Saturday, March 25, 2017

90 girls tell you why women like to find the secret of spare tire

Every woman has a close to the hearts of the perfect male god, like Cinderella's Prince Charming, young handsome, the right to gold, the focus is still loving her willing to pay everything even for her life!

But women dream of the gods in the real world does not exist, but the dream or to have, if you can find the low with the version of the fun?

Girls like to find the three reasons for spare tire:

Focus on a man who found the perfect qualities of the gods who are very difficult, it does not matter, no words to find a few more than the number of chanting!

Such as A money, give her a variety of buy lipstick to buy a car to buy a house, to the maximum to meet her vanity, but A is likely to be long and ugly old, the focus is still home can not give her Name points He knew she liked his money, and she knew he was buying money for her youth. This is not a love, but a reasonable deal on both sides tacit.

This time B appeared, young handsome, furious, looked very warm and warm people feel comfortable, but also sincerely to her, but he is more stiff, only silly hard to love her, and just into the community Not too much personal connections and a good economic base, the money may be more strained, want to give her the best but can not do, and occasionally may also need her to pay the bill or can not be happy dating, after all, dating needs money ah!

Later, C appeared, forgive my life bohemian love that he is, and B as young and handsome, but better than B know a woman, body type perfect he knows how to make her fascinated for him, but also in her most excited When he let her want to die, but he is not her a person, he has a lot of women, he knows what women need most, but also to meet her needs, because he knows women, but also know how to coax women and then To capture their hearts, tired of running to continue to find the next conquest of the target, fear of having tried the best man but never have can not conquer.

Was C hurt her heart of this time will go to B for comfort, after all, B only love her a person, let her feel that they are being worried about the need, after the mood to think about what else, This time A come in handy, say where to do is not a word thing?

Lao Tzu nothing, poor only money, do you want?

To meet their own vanity, would like to prove their charm boundless beauty if the angel sinking fish goose closed month shy flowers dumping the country ... ... cough cough ... ... this is the green tea bitch originator ... ...

This type of girls will often deal with a variety of men, one day for a year 365 days without heavy children, But they will not really and those boys fucking, after all, they single-handedly hand-picked. The meaning of this is the single you want to buy, gifts to send, love to be enough, but his mother's body you can not touch Oh.

Yes, they really do not mess up.

They just want to raise their own in front of the value of men, so that their men to pay a little more, you see, but his wife had a lot of suitors.

They also want to show their charm in front of women, the same woman, but they can put the man in the hands of the hands, while other women can only envy jealousy hate!

Really cool, drip cooler than with the wind oil drops! The The

There are a class of more special female groups, they do not know what spare tire, they just like a lot of boys and play together, from time to time to accept from their help, and from time to time to give feedback to them a little help, after all, everyone Are friends Well, friends should not help each other?

This two come, the boys do not think she was interesting to him, but she really only when he is a friend. Or boys do not think she is a bitch, because she is the same for other boys.

But the truth is that she did not think so much of the nerve big, that the other side need to help to reply.

Do not know is that she was warm woman, or that she was too naive and kind.

Baby is also small, do not understand those between you dirty feelings

So the focus came, boys how to attack these three girls?

Let's start with the simplest!

The third kind of nerve big and warm female

This type of girls in love is basically a piece of white paper, you need is to use time and opportunity to capture her. For example, she only when you are her buddy, may occasionally take a shoulder, this time do not control the other, do not hesitate, pro go, pro go, pro go, important things to say three times! The The And then tell her you like her, want to take her more than just want to be his buddies or friends.

In the past when she has not been slow to continue onslaught, playground Ye Hao game room worth mentioning, looking for opportunities to continue to hug her holding her extra raids, tease her until she was your first time. But when the need to warn her not to give too many other men to reply, to know how to refuse, so that after the green.

The second type of green tea bitch

First you need money, have the right, and be patient.

They are more vain so bad luck is sure that this type of female comparison for the gift of what is the need to high-profile, such as sending flowers do not send home downstairs, drove to her to the company, the more colleagues see the better , Which will let her vanity burst burst times have children face, this time the boys should take her still dizziness, then by hot blacksmith hit her in one fell swoop.

