Monday, December 5, 2016

Learn enough to get the five best beauty climax folded

Recently received direct messages, also asked me mostly men's and women's emotional problems.
A said, her boyfriend to do it, every day busy work, no good morning good night, at noon to eat the rest of time is also the basic will not take the initiative to contact with her, after work sometimes busy no time to take her home, anyway, like his work attributes, he is very dull. This is also where small A complained that her boyfriend with me: insufficient considerate, romantic, have no time to accompany her. I thought this kind of men do, but it was not easy to find a girlfriend.
B says, her boyfriend to her good, accompany her to go shopping, pick up her work not to be late, will be always in touch with her. The world is her. But that boy has no desire to do better, not much planning for the future, nor any hope for life development, he will stay in the job duty of every day, is very stable in state-owned enterprises. The habit of didn't save money, eat and drink with B. And B slowly began to feel a boyfriend have no desire to do better, no planning feel confused in the future. Have a look at the woman you're so that she would want to do in the future.

And the problem that the small C is a lot of simple, boyfriend good family condition, what home for work also is very good, her boyfriend is also very good to her, willing to spend money for her is also willing to spend time with her. The combination of boyfriends too many female friends, and family reasons, boyfriend always go out to eat and drink together with brothers, peach blossom also unceasingly. Small c cannot think boyfriend's family, not steadfast, heart has not been decided.
It made me think: in the woman eyes what on earth this is a good boyfriend? This is they want to get the answer from me. This is also our standard charm shaping successful men.
Man to appreciate her, know her well, both mutual appreciation
You thought not idol drama, to touch the girls, are all men very spoony, presumably, for she is very good, a bit more advanced is dominating the President directly. Girls love idol drama of the reason is simple, either think actor level is high in appearance, either like or admire that kind of drama, more is often put into itself, then pretend you are enjoying the favor of men, well, there is love in it.
What good the idol drama is, tend to be romantic, when we need together with the girls gave her a romantic build, lead generation into her come in. Romance is a kind of differentiation, for example. Chat with you the good of the opposite sex, you say good night every day. In a way you every day said good night in a different language. Baidu about all kinds of languages. Do not tell each other. After a long time you hair look not to understand each other. Ask you when you said this is a different language of good night, why do so because I want to have time to take you to different parts of the world, listen to the people there say good night to you.
Occasionally comparison between girl whose boyfriend is good, most of the time, the first measure condition is that a boy is good to oneself, love yourself. Around and hear the most envy another boyfriend, also is so say: so-and-so to her boyfriend is really good, really love her.
Visible, in the heart of a girl, a good boyfriend the most the qualifications is her friend, love, and love even spoil.
Advanced demand is that my boyfriend to appreciate my strengths, also want to know my good, know I to he is very good. Love, of course, these are derived, because most of the time to appreciate, because understand your good will have love. The mouth sweet little always right. I remember the day I send a red net on my way to the airport to the taxi waiting area. Being there as a result, she want to catch the plane is take off at once. I have a look at her in a hurry straight stamp, in the open to scold: "why do you go to here, right now what to do with miss my plane." I didn't talk to her yell: "but looked at her lovingly said 1:" because you are beautiful, you look accidentally walked here better than street, god arrangement I will stay with you. "Suddenly permeated with a smile on her face was long gone.
With an attractive man understands the responsibility two words, play, should also be worthy of your trust, sense of responsibility and sense of trust.
Boyfriend there is sense of responsibility, first of all, he will be responsible for you, responsible for the relationship, and to be responsible for your family, you will feel he is very reliable, very responsible. He can't escape from a problem, will take the initiative to go to find a way to resolve the problem, whether the problems in life, or your feelings of the problem, there is sense of responsibility boyfriend will always give you a replacement, this is what I said man must bear the responsibility.
As for trust, the emphasis here is on the can let girlfriend I believe you, in other words is loyalty in the relationship.
Will make a good boyfriend girlfriend believe him, because he was doing before trust culture some things to ensure that let girlfriend steadfast, believe him, he can let girlfriend also believe that this relationship.
Do you have plan for your life, and that imposed on the other side of the opponent's participation in the planning.
A good attractive boyfriend has the desire to do better, also understand.
A good boyfriend need to have the desire to do better, is planning for the future, and for you to try hard to struggle for the future, this is very important.
As above mentioned her boyfriend B, no desire to do better, then such a boy, it's easy to let the girl to him lose confidence; And have no desire to do better, not planning for your future, it's easy to let your girlfriend to see the future; The most important thing is, we must have hope life is getting better and better, but if your boyfriend doesn't go to effort, just by yourself to strive, it is very difficult, I feel happy happy life.
Idol drama that men are generally very self-motivated, either has a very good job, or very hard, are good boys in our consciousness that understand hard. And her boyfriend may also be the pillar of the family in the future, and strive upward mobility heart is more important for them.
In real life. After all, love and bread, we all need. If the bread is not so big, that it doesn't matter, at least you have a desire to do better, would you like to fight, that we can struggle together also. This also explains why some men is not money or there are still a girl to follow his suffering.
Dynamic figure
Do me a lifetime of jokes.
A good boyfriend must be a good temperament, wit and humor.
In this case, the temperament, is the temper, habit.
A great man with charm to good temperament, considerate tolerant girlfriend, he also can not solve focal not dry, as well as patience and his girlfriend, also can put up with his girlfriend a few little temper. A humorous, is he is an interesting person, can give you happiness, a different point of view, is the boyfriend to be optimistic, and lively.
Every time when be moody, boyfriend can always patiently coax her, she'll laugh and be able to use words. Himself in a bad mood, also won't angry to girlfriend, just like a big baby with girlfriends in pettish, talk about the heart troubles, and then to find a way to solve together. As above, I like red story.
