Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Than the "aphrodisiac" more fierce behavior, immediately put the woman lifted the spring heart rippling

Because a few days ago the article I said how good to women. And this time, some people say it is not in the "kneeling licking" woman? Not to spare tire road to go Well, in fact, non-also, we think about you is good for women, is to go to the direction of spare tire? I can only say that your thoughts are too extreme.

Undeniably, in the way we listen to the words, will find a woman gradually on this way to take this way as a matter of course.

But we change a mind to think about, a woman can let her love you bad?

This is not possible, who is not a fool, self-militia, are parents raised, which do not like to love it What we want is not "kneeling licking" woman, but you and the other half of the mutual nature of this mutual understanding is understanding, considerate, each other to pay each other to achieve a balance between your relationship.
Because most of the articles will be very extreme, that you send gifts, transfer to get off work, you now, the same woman was dumped, you like a woman or with others, you heard ah, so that makes sense.

I have a good behavior for her must be a woman to eat, and intend not to women in the future, take the initiative to ask a woman to invite you to eat. You do so later found, how there is no effect.

At this time someone told you that you have a strong sense of her demand, you still do not understand, is listening and action you find in accordance with their guidance, you still do not have much progress, you start to doubt yourself. At the moment you think of confusion do not know where is right, where is wrong. We call this extreme state of mind and how it is called "poisoning".

Because now you are in contact with women in the process of very few, can not judge, when should be good to them, when should not follow them. That's what your social intuition is not being cultivated.

That talking about "kneeling licking" and not "kneeling licking" between the two is what the reason to judge, or according to what to implement it? Here you have to say that is the framework. Then what is the framework in the end, the framework that is a self-principle to maintain. If you understand the framework, then it is easy to get rid of "kneeling licking" this state.

Give a chestnut

1. Do not explain. At least, do not take the initiative before explaining.

She: call you yesterday, you did not pick up
M: I'm sorry, because I was yesterday ...
She: call you yesterday, you did not pick up
Glamor man: what are you doing to me?

In this communication under the framework of the man is not explained, then we think about these two answers, to the other side of the feeling is what I want me not to say that you now understand.

2. Do not be modest in the face of praise.

She: you quite a woman edge ah.
Male: where the words. (At the same time with a mute laugh).
She: you quite a woman edge ah.
Charming man: yes, I know.
She: you quite a woman edge ah.
Charming man: Thank you, glad you can say that

3. The other side by raising others to improve the value, simply to seal the way, easy to change the topic.

If she praises her male (sex) friends, do not cater and do not show discredited or even refute.

Sometimes the other party also achieves the purpose of suppressing you and raising their worth by boasting their friends or even those who know it - especially if they feel that you are higher than their value.

Do not need to use the suspicion or negation to fight back the people they mentioned, and do not try to prove that their value is higher than the one they mentioned, not to cater or even pretend to surprise the praise (the valuable man is not so easy Of the surprise, surprise can only reflect your lack of experience these are the need to pay attention).

The best way is to not evaluate, use the transition to transfer the topic. Only need to show that you know but not surprised attitude can be, the best tone can bring you are well-informed people, the other person you have seen more you see!

She: my ex-boyfriend game is great, he used to be the captain of the school team.
M: wow, really powerful!
She: my ex-boyfriend game is great, he used to be the captain of the school team.
Charming man: Do you like sports? Did not see it, when it comes to the ball, you like football or basketball, basketball star I like a little more? (Not evaluation, easy to transfer the topic)
She: this necklace is my boyfriend gave me, you know, he loves me.
M: I also want to send you a ring
Charming man: he certainly loves you (And then kiss her) (simple to seal the words, and then move with the action)

4. Remember never to use silence to respond to ridicule, to suppress and test, and never to respond positively to stress and test.

Silence indicates that you are acquiesced, or do not know how to answer someone else's ridicule.

A positive response means that you care about someone else's opinion of you, and that you are struggling to argue that you fall into the framework of your efforts to reach your own standards.

The correct way is: to show that they do not care about the attitude, suggesting that this is the other side of the problem, the other side of the words, reverse test and so on. In addition, the response should be brief and powerful, and instantly change the topic (it is best to take the opportunity to establish a standard).