The first type of woman who seeks solace in all kinds of men

To take this type of woman, of course, the economy should not be too tight, small gifts can be sent, travel can bring. The most important thing is that you will flirt and know how to change, if you are too obedient to her will lose interest in you, if you are too hard, she will find another target.

So you have to do is ambiguous, let her a mind in the study of your body and no empty to find other men, for example, you usually chat with her when she was enough care, remember that she said every little thing, so Will make her feel that you attach great importance to her, but when you want to work when she would like you to accompany her, you must resolutely say no.

Let her love you and hate, and when she had to leave you to find the next target as a sustenance when you almost want to see her face and relive the old situation, let her re-ignite the fire for you, again and again The

In addition to men will not baby, which pay less?

Some time ago, snow art gave me a micro letter said: "Come out to sit, I have a big good news to tell you."

good news? Is it going to get married?

I and so on for a long time, and finally see his male vote carefully with the ancestors like to help her come in. I looked at her at least 5 months of his belly, said: "Congratulations! Finally willing to get married?

She looked happily touched the stomach, pretend to cover his face and said: "This is not forced to no way Well.

"Everything is for your son Well, you will not even work to quit, right?" I took the wedding invitation, jokingly.

"Yes, I have decided, when a full - time housewife, husband and wife, husband singing with.


It was not long before the snow gave birth to a son.

That day, I was ready to go out, but received her grievances of monstrous telephone. I can not help but wonder: "little grandmother, see friends circle your day is not a very good thing?

"I regret, I do not want to be a full - time wife.

"What's the matter?"

"This man is married before marriage is two different things. Playing small ancestors were born, all things have changed.I am busy from late to late, both to laundry, cooking, dragging to sweep ... ... but also wait on the small ancestors. Was half dead, he fell well, came back to the sofa on a lying, just like dead bodies like, the children crying wow wow not only no matter, but also noisy ... ... "

"Maybe you are too tired to work, you understand the chant." I said.

He is tired of I do not tired? He simply do not know how hard a woman at home full of hard.He paid with me than what? I pregnant in October, experienced a pregnant, experienced the operating table of life and death test, milk……"

"Snow art, calm down ... ..." I would like to wake her, but I did not, she needs a vent channel.


In fact, more than snow art, I have heard a lot of women complain - after marriage, her husband pay less and less.

Most men are very helpless, obviously they did not change, but still be nagging every day! But many men do not know that your change is precisely the problem is where, because she changed:

First, the role of marriage changes.

Before marriage, they are mostly small family at home, as long as the beautiful flowers to feed themselves on the line, as to love, but also in the arms; but after marriage, for the mother just, they instantly from an official into a separate Wife, a child mother.
They have to enter a new family environment, but also like the past to work, but also learn to exercise housework, take care of children. From the care of the child into a child to take care of the child, life is also 180 degrees so. She's paid for the growth of geometric levels.

But the men in their eyes are still busy working every day as before (and most of the time there is no change in income). Hatchback comparison, they naturally feel that they pay more, and men less.
Although many male compatriots may be wronged, I am also very tired ah. But in fact you can not blame her, because on the one hand the man's efforts and pay mainly reflected in the work, but all this basically occurred in the company, women can not see; the other hand, the character of men also tend to Tolerance And bear, so most men do not shout tired to a woman

In fact, couples in one, both sides want to be harmonious, need both understanding and consensus. As a wife should understand the social role of men is not easy; as a husband, should understand and affirm their sacrifice and pay for the family, and strive to change their role, more understanding of his wife. Only Thanksgiving, can all the way counterparts, storms.

Second, sensibility to rational change.

Women are born willing to pay, and they are often less worthy of gains and losses. In their minds, love is not a sale, do not have every minute is considered clear. Feelings should be cherished, I love him, I would like to pay for him.
But we also know that no one is willing to pay, so when they get married to pay to a certain extent, they do not get any return or attention, she will stop to think: I continue to pay worth it? Do I have to pay for it all the time? Therefore, they look back at their own way to pay, and then compare the status of her husband now, naturally feel that they pay more.

Third, the pursuit of fairness.

In fact, this little Xiaobian feel less need to explain, you only need to ask yourself, as a man of you, is not also feel that they are very hard, work every day to the people nodded, pay a lot to barely maintain the status quo, and women do? Every day to control the operation of the home, you may buy two or two pieces of clothing, a few pieces of skin care products, it took out a large sum, you are not also feel unfair?

