the southern district of fatigue." Between words, the man pointed to the Wang Youcai and its side looking dignified and strong boy.
"This...... what is this place?" Is the man a finger, Wang Youcai shivering body, and tremolo.
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