She: the skylight below you opened.
Frustrated: (blush) ... ... sorry. I was so much in the past ... thanks
She: the skylight below you opened.
Charm man: (calmly) ... ... Oh, your eyes can be really sharp. Hey, do you usually like to pay attention to the following men? (Reverse the test, the problem to the other side, then in this game the other side that you are not a person can easily be manipulated)

She: your clothes look a little soil Oh?
Frustrated men: I feel okay, I usually do not pay attention to dress up.
She: your clothes look a little soil Oh?
Charming man: is it? You really talk, some friends in particular. (Suggesting that this is the other side of the problem, most men encounter each other's offensive language will choose to fight back, in fact, your fight on behalf of you do not atmosphere, a little bit of gas feeling we have to do good personality, not a Fighting mad
(And then say)
Hey, I met a few days ago will not speak a guy, he ... ... [transfer topic and establish a standard]
She: your clothes look a little soil Oh?
Charming man: Are we friends?
She is
Charm man: that you see the soil did not help me pat clean

Well, then we through the above several common cases should understand the framework, then this is good with the girl, is not exclusive, because you just adhere to this framework, you first set each other is a more difficult people , Right, then if a difficult person in the Hello, you will have a kind of feeling?

A unique one, one I feel that they are special, then you are now a little bit of each other will be remembered in the heart of the other side. This is a tempting attraction than aphrodisiac.

In fact, we are too many times when the woman is good, but also lost the framework. So that poisoning that a good woman is a dead end. In fact, just your way with the wrong place. So easy to make people lost, easy to make people feel irrational, loss of the framework, of course, with each other in the interaction there are many places to adhere to the framework, if you do not have a girlfriend, or even the first time or give their right hand. I hope to be friends with you, I very much welcome you to find us to help you, we are looking forward to your joining.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

He sent 20 yuan gift even catch up with 100 beauty

Recently, the old counseling that chasing girls or send girlfriend in the end what gift is good, is not really want to send the legend that "lipstick". Are asked to send gifts and worry about, and I have a sister who recently told me that with her boyfriend broke up, my sister said:

I have never sent any of my gifts for several years together.

All kinds of festivals have not had a birthday, but I give him a lot of things, this man I feel extinct how back I met.

My heart really is not what you want, just some important time I do not feel anything that is remembered to be taken seriously.

When we had just met, he would give me some surprises, but it was not as good as ever before, even at some point when I had sent me some chocolate.

She finished my heart after a moment of silence, I had to understand the persuasion they can continue.

But I know that the situation is not because a gift is so simple, but a share in the other heart.

Some of the brothers must think that things to the woman is to worship the gold material, those who know a few days in the WeChat to give you a mass "to a red envelope, like to send 5.20, that is friendship on the 8.8 people For a group.

In fact, you have to know that the real girl is not the kind of false account of the number of people who do not you that a few dollars in the woman's heart is not really want something. I am talking about the kind of woman who yearn for love.

Most of the girls are now very independent, and beautiful girls may earn more than men have more.

In their inner gifts are not so important, care about your share of the mind through this mind to get a sense of security.

To see if you can make her feel loved, be valued, be remembered.

We every day in addition to work, study, eat sleep enough dull, so more is to let love hold freshness, in the plain days to create some small surprises, which is to give emotional value.

Suppose that you remember a special day, personally make a meal, buy a bottle of red wine, point the red candle. Quietly prepared to find a lot of places for you to buy like a long time shoes.

Maybe you do green pepper scrambled eggs do not necessarily her appetite, and send her shoes do not necessarily make you like, but we said love needs to invest in each other theory, that is, you take the initiative to pay each other time and energy.

This time no one is still in the ears of love fairy tale alive, through action to let each other to perceive. So that in your pursuit and operation to let each other feel your mind, this love is a healthy development.

Each other to make things for each other, recall, you were at the scene, these full of memories are a way to enhance the performance of love.

So, we see a lot of chicken soup this is the reason why some people see, some people love, there are some ritual things in the inside, and this sense of ritual is sure to use action to express. It is like the front of the other to remember the special day between each other. got it

Business love surprises just said the need for a sense of ritual, then the ritual in the end what is it Is your investment for each other, energy, action and feelings for your investment between the behavior.

This behavior will be in your special moment, such as the anniversary, such as the other birthday, such as the understanding of a hundred days, humans can not help these days classified as a special meaning of the moment, at the moment you do some rituals , Especially you usually did not do, suddenly attack this effect is definitely greater than the power of nuclear bombs do not believe you try.

But often after a sense of ritual, you get a deep emotional experience between you, you will happen that night to practice love harder than ever increased by more than 25.44 percent.

It is like a lot of people spend all mind to hold a grand birthday party, wedding and so on
Its purpose is through this ceremony, to tell the other side of her (he) is important.

Brothers now understand that sometimes women do not receive gifts and angry, not because of their material, but because she did not feel that they are taken seriously, where you do not feel the sense of presence and security, of course, do not rule out some of the material Of the girls, but this is not what we want to talk about today.