So the male friends, when the women began to complain, do not blindly expressed disgust, at the appropriate time, you should also pay for his wife to express or support, but also try to let her know your hard, mutual understanding is King


So, how can you improve the way you get along with sex, for example, you can:

1. help little things. Try not to go home to Ge You lying, but with his wife to cook, to help her fight to start, or get off work on the way to buy a piece of her favorite little cake. Women are very attention to detail, you help me in these trivial little things, to reduce her burden, so she felt your love for her, she will not only complain will be reduced, will in turn understand you.

2. Before going to bed communication. Xiaobian understand everyone is usually very busy, no time to communicate, but long-term communication is certainly a problem, so it is better to take 10-20 minutes before going to bed chat, both sides talk about the day encountered interesting things to discuss Some of their own ideas. More communication, so that each other can feel the love.

3. love ritual sense. In fact, many women feel that they pay much more after marriage, mainly feel that men no longer pay attention to their own, this is because the marriage before marriage compared to the love of the ceremony less a lot, so try every time or anniversary, to Wife to bring a gift or go out to eat a meal.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Men are hard, dissonant life is the best proof

Men live really tired, it seems that the man is actually more fragile than women, then the words are not empty words.Man always say that they are difficult, and these difficult in the end made the woman out, but the man to put their own lattice lock? These problems can be reflected from the sex life between husband and wife.

One: was ridiculed timid cowardly
    Since ancient times there is a hero to save the United States that, but men like beauty, so in the minds of men who want to be a beauty to admire the hero. Unfortunately, we are a civilized society, so there is not so much beauty is needed But this does not mean that men will give up their hero dream, for men, ridicule their courage is nothing, is nothing more than in the darkness they are not enough men, but for them, but for them, but for men, An insult.
Two: looks picky
    I have always thought that only a woman will care about their own appearance, in fact, men are also very concerned about this recently a friend made a girlfriend, has always felt that their standard body is not strong enough, not enough to give his girlfriend a sense of security In fact, from the mouth of his girlfriend to say is that her man is still a little muscle, so that men do not self - confidence on their appearance, often from their own psychological pressure, in fact, women are concerned, not How much man is so tall and handsome, the woman is more concerned about is the man how sincere she is.However, it is said that men care about his appearance of his evaluation, all because of their own genes enough confidence, like those short Men always want to find a tall woman, they hope to complement each other to make up for their shortcomings, so that a woman if the discerning man looks, will be understood by men is not optimistic about his genes.

 Three: when his face boast another man
     Like a woman does not want men in front of another woman like another, the man is also very much about the woman when his face boast another man, even if the man is a woman's family or a friend of men, men can not stand, women and When he was together, but desperately boast another man, which in addition to let men think you look down on him, but also very mentally handicapped. Imagine, men love face, especially in front of their beloved woman, most Is to get the other side sure, you in front of his face to boast another man, nothing more than to tell him that there is another man better than him, if the man also happens to be his understanding, imagine which man can tolerate Got it?
Four: was exposed short
    The same is the face of the problem, in fact, also involves the problem of life, try to think of a woman if you are exposed in a certain day at a certain time, made a double eyelid surgery, I think the feeling will be very uncomfortable time? The so-called beat people do not play face, curse people do not expose short, expose the shortcomings of the original is the villain behavior, even if it is a close love do not easily step on this restricted area.As a smart woman, should know when silence is gold It is always the highest realm of life, people who are straightforward are always easy to offend others, the failure of a man is like a scar, just need to leave the man slowly to lick, the woman should do is Learn to make their own memory almost.
Five: open private life
    Remember to know a woman before, always like her and her husband out of things, what day to help her husband to wash underwear, the sun on the balcony but it was the wind ran, what today bought a few cans Soft drinks a few volumes of toilet paper at night to find his husband reimbursed, and even his husband will be snoring at night to come out that people have two sides, her husband can be considered a bit of social status, Many people support, and in their own homes, all the men will unload the armed, restore the most true self, and at the moment he is not fortified, digging nostrils grasping the scalp.If a woman between you and him Secret as talk about, for men, is tantamount to his weakness and weaknesses exposed in front of others, he will be kind of betrayed the feeling, which will be excluded in front of you to reveal the most real side.
 Six: sexual performance
    Every man wants to be able to live a long, comfortable, but the men always powerless, and women in the face of the attitude of men can not help when the attitude will be a great impact on the performance of men. Women also like to promote the husband and wife between the point of addiction, to know men do not, not all physiological problems, many are from the psychological problems, women's ridicule is caused by men "psychological not" reasons. Mentioned that woman, her husband three days do not go home, we all know how the matter.While she has been married for many years has not had children, afraid of being jokes, will be everywhere to promote her husband in bed not work. I think for men, in bed may not be much more serious than no money, so the man with a beautiful young woman out of pairs, with action to tell you that he is not "no" Is that he did not have a "sex." As for the end is not doing the way, we do not know, I only know whether it is OK or not, women should not come out everywhere said.