A few times we eat together, the way will always be that boy humor, also seems to have never heard of big fight between them, every time a little humor can also be boyfriend fly to resolve contradictions.
Visible, find a good temperament, and humorous man is a kind of appeal
The appeal of a good man with high eq and high IQ, there are good enough to let his girlfriend.
If high eq and IQ is high, this state is a little too idealistic, so a good boyfriend at the very least have can let girlfriend place of worship.
Boyfriend girlfriend can be worship, so he must have their own advantages, the advantages are then found his girlfriend, his girlfriend like and worship him, that can satisfy the vanity of boyfriend as boys have to, also can let a relationship success.
But I think a good attractive man should have both eq and IQ.
It is very good people skills accurately. Once, I with my elder brothers and a girl and a pair of lovers, five of us eat together, they both couples during in his talk, I saw the girl sat there feel a bit embarrassed, but after a while do talk to her in the past, I said, her boyfriend let me play with her, lest her very embarrassed. After the girl has been that I am a nice person.
Dynamic figure
You have the quality I like.
We all know, the choice of boyfriend for also does not have so many rules, because the frame is set up to those who do not love, when you fall in love with each other, or be attracted to those boxes have been behind.
A good boyfriend is the most the traits: he makes you become the best you can.
Finally, I'd like to share a point of view, a good boyfriend is there, but as a human being, is always more or less imperfect, girls also want to learn to tolerate. With a very popular words is: as a boy, you are going to experience, to strive, to work hard, to temper themselves, but also improve yourself, you should work hard to do a good boyfriend.
So, date to fall in love, should talk about what?
1, first of all, you should know enough to allow each other to get to know you, about the outlook on life, values and attitudes.
Fall in love, not figure together happy or is the other side of the family is very good, just the marrying kind. Fall in love of process, it is to know each other if they seek. Although the process of love and marriage, without the running-in stage, little not quarrel, know each other constantly. So women will always ask us some questions spite. For example, if you always so talk to a girl? You always so about girls?
However, I think, in what is grinding, habits and customs is to say, two people get along in the process of grinding the grinding, grinding out the similarities, but if two people's outlook on life, values, but it's not that easy.
The first thing you need to know, is each other's outlook on life, values, consumption. The outlook on life, can't get along with.
For example, a want to travel to drift, but another want anchored to life;
A marriage, want to have a lot of children, the other to dink exactly;
A want to struggle together with each other, the other to the woman at home xiangfujiaozi, outlook on life there is no right or wrong, but the outlook on life, the pursuit of two people also is different, also don't want to together, it will be a great tragedy. So if you just want to simple possession for the purpose, you only need to show the girls liked the quality are in conformity with her together. But to get along with women think you later shows these are virtual, false. The girl will be determined to leave you. These false things I was always discouraged.
People in different or even opposite values, it is difficult to understand each other, two hearts will be more walk more far. Do you think important things he felt no sense, and has no you; The other insist what you think it is not necessary, and has been abandon him. Cannot understand each other, let alone support each other in do, mutual progress, it will be an irreconcilable contradictions, will lead to each other's heart long argument.
Consumption, make marriage a sharp drop in quality of life. When it comes to money, there will be a contradiction. A person enjoy saving money, and the other people like consumption, so, talk about money, hurt feelings, always Shouting at each other, to both sides. This problem has said in the previous articles.
Dynamic figure
2, second, to understand each other's way of thinking.
There are two ways of thinking, is a kind of introspection, one is to shirk this is something a lot of people, I think there are men and women.
Reflective thinking of people, will be more rational, to analyze the whole process of this matter, to learn from their own, to think about whether I where do not good, and then to look at the root of things, a good communication with the girl, dissolve the contradiction; And shirk responsibility, escape from a problem, to pass on a girl, the little contradiction become big contradiction.
Girls is very sensitive, so pay attention to the feelings of animals, life sometimes some puzzling small mood, with you to make a little contradiction. Girls are also the hope some familiar, some love, small contradictions, perhaps boys coax coax, also on the past, then happy life together.
If you are the one who always shirk, then, even if the condition is again good, the girl also need not consider, because this way, the girl will be very tired. This is what I have said is liable.
Dynamic figure
3, in addition, the girl will understand your attitude toward work, and your ability.
Some men would very sweet words, the girl lying around.
"Although I now have no money, but later I will earn a lot of money, must make you a better life"
"I really love you, believe me, you will work hard, let you have the money to spend."
Hearing these words, do not go to a lot of fantasies about the future, a girl now see you, see if you just tell u, or will be very hard to work, to practice their skills.
Work is still very lazy, if you work for a long time still not able to start, is still in the flat, but various kinds of hot air, with the girl, then, they will think this man can give them a better future, of course, these things they wouldn't tell you, but can think in your mind.
4, of course, to be a girl walk into you in the right time to let her into your family; And when you face the dilemma of compressive capacity; You treat her details and so on.
What kind of family, will produce what kind of children, in the family influence, will have an effect to the child. At the same time, the girl will look at how to deal with your relationship with your family.
When fall in love so what do we need to talk about what? How to talk about love, it is a very key thing. Not xi xi ha ha, happy play together all day. That is just the beginning.
Talk about what to look for each other for the other half, in order to determine whether your can be each other in person, Look at what each other is reaction if the other party to your standard deviation, or close most the girls interested in you.
Talk about money or savings, understanding each other is a thrifty people still believe in people of carpe diem;
Talked about the ideal life, get to know each other in general is a what kind of life planning and ideas; The most can show your mature girls.
On view of housework, do you want children, talk about the concept of parenting, talk about social news, talk about work, talk about life feeling...
Love applauded in addition to clap, and happiness, but there is a lot you need to talk about, don't be afraid of no topic.

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