Then how do we judge the material women and non-material women, so that you use a month's living expenses to buy her expensive gifts, or tell you her sister who you received a tens of thousands of bags, while the other non-material female She needs only you are willing to pay some of her little thoughts.

Of course, this moment there has been a problem, some men give their wages card to her, and what to buy their own direct brush, I do not have this troubled.

This is not right ah, assuming that you birthday, the other prepared a meal of meticulous food, arranged a beautiful romantic get along with the scene and your birthday when she WeChat to you hit a 5200 yuan red envelope, so you want to buy what to buy what Is this feeling the same? To be honest you play money directly this way is a very dangerous behavior.

Once and twice do not feel, but for a long time you play money into a matter of course. The other side in this state of mind, long-term feelings of loneliness, then the spirit does not fill fill. That is why I can recognize a lot of nurtured beauty. So if you are the money you are happy now, or are you happy?

So this is not a matter of money, but in the end you can let each other feel a sense of presence and security. This is one of the most troubled students in our condition. Sometimes the money is really nothing.

Some people say that these rituals are really tired, I want to love is understand each other, mutual understanding know very well.

Ok, how do you know each other? Through the sweet words to let each other ears love? Do you think your love is your pursuit of the other through the language can go to the end of it?

In the eyes of people now, no action of things really will not be long, because now people are very strong self-consciousness, do not want to be so ideal things, and no action will sooner or later finished.

Love is not a commodity, not a trade deal, love itself can not be quantified. So you do not know which day it smells and vanishes.

So, whether it is the pursuit or business love, the more can not forget to use action to express love.

Do not think that time to know each other for a long time, and then do not want to go to mind to express, tired and trouble and so on. Is this tired? Really tired, but now what is not tired?
Sometimes you do not need to become Sicong, you need is the passage of time, as you kept a long time after a long Pistons movement, but also for each other to spend their minds. It will be rewarded, of course, if you do not want, then when I did not say.

With the way of action, so that love becomes tangible.

Occasionally eyebrow pencil, a bottle of perfume, not much money, but in exchange for is full of moving.

The focus is not what you sent, but who you are, you still miss her. If you keep it alone you are single

So to chat with girls, in order to let her like you

Why, sleep, good to sleep well, good night.
Why, at work, good on it, do not be too tired.
Why, eat, eat it, cold day do not eat too cold.
Why, at home, good slow, pay attention to safety on the road.
Why, in the busy, uh, okay.

Did you get up every day? What did you eat at noon? What did you eat at night? Like punching each other.

This is a section of the distance of love every day repeat the steps, that is, you do not want to boring but can not find any cut into the point, become cautious, for fear that the other side is not a reply, want to say that every day into such a dead cycle.

Waiting for the feelings, waiting for a person is not to get off work on the bus, bus even if the point, I know later it will always come, and you, I never know, when you come, you will not come.

Go out will bring mobile power, for fear that no electricity missed your call, hear the news tone, it will put down everything to see if it is you.

Do not return to the letter, it seems to disappear. Hung up the phone, you can not contact you.

Not a little bit of news, to the late night, you casually back to a sentence, busy.

On the side of the environment, because the strange slowly lost interest, slowly, can only say empty words "I miss you".

You say So I wrapped myself in the blanket, closed my eyes, uh, hug myself.

Do not know from when, the answer is gradually replaced by a "uh" word.
Do not know from when, chatting up any topic will feel embarrassed.
Do not know from when, mutual encouragement into a pressure.
Do not know from when, ridicule is also understood as a despise.
Text can not hear the tone, the phone can not see the expression. A cavity enthusiastic about chatting, the other side is indifferent to respond, silently endure persistence, the other said that do not go on.

Silence, contradiction, I try to retain, try to find the topic, try not to make you feel the pressure of the tone, you are on the other side of the screen like a lake late autumn water, unmoved, but also cold. Because silence, in fact, you already know that there is a little change, you may even know what to happen next, but only wait for the silence of all the will to dry all the will.

Silence this kind of thing, will continue to render, for the first time, there will be a second time. Because of my bad words so that today.

"Hey, it was hit today."
"Ye ye?"
"In the back, I made a micro letter with her, every time playing a lot of words, she said a 'uh', or say a 'oh' ... ..."

On the "ah", "oh", "amount", "good" ... ... really a very frightening thing.

Once in the process of chatting, encounter any of these words, basically that "I am busy, chat ends."

If the other side is the leader, it is better to say that the leadership is generally the case.

The key is a lot of time, the other may be a person of their own love. Received such a cold response, a lot of people can not help but sad to come, there is a second loss.

Today for everyone to talk about "ah" and "uh uh" behind the story. How to make your chat more interesting?