Women want to do one night when the action will do

Men looking for one night is to stimulate, or their marriage is boring, want to find some fun. Women one night because the heart is lonely, need to find a man to soothe yourself lonely heart. Whether it is male or female, looking for a night of Huan, are some adventure and lonely feelings of loneliness. So, today Xiaobian to give you an analysis: women find a one-night feeling of complex psychology and women want to engage in one-night stand will make what action.
Women hinted at the five signals of men one night stand
1, with men talk about private topics
      "A good relationship to a certain extent with him to talk about family or girlfriend's private topic." Women talk to you about your friends and relatives of private affairs, it shows that her heart has been like you. At this time the male not only to act as a good audience, but also open their own heart to show love. This time men must grasp the opportunity Oh.

2, do not mind "indirect kiss", and men with a spoon to eat
Many women are indirectly kissed from physiologically excluded and unwanted men. So when the meal with women if nothing had asked: "I can taste it?" Is hinted that she has a good impression on you.
3, midnight call to talk for a long time
"Midnight would like to talk to him is like his best evidence." Women call at midnight is to show her mind. So long as you can be a good audience, your relationship with her will be further.
4, the number of physical contact increased
Many women in the feeling of good relations with men, will naturally contact a part of the male body to show close. Nevertheless, women on the male active physical contact or have wary, so we must adhere to the "passive" principle.
A woman 's psychological interpretation of one - night stand
One: odd curiosity.
Because the network is now filled with a lot of sexual knowledge, often tempted the young children, so that they have just budding heart, had a great curiosity on sex, coupled with the Internet many enthusiastic satyrs, such small sister It is easy to get into the satyr's mouth, become a victim of one night stand. Because the network so that people of different ages together, do not want to admit that their naive tend to become a fatal injury to the children After the loss, maybe she did not understand what happened ... ... because of a rebellious age, so they always have a fearless psychological to pursue excitement and fun, but to bring their own injury ... ... I think That is, should not look do not look, do not do not do, for your own good.
Two: injury is frequent to find a night of the roots of girls, from their heart injury
The most is the boyfriend was abandoned, and this boyfriend is often their first man, the first thought that you can entrust the life of the man. So after breaking up with them, the psychological great harm, do not believe in love, so began to deliberately indulge themselves, with one night to make up for their own heart wounds.
And because of the disappointment of love, coupled with the indulgence of their own indulgence, this complex feelings will lead to psychological that they are a bad girl, more indulge themselves, so frequent one-night stand. In fact, only an emotional catharsis, they use the extreme feeling to release the heart of the gloomy, this one-night stand, they are just a disguised form of self-flagellation, like a wounded beast, but kept in tearing their wounds, Let the wound kept bleeding ... ... I would like to tell this kind of girl is: it is not necessarily pain, can feel their own existence, in fact, you can change back. People are already easy to live, please cherish yourself, cherish your body.
Three: desire for sexual desire.
Food color, sex also. With the concept of open, many women on their own desire to more direct expression. They find a one-night stand is naked sex needs, often divorced ah, her husband is not long-term around ah ... ... In fact, women and men, like the body has a physical needs, so they are eager to meet their needs through a one-night stand.
Freud said in an "illusionary future" that "man is a low - energy mentally handicapped creature that is governed by instinctive desires.
Four: solitary lonely heart often need to appease.
When the long night, no one accompanied by the time, the psychological loneliness, often a single woman is a single reason for one night. In fact, the need for sex is not large, just looking for individuals to accompany themselves, and their own through the long night. One night stand is a kind of filling for the warmth of the yearning and the fear of loneliness. Such girls generally open concept, advanced thinking ... ... full of desire for romantic feelings. I want to say is that attention to contraception ... ...
Five: angry anger may lose a person a big change.
This girl is often more lively, temper more hot. Often in the fight with her boyfriend, deliberately with a one-night stand to quell their own feelings. In fact, their hearts just want to vent about, as a child, like my heart is anyway boyfriend so do not care about me, I want to deliberately him. In fact, she just wanted to find someone to care about her, so it is often easy and can comfort her boys happen one night stand to find the share of lost. But often one night after the mood, calm down, began to regret their own things done. Quotes: men often regret not with a woman relationship; women are regretted with a man had a relationship.
I hope that this kind of girls looking for a night before the situation, can calmly consider three minutes, in fact, you can use a more appropriate way to balance their feelings, such as chatting ... ...

