Sunday, December 11, 2016

1 The unfamiliar world

"Di di! Di!......"
This is...... What's the matter?
"Warning alert!!! 3601 become strange!"
Very tired ah... I'm not dead? Here... Where is...
"Warning! Alert!!!!!! 3601 sick body heart stopped! Hypothermia!"
Shrill alarm is accompanied by the footsteps of chaos, dark eyes easily opened a gap, hazy looking at the white ceiling. A group of people who dressed in a white coat around him, touching his body, empty sound of ear squeezing the voice from the outside world, "buzz", let he couldn't hear the sound. He wants to move the body, but head like be drained all the strength, the empty body weightlessness as helpless as if floating in the universe.

What happened to me, this is...
"You feel uncomfortable???" A magnified face in the dark eyes, a face of eager. Dark puzzled look at sight of fuzzy, distorted restoration unceasingly, from side to side, causing his mouth open and closed without the slightest sound.
Here... Where is. This man... And who...
"Warning! Alert! 3601 sick body heart stopped! 3601 sick body heart stopped!"
Very tired ah...
Really want to... Go to bed...
Of the empty mind a blank, the ear, and distorted sloshing around some dizziness. Vacant eyes slowly unraveling, eyes constantly anxious calling themselves disappear.
Again, he lost all consciousness.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- scene line -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Dim light helpless floating in empty space, surrounded by a dark, hear a voice.
Quiet, that can be a collapse of the quiet.
Dark blank stare at the dark, his body is like being fit, filled with cotton, have no energy, no consciousness. The brain blank, letting her unconscious body.
Dark don't know if I've been here for long, not a trace of light in the dark and hear the silence of a sound made him unable to calculate time.
Until the light appeared in front of the darkness. Dim light at a closer to stare at the stars slowly, slowly, until he swallowed.
"Di di! Di!... 3601 sick body has awaken! 3601 sick body has regained consciousness..."
Cold metal sound in the ear rings, dark slowly hold up the front. A sudden light that long deep sleep for a moment he could not afford, burning pain.
Here is where it goes.
Dark unable to move his head, looked at around confused. A pale, large room when he was lying in a similar glass box, body full of pipes, wire. Is connected with the box next to a strange machine, the sound is coming from there.
Where is this? He is not dead?
Even the dark force values have confidence in myself, but great challenge there is no guarantee that he can get away with. And he clearly remember, that day with the king of zombies he fell in the first world war, when close to the critical crystal nucleus, end up with the king of zombies.
In the dim light of thinking time, the door was opened from outside, two men dressed in a white dress strange came in. A dark eyes winds, reflective want to condense power from the body. Feeling empty inside but to his great surprise, his power?
Two people go to the dark side to check, talk in a low voice. Dark coldly looking at two people lying in bed, empty in the body and the body's inability to make his' hands of two people unable to resist, it not only has high above the dull adult some warmth.
"How are you feeling now?" To look at it, one of the people close to the dark asked softly. Dark coldly looking at people close to the silence, suddenly see dark quiet, men thought he uncomfortable, can't help near again a few minutes, "said if you think what's wrong with you." "... where is here." Silence for a long time, slowly dim light mouth, long sleeping a bit dull. "You don't need to fear, here is the hospital, you are safe." A man in the dark smiled.
The hospital? Dark heart sank. He is still alive? No! It's impossible. He fifty crystal nucleus and a 50 level 3 zombie king of explosive energy can will he brushed don't even with Tony, and... Dim light scanning a look around, it's not able to appear in the last.
"What's the matter with you?" See dark complexion is bad, the man couldn't help but to worry some. "Now..." Have a bad feeling in the heart, dark took sip sip lip Angle, dry mouth. "What time is it now?" "Already at noon." "No." Dark closed his eyes. "I asked." Man and looked at each other, the people around you are from each other's eyes to see a bit surprised. "S $3000 light years away."
'boom! 'one of thunder in the dim light of mind blast, shock of dark head dizzy, shortness of breath and up.
"Di di! Di! 3601 become unbalanced, shortness of breath!" Metal rolling around rang again, dark side a surprised, two people quickly surrounded.
"I'm okay." Dark calms the breath, slowly opened his eyes, indifferent look at two people beside his check. "Excuse me, do you know 2115?" 2115, the year of his death. "2115? That's not the end of the dark history of the year?" Never open another surprise way.
Indeed as expected. Dark pulled pull the corners of the mouth, the stiffness of the lottery.
In the past 45 years, cool temperament of he don't like working with people, always to a mission loners. In his had the ability, right, in addition to out of the city, out of the task, his favorite is to stay in his own room to read some clean his town search of some books, he now this kind of situation he can also know some.
"You, ok?" Strange, is to see the dark one careful inquiry. "It's okay." Dark paused, trying to hook a he thought that was very kind, but extremely stiff smile. "The last question, who I am."
Both paused, then it is confusion.
Dark eyes open gawk pale ceiling, two people ignore a mess, thoughts and don't know where is.

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