When chatting, people are more warm

What do we think about what the children would first say?

Yes, "mother", "rake", the basic is the word.

Echo is the repetition of syllables, is a very common form of language, prevalent in the name and network language. Data were analyzed for 25578 names, and found that about 3% of people use the name of the song, which found that the proportion of women using the name of the song is much higher than men.

The researchers believe that the reason for this phenomenon is that the stack will convey the intimate and soft impression, this impression and people's expectations of women, but with people's expectations of men.

In the online chat, people often use the stack, such as "ah", "baby", "kiss", "what Mody", "Meng Meng da" and so on, the stack will give people a lively and lovely feeling An atmosphere full of playfulness in some cases to create an ambiguous atmosphere.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as "Oh". People with the characteristics of the baby will stimulate the formation of a special psychological representation, that is, infant schema.

The reason why the stack will give us a warm feeling, because the stack of emotions inspired our baby icon. An important difference between children's voice and adult voice is that children's voice contains a lot of overlap.

Moreover, adults and children in the communication and more use of overlapping music, such as "eat rice", "sleep" If you are a man so sure that people feel very naive, but for some time it is possible Flirting, for example, the character of the lovely sister. She said when you can be stacked when the letter, the same nature to attract each other is the principle of this.

We have some unique characteristics of the baby with a natural love and preferences, the baby's lovely, innocent, without any danger, in our most primitive memories, but also in our breeding future generations of good vision.

So, in the WeChat chat, others back to a word, and back to the word has a wide variety.

Especially back to the two overlapping words, will give you a warm feeling, you will have a feeling of chatting with the children's paper, will feel more enthusiasm for each other, more people have a sense of security.

On the contrary, a "uh" word will make you feel and is a very decent people chat, official business, cold, no human taste children.

The less the word, the more busy I am

The other reply to the word very little, do not even reply to you, there may be really busy, it may have to be installed very busy

In life, often heard around the little partner said, I am so busy.

In fact, when these words, it is likely to cause each other's psychological discomfort: Nima, the world you are busy, I am very busy is not it? Say that they are busy (except for the very busy), in fact, is a self-carrying performance.

Busy, what does that mean? Means that they are more important, means that there are a lot of people looking for, means that a lot of resources, means that they have a goal to pursue.

Busy is relative

, If not important to their own people, I am not busy is busy, valuable relationship to their own, and then busy is not busy. Start you give each other a kind of you are busy, but then slowly familiar with, give each other a busy impression, but you take the time with each other together. On the other is a prelude to attract. Think about it is not such a reason. You use your busy time to accompany her, to each other a prizes of treatment. Naturally the other side will be very happy.

Busy, behind the potential meaning is that my time is more valuable than your time, I and you are a distance between, my position is higher than you, but I still choose to accompany you.

 Whether it is in one to one chat, or in the micro-credit group, if you feel in which a higher status, it certainly can not speak, but nothing need to resound.

Because, you speak too much, others will think you are very busy, how a valuable person may be so busy, then with their own identity does not match.

So, reply to you a "uh" or "good", that has been read, but sorry, I do not have time to play the second word.

Cherish words such as gold is to prove my ability to strong my high value

Looked at the above paragraphs, is not that those who reply to the words of a small number of people loaded, but also very annoying?
In fact, really is not.

If it is you, in certain occasions and scenarios, can only do so. Can say a word, you may only say two words, you can say two words, you may just say a word.

In addition to just mentioned that I am busy, but also because of what? Social cognition has two basic dimensions, namely enthusiasm and ability.

When we evaluate a person, we often feel that these two dimensions are difficult to have on the same person.

For example, if we often drink with a person to eat and sing, it is difficult to meet him / her with the need to complete the difficult things with each other.

On the contrary, those who often have high marks, looks valuable people, most of you do not want to travel with him / her, with entertainment.

In other words, a high-enthusiasm person is considered to be low-power, and a capable person is considered to be low enthusiasm, enthusiasm and ability seems to be a mutual compensation between the relationship. In the WeChat exchanges is the case, if you are too enthusiastic, others will feel that you are very low. Especially a man with a woman just know the chat will be a mad hair SMS, show you very busy. The love for her is very strong. This is a non-attractive low-value performance.

A day made "ha ha" "What Mody" "Meng Meng da" people, others will think you will only fun to sell Meng, no strength.

In impression management, people will use the enthusiasm and ability to compensate the relationship to achieve the purpose of upgrading or enthusiasm.

When people want to show higher ability, they will reduce their enthusiasm, and when people want to show more enthusiasm, it will reduce its performance. In the process of network communication, to show their ability or enthusiasm often depends on the status of the object and their relationship to maintain the motivation.