Monday, March 20, 2017

Men seduce a woman what tricks?

One night stand, usually a lonely person hit a cynical person, but even if this also need a person to seduce, then from what things to see is not in the flirt? In fact, men do Is not very good at, because most of the men are using some old-fashioned trick in the bubble sister.

Men's temptation woman's secret "weapon"
Men always feel that women have a hot, chilly taste. Can not see the woman's little mind, or read those who do not understand their small little disappointment. When a woman says love is a face, lasting, but also with the action of the interpretation of the. Women do not love when it is cunning, is disappointed, but also with hope. So, there will be a woman heart of the sea needle argument, what a woman in the end to do, men always think, or that he did not understand all day in front of their own dangling this woman is thinking about what in the end want is what?

Men will lie, there is a man to lie as a commonplace, in front of a woman is chic, sweet, but always no sense of security. There is a man to lie as Band-Aid, in order to treat small wounds, he will lie up to the man in front of a woman is real, intimate, but always stiff.
Women want things always confused, and sometimes even they do not know what they want, looking at their eyes in front of this very loving man, but always feel that there is no place is not practical, as if There are some variables to happen. But always can not find the source.
When a man understands a woman, she feels like a cat is so gentle that when a man can not understand a woman, she feels like a cat is terrible. A large part of the women are easy to be met, this satisfaction in addition to his intimate is that he brought a sense of security.
If a man to love a woman, we must learn to make their own into a eaves, so that women can sleep incense, see the sunrise, the goods get cake. Although women always put the "promise is a lie" in the mouth, but in women in the emotional world is essentially different, they will always put their hearts to the opposite side, say no
When the man in Valentine's Day asked her if she wanted to
When the flower, she will say no, when the man really did not send her a bunch of flowers, her heart always have some small disappointment rise, and may even create a big contradiction, so that two people are caught Black whirlpool. The same commitment, although women always say a man between women, talk about men between the thin and hypocritical, but talking about their own men, always two eyes of God, as if looking at a hope. Let them be proud of but those sweet words, those branches open leaves Man's romance.
So, women will always fall into the abyss of commitment, with their own hope to sink, or even find the export.
Even if the man occasionally hurt her heart, she is only with their rivalry, and other men calm down to her a hug when her wounds will be fast recovery, and women will think that is affectionate love, that Is love to add, and even may be a lifetime.
Women's emotions, such as swing, always in the waves, is undulating. But if a man has told her under the swing, he wants to take her to the grass to sit, she will abandon her that swing, regardless of their own disappointment and pain. If a man can give a woman from the spiritual expectations and satisfaction, perhaps read some of the women. Maybe men also know how to find a suitable woman to love their own way to let her love her.
Women are most hated by men to deceive, or even can not be forgiven, deep bones. A woman can be very emotional to the man that I love you, can also be very unfeeling to the man said: I will never forgive you! When the woman was tortured, when she wait and see love when she will no longer report There is fantasy, is realistic, independent, but also have personal assertive.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

About to the sister paper, if you do not pay attention to the following points, what eggs with?

Dating to pay attention to these details you understand? Do not want to learn it alone!

Old to see the boys around for clothes, stroked a stroke to go out with his girl dating out, there is always a feeling of iron into steel. People sister spend so much effort make-up clothes clothes type, if you can also pay attention to their own image, good impression can Cengceng rub up to ah!