In general, high status people to show themselves as high as possible, low status of people to show themselves as much as possible to be highly enthusiastic.

If in a micro-credit group, if their status is higher, they must show the more capable look, it can not be too "Oh".

And those who are lower status, the best performance was a little warm. Of course, EQ people will be appropriate to balance the relationship between enthusiasm and ability.

Even if they are relatively cattle, in the ability to show their own at the same time (for example, speak much), without losing the enthusiasm (occasionally selling a Meng, to a statement) do not pretend to force.

To do to attract a woman first, to establish a few awareness:

1, no sister is not soaked, but the size of the price only (where the price, including time, money, etc.) mentality do not worry.

2, women are sexy there will be lonely time, we call these times as a window. Especially on the WeChat, street, explore, friends on the software, there is no impeccable woman;

3, be patient, gentlemanly, not covet money;

Ready to work:

1, prepare a good picture, pass a positive image of the sun humor. Unless you just want to face the sister line, or must use the real picture clear and natural before have said how to set up here do not say.

Long handsome, can be used directly with the life photos, as far as possible natural; looks poor, take pictures when you can use the angle slightly modified, but must not be outrageous, or meet, sister see you do not board, the hearts of the score on the big Discounted

There is a small skill, you can choose with a small animal photo, most of my sister are like small animals, love the house and Ukraine, the impression of your natural will not be bad;

2, to prepare a good signature, to convey you is a story of the man, kind man, the connotation of the man. Such as: know how to choose, know how to give up, endure loneliness, stand the temptation;

After the preparation work is done, the following into the actual stage of operation: Here, to remind one, do not use what shake, that thing really useless, to ten people out, there are nine male business; Drift bottle function, but not to use, but the field and the free can. I am here to focus on the function of the people around; this more pit, I looked at the next one but you click there are a lot of the opposite sex plus you. Are generally gray industry. Photos are not the right version of the goods.

3, to find the object

What kind of girl may play with you night, or even do long "friends" There are roughly three:

First, eighteen nine-year-old girl, the pursuit of stimulation, this little sister can not be met, the number is relatively small;

Second, twenty-four five of the girls, if the chat came, the basic can do long-term "friends", even a little lover means. The best quality of the basic is this;

Third, more than 30 empty young women, the basic are very direct "friends", on call. The highest success rate is such a crowd.

How do you distinguish potential "buddy" objects from the crowd?

Three ways, one is to see the head, do not put the real picture of the general than the real head of the easy, about why? Because people have a self-protection instinct, if the sister has that little mind, basically will not put the real head. Those who get the head of the unusual beautiful are very difficult, for those who want to eat fast food, it is recommended to give up the need to follow the process;

Second, to see the signature, all signed a circle of friends revealed lonely, empty, boring meaning of the basic play, but careful wine care;

Three is to see the time, do not sleep at night, the basic are boring empty empty, looking forward to the other half. This time the basic sister are lying on the bed to play mobile phones, comfortable body, this time that the highest success rate;

Find the object, the next is to say hello. There is a situation that my sister take the initiative to say hello to you, then congratulations, you have been successful 80% of the.

Select the quasi-chat time to find a good object after the greeting is how to greet my sister will not cause the sister's resentment, thereby increasing the possibility of adoption, there are three ways

1, direct type, directly say hi, and then express this situation is the effort, you can batch say hello, save time; remember not too straightforward, sister for the stranger's wary is very high, must take a certain basis Avatar

2, from the other side of the head to start, how to boast the other's how the head, nice to say that your picture looks like a picture The The Will you fire? The use of curiosity attention to multi-use rhetorical question, you can also deliberately wrong, people have a correction of instinct, you are wrong, the other can not help but to correct you, this thing becomes;

3, from the other party to start the name of the name, if the sister's signature is a question, you directly answer that question, if what kind of sigh and the like, you say hello as much as possible to rely on the above

It is worth reminding that not every sister will add you, we do not need every sister will add us, ten inside there are two or three through it. After that, is how to find a topic chat.

It is necessary to remind you that the friends who can ask you through your friends are basically not annoying you or are slightly curious about you. Before you start chatting, you need to adjust your mind and think of each other as an old friend in your heart. gentle.

4, grafts make you rich resources: If you are too lazy to get their own photos. Go to Taobao first buy a probe, street vendors it Microblogging to find a handsome photo. Remember the bar logo cut off. Qi Qi software requirements of the number of photos, began to simply express love greeting it There are brothers who asked this is someone else's photo is not me ah. The meeting will be finished. Then the way I tell you, this time you simply talk a few words. You told the girl said: "I just have a leadership to see me chat with you, she would like to know with you." Because just chatting sister will not refuse, and then find a way you think Your own best to see the photos sent to him, and then add WeChat it Now you have more women online resources.
Then in the chat process: you think of each other as an old friend, your chat language will release this information, virtually affect the sister's emotions, to create a good chat atmosphere, this atmosphere will guide you relationship Progressive.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

90 girls tell you why women like to find the secret of spare tire

Every woman has a close to the hearts of the perfect male god, like Cinderella's Prince Charming, young handsome, the right to gold, the focus is still loving her willing to pay everything even for her life!

But women dream of the gods in the real world does not exist, but the dream or to have, if you can find the low with the version of the fun?

Girls like to find the three reasons for spare tire:

Focus on a man who found the perfect qualities of the gods who are very difficult, it does not matter, no words to find a few more than the number of chanting!

Such as A money, give her a variety of buy lipstick to buy a car to buy a house, to the maximum to meet her vanity, but A is likely to be long and ugly old, the focus is still home can not give her Name points He knew she liked his money, and she knew he was buying money for her youth. This is not a love, but a reasonable deal on both sides tacit.

This time B appeared, young handsome, furious, looked very warm and warm people feel comfortable, but also sincerely to her, but he is more stiff, only silly hard to love her, and just into the community Not too much personal connections and a good economic base, the money may be more strained, want to give her the best but can not do, and occasionally may also need her to pay the bill or can not be happy dating, after all, dating needs money ah!

Later, C appeared, forgive my life bohemian love that he is, and B as young and handsome, but better than B know a woman, body type perfect he knows how to make her fascinated for him, but also in her most excited When he let her want to die, but he is not her a person, he has a lot of women, he knows what women need most, but also to meet her needs, because he knows women, but also know how to coax women and then To capture their hearts, tired of running to continue to find the next conquest of the target, fear of having tried the best man but never have can not conquer.

Was C hurt her heart of this time will go to B for comfort, after all, B only love her a person, let her feel that they are being worried about the need, after the mood to think about what else, This time A come in handy, say where to do is not a word thing?

Lao Tzu nothing, poor only money, do you want?

To meet their own vanity, would like to prove their charm boundless beauty if the angel sinking fish goose closed month shy flowers dumping the country ... ... cough cough ... ... this is the green tea bitch originator ... ...

This type of girls will often deal with a variety of men, one day for a year 365 days without heavy children, But they will not really and those boys fucking, after all, they single-handedly hand-picked. The meaning of this is the single you want to buy, gifts to send, love to be enough, but his mother's body you can not touch Oh.

Yes, they really do not mess up.

They just want to raise their own in front of the value of men, so that their men to pay a little more, you see, but his wife had a lot of suitors.

They also want to show their charm in front of women, the same woman, but they can put the man in the hands of the hands, while other women can only envy jealousy hate!

Really cool, drip cooler than with the wind oil drops! The The

There are a class of more special female groups, they do not know what spare tire, they just like a lot of boys and play together, from time to time to accept from their help, and from time to time to give feedback to them a little help, after all, everyone Are friends Well, friends should not help each other?

This two come, the boys do not think she was interesting to him, but she really only when he is a friend. Or boys do not think she is a bitch, because she is the same for other boys.

But the truth is that she did not think so much of the nerve big, that the other side need to help to reply.

Do not know is that she was warm woman, or that she was too naive and kind.

Baby is also small, do not understand those between you dirty feelings

So the focus came, boys how to attack these three girls?

Let's start with the simplest!

The third kind of nerve big and warm female

This type of girls in love is basically a piece of white paper, you need is to use time and opportunity to capture her. For example, she only when you are her buddy, may occasionally take a shoulder, this time do not control the other, do not hesitate, pro go, pro go, pro go, important things to say three times! The The And then tell her you like her, want to take her more than just want to be his buddies or friends.

In the past when she has not been slow to continue onslaught, playground Ye Hao game room worth mentioning, looking for opportunities to continue to hug her holding her extra raids, tease her until she was your first time. But when the need to warn her not to give too many other men to reply, to know how to refuse, so that after the green.

The second type of green tea bitch

First you need money, have the right, and be patient.

They are more vain so bad luck is sure that this type of female comparison for the gift of what is the need to high-profile, such as sending flowers do not send home downstairs, drove to her to the company, the more colleagues see the better , Which will let her vanity burst burst times have children face, this time the boys should take her still dizziness, then by hot blacksmith hit her in one fell swoop.

The first type of woman who seeks solace in all kinds of men

To take this type of woman, of course, the economy should not be too tight, small gifts can be sent, travel can bring. The most important thing is that you will flirt and know how to change, if you are too obedient to her will lose interest in you, if you are too hard, she will find another target.