Xiaobian today to give you some finishing know-how, a woman is likely because of these you did not notice the details of love you roar ~

Take care of your hair

First talk about hair style. For their most important, and more with the hair stylist to communicate, do not go to the barber shop to sit down and say only one - to help me repair a little, just a little better.

Such as your hair is too hard, face long, you can try the board inch head, or the two sides and the back of the head hair cut short, the forehead slightly longer, plus fresh white shirt, simple and stylish; if you slightly Xie Ding , You can choose to head a little hot hair, increase the sense of shape. Xiao Bian a friend of the male because of genetic reasons, hair a little less hair and soft lying on the scalp, twenty-five years old looked a little vicissitudes of age. Had to sigh, my sister is really love ah!

And then is hair color. If not engaged in the entertainment industry or have special requirements, hair color or not too exaggerated. There are several hair color is high value is difficult to control - non-mainstream gold, like to see a sponge; all kinds of high saturation color, see could not help but turn away.

Xiaobian wall crack recommended quiet and calm natural black, dark brown, sun warm heart of the maroon, wine red, cold gray, linen color. Some boys because of learning, work hard, can not help but white boy. In this case, it is important to cover the white hair. At the beginning of the date with the girls, pay attention to leave a good impression.

2. Try not to wear glasses.

Jincheng Wu wear glasses? Silly roe deer yan wearing glasses "High commander" Ryan Gosling wear glasses? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · There is a reasonable reason, but the scientific reason behind it is not important, it is important that dating as far as possible with stealth it! Remember to refuse colored, because it will be a little mother.

Rare to seize the opportunity to affectionate, sister will be shy in your eyes reflected her appearance, but if you see only the reflection of the glasses on the image, that only embarrassing ok! She may only notice how thick your lens is, and even brain fill your myopia will inherit the next generation. Of course, if the brain is your next generation is also excellent.

There are kissing time, do not say will knock to, and told a sentence - do not bow, glasses will fall.

Of course, it is not absolute. South Korea Bae Yongjun in the winter love song set off a pair of glasses, scarves tide. If you take off the glasses to give a little fierce or malicious feeling, then you still with it.

3. moisten your face and lips.

A sister with a small chat, a man pursued her hot pursuit. Boys are tall and handsome, very sunny exercise, but she is unable to mention goodwill, because every time you see the man face dry skin and broken white lips, always raised by the exclusion of a heart.

Therefore, it is recommended that you usually pay attention to wiping lip balm, especially in the dry autumn and winter, you can also rub a face to do some moisturizing, not too complicated, big treasure SOD honey enough. (Trouble to see the business after the advertising to play Xiaobian Thank you)
Should pay attention to the point is that when the date or do not rub well, watching her boyfriend moist and shiny lips, girls think should not want to go down, but doubt your sexual orientation.

4. pay attention to pruning nails.

Not I scared everyone in the girls have such a saying - boys stay long nails, either non-mainstream, or is used to pull the foot to pull the nose. Many girls like their own good long fingernails, but not like boys like this. Nail flat to add points for you.

Girls play drama, "licking screen" is not necessarily because of the face, but also because the male star that pair of slender look good hand. Do not rule out the love of their children will imagine their own votes in the fingers of their own walk, but if found long nails are dark, slightly disgusting ah.

5. Appropriate clothing.

To know in advance how good you are dating girls usually dress style, like what dress style boys, for a hit that is.

In the appointment of small LORI, students, do not need too mature like, otherwise the light does not look, then like a father.
In the dating fashion beauty, concerned about the popular elements of the season, do not say to become a tide, at least how to wear white shirt or to understand - the simplest, single wear long white shirt, never let any inside Take the clothes collar exposed, as is the hem into the pants or pull out, depending on whether you have beer belly. Fat and then stuffed into, more fat ... ...
To different occasions dating also pay attention to clothing, this needless to say, anyway, you will not wear a T-shirt to the restaurant.

It is necessary to prepare for work before dating a girl. Need to pay attention to the details of course more than five points, interpersonal communication is the door to learn, love is the door of the complex knowledge, we should usually observe more than usual.
March 7 girls section came, March 14 white Valentine's Day is also coming, and quickly seize the opportunity to practice it! I wish you do not get a single early release, the feelings of a single increase gradually ~