So you have to do is ambiguous, let her a mind in the study of your body and no empty to find other men, for example, you usually chat with her when she was enough care, remember that she said every little thing, so Will make her feel that you attach great importance to her, but when you want to work when she would like you to accompany her, you must resolutely say no.

Let her love you and hate, and when she had to leave you to find the next target as a sustenance when you almost want to see her face and relive the old situation, let her re-ignite the fire for you, again and again The

In addition to men will not baby, which pay less?

Some time ago, snow art gave me a micro letter said: "Come out to sit, I have a big good news to tell you."

good news? Is it going to get married?

I and so on for a long time, and finally see his male vote carefully with the ancestors like to help her come in. I looked at her at least 5 months of his belly, said: "Congratulations! Finally willing to get married?

She looked happily touched the stomach, pretend to cover his face and said: "This is not forced to no way Well.

"Everything is for your son Well, you will not even work to quit, right?" I took the wedding invitation, jokingly.

"Yes, I have decided, when a full - time housewife, husband and wife, husband singing with.


It was not long before the snow gave birth to a son.

That day, I was ready to go out, but received her grievances of monstrous telephone. I can not help but wonder: "little grandmother, see friends circle your day is not a very good thing?

"I regret, I do not want to be a full - time wife.

"What's the matter?"

"This man is married before marriage is two different things. Playing small ancestors were born, all things have changed.I am busy from late to late, both to laundry, cooking, dragging to sweep ... ... but also wait on the small ancestors. Was half dead, he fell well, came back to the sofa on a lying, just like dead bodies like, the children crying wow wow not only no matter, but also noisy ... ... "

"Maybe you are too tired to work, you understand the chant." I said.

He is tired of I do not tired? He simply do not know how hard a woman at home full of hard.He paid with me than what? I pregnant in October, experienced a pregnant, experienced the operating table of life and death test, milk……"

"Snow art, calm down ... ..." I would like to wake her, but I did not, she needs a vent channel.


In fact, more than snow art, I have heard a lot of women complain - after marriage, her husband pay less and less.

Most men are very helpless, obviously they did not change, but still be nagging every day! But many men do not know that your change is precisely the problem is where, because she changed:

First, the role of marriage changes.

Before marriage, they are mostly small family at home, as long as the beautiful flowers to feed themselves on the line, as to love, but also in the arms; but after marriage, for the mother just, they instantly from an official into a separate Wife, a child mother.
They have to enter a new family environment, but also like the past to work, but also learn to exercise housework, take care of children. From the care of the child into a child to take care of the child, life is also 180 degrees so. She's paid for the growth of geometric levels.

But the men in their eyes are still busy working every day as before (and most of the time there is no change in income). Hatchback comparison, they naturally feel that they pay more, and men less.
Although many male compatriots may be wronged, I am also very tired ah. But in fact you can not blame her, because on the one hand the man's efforts and pay mainly reflected in the work, but all this basically occurred in the company, women can not see; the other hand, the character of men also tend to Tolerance And bear, so most men do not shout tired to a woman

In fact, couples in one, both sides want to be harmonious, need both understanding and consensus. As a wife should understand the social role of men is not easy; as a husband, should understand and affirm their sacrifice and pay for the family, and strive to change their role, more understanding of his wife. Only Thanksgiving, can all the way counterparts, storms.

Second, sensibility to rational change.

Women are born willing to pay, and they are often less worthy of gains and losses. In their minds, love is not a sale, do not have every minute is considered clear. Feelings should be cherished, I love him, I would like to pay for him.
But we also know that no one is willing to pay, so when they get married to pay to a certain extent, they do not get any return or attention, she will stop to think: I continue to pay worth it? Do I have to pay for it all the time? Therefore, they look back at their own way to pay, and then compare the status of her husband now, naturally feel that they pay more.

Third, the pursuit of fairness.

In fact, this little Xiaobian feel less need to explain, you only need to ask yourself, as a man of you, is not also feel that they are very hard, work every day to the people nodded, pay a lot to barely maintain the status quo, and women do? Every day to control the operation of the home, you may buy two or two pieces of clothing, a few pieces of skin care products, it took out a large sum, you are not also feel unfair?

So the male friends, when the women began to complain, do not blindly expressed disgust, at the appropriate time, you should also pay for his wife to express or support, but also try to let her know your hard, mutual understanding is King


So, how can you improve the way you get along with sex, for example, you can:

1. help little things. Try not to go home to Ge You lying, but with his wife to cook, to help her fight to start, or get off work on the way to buy a piece of her favorite little cake. Women are very attention to detail, you help me in these trivial little things, to reduce her burden, so she felt your love for her, she will not only complain will be reduced, will in turn understand you.

2. Before going to bed communication. Xiaobian understand everyone is usually very busy, no time to communicate, but long-term communication is certainly a problem, so it is better to take 10-20 minutes before going to bed chat, both sides talk about the day encountered interesting things to discuss Some of their own ideas. More communication, so that each other can feel the love.

3. love ritual sense. In fact, many women feel that they pay much more after marriage, mainly feel that men no longer pay attention to their own, this is because the marriage before marriage compared to the love of the ceremony less a lot, so try every time or anniversary, to Wife to bring a gift or go out to eat a meal.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Men are hard, dissonant life is the best proof

Men live really tired, it seems that the man is actually more fragile than women, then the words are not empty words.Man always say that they are difficult, and these difficult in the end made the woman out, but the man to put their own lattice lock? These problems can be reflected from the sex life between husband and wife.

One: was ridiculed timid cowardly
    Since ancient times there is a hero to save the United States that, but men like beauty, so in the minds of men who want to be a beauty to admire the hero. Unfortunately, we are a civilized society, so there is not so much beauty is needed But this does not mean that men will give up their hero dream, for men, ridicule their courage is nothing, is nothing more than in the darkness they are not enough men, but for them, but for them, but for men, An insult.
Two: looks picky
    I have always thought that only a woman will care about their own appearance, in fact, men are also very concerned about this recently a friend made a girlfriend, has always felt that their standard body is not strong enough, not enough to give his girlfriend a sense of security In fact, from the mouth of his girlfriend to say is that her man is still a little muscle, so that men do not self - confidence on their appearance, often from their own psychological pressure, in fact, women are concerned, not How much man is so tall and handsome, the woman is more concerned about is the man how sincere she is.However, it is said that men care about his appearance of his evaluation, all because of their own genes enough confidence, like those short Men always want to find a tall woman, they hope to complement each other to make up for their shortcomings, so that a woman if the discerning man looks, will be understood by men is not optimistic about his genes.

 Three: when his face boast another man
     Like a woman does not want men in front of another woman like another, the man is also very much about the woman when his face boast another man, even if the man is a woman's family or a friend of men, men can not stand, women and When he was together, but desperately boast another man, which in addition to let men think you look down on him, but also very mentally handicapped. Imagine, men love face, especially in front of their beloved woman, most Is to get the other side sure, you in front of his face to boast another man, nothing more than to tell him that there is another man better than him, if the man also happens to be his understanding, imagine which man can tolerate Got it?
Four: was exposed short
    The same is the face of the problem, in fact, also involves the problem of life, try to think of a woman if you are exposed in a certain day at a certain time, made a double eyelid surgery, I think the feeling will be very uncomfortable time? The so-called beat people do not play face, curse people do not expose short, expose the shortcomings of the original is the villain behavior, even if it is a close love do not easily step on this restricted area.As a smart woman, should know when silence is gold It is always the highest realm of life, people who are straightforward are always easy to offend others, the failure of a man is like a scar, just need to leave the man slowly to lick, the woman should do is Learn to make their own memory almost.
Five: open private life
    Remember to know a woman before, always like her and her husband out of things, what day to help her husband to wash underwear, the sun on the balcony but it was the wind ran, what today bought a few cans Soft drinks a few volumes of toilet paper at night to find his husband reimbursed, and even his husband will be snoring at night to come out that people have two sides, her husband can be considered a bit of social status, Many people support, and in their own homes, all the men will unload the armed, restore the most true self, and at the moment he is not fortified, digging nostrils grasping the scalp.If a woman between you and him Secret as talk about, for men, is tantamount to his weakness and weaknesses exposed in front of others, he will be kind of betrayed the feeling, which will be excluded in front of you to reveal the most real side.
 Six: sexual performance
    Every man wants to be able to live a long, comfortable, but the men always powerless, and women in the face of the attitude of men can not help when the attitude will be a great impact on the performance of men. Women also like to promote the husband and wife between the point of addiction, to know men do not, not all physiological problems, many are from the psychological problems, women's ridicule is caused by men "psychological not" reasons. Mentioned that woman, her husband three days do not go home, we all know how the matter.While she has been married for many years has not had children, afraid of being jokes, will be everywhere to promote her husband in bed not work. I think for men, in bed may not be much more serious than no money, so the man with a beautiful young woman out of pairs, with action to tell you that he is not "no" Is that he did not have a "sex." As for the end is not doing the way, we do not know, I only know whether it is OK or not, women should not come out everywhere said.