Monday, December 12, 2016

4 Space

Inside the bathroom, even QiGuang looking at myself in the mirror, frown a pimple. Saw the boy in the mirror, the height of about 170 or so, the body slender, pale skin with some sickness. With chestnut hair soft put on beautiful neck, slightly messy bangs over a nice pair of black eyes. Pick eyebrow on the Angle of a rare, appearing into coloured glaze bright eyes, long eyelashes qiao, between light blinking as if there will be a crystal drop from canthus, let a person can't help but want to stretch out his hand to pick up. Coupled with a small nose and rosy lips, should be a blue yan beastly. If put in the eyes of others, is a city of beauty, but it seems to him even QiGuang, put in front of zombies, this is to say 'I am very delicious, I was very weak, come and eat me' waste wood samples.

The body is long a pair of good skin, but before he was always low head, a sullen, a picture of the other people all owe me touch kind, how let life like? If he can normal point, how sad is carrying the purposes of his heart the prince charming?
Even QiGuang slightly blinked, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly some innocent, let a person cannot help wanting to its fall. Angle of the lips, with a smile on the face out, originally innocent and lovely, just like appearance I suddenly think up as fairy, a rare beauty, but with a deadly poison. Even QiGuang face black, completely black.
Even QiGuang reached the forehead hair parted and exposed to a pair of shiny black eyes, looked at the mirror that a pair of innocent eyes moist, even QiGuang unbearable spunk of beauty, imposing manner fully open, eyes have deep immediately. Deep black eyes just like the boundless vortex cost most not to the end, through the layers of the cold, dark eyes deep accumulation with white-knuckle bloody. Time even QiGuang momentum across the people are changed, originally thin thin body around under a thick layer of killing and bloodshed, the whole people is like stepping a boundless body blood back from hell and creepy.

Even QiGuang content, the in the mind at ease, the momentum away, back to the usual deadpan.
Even QiGuang out of the bathroom, back to the room and went to bed do lying down, will themselves don't know what is the material of the quilt. Turned off the light, and the view of the house into the vast sea, the colorful coral, aquatic plants with water back and forth, flocks of strange fish swam from eyes, as if to let a person really is placed in a vast sea. But at this point even QiGuang didn't because the beauty of the sight and feel relaxed, spatial variation to let him feel a little upset. Even QiGuang has a space, which for him is a big secret, in addition to his own, no the second man know this secret, including he has assisted the little prince. This space is in a clear when a zombie in a small town. At that time he was betrayed by thousands of zombies around an antique store, at that time he has been a zombie scratched, just when he thought he was going to die, inadvertently touched a hidden in the drawer sandwich wooden box, wooden box is a big slap serpentine jade, white jade crystal can not see the slightest impurity, born to cold, not a mundane, at that time he guessed that it should be this shop shop treasure. When he was a lot of the white jade, his blood stained on the jade, then got the space. Space about one thousand meters, with a small stone house, placed in a stone house for many odd Dan medicine, there is a book, called "longevity tactic, practising thought when he started for can live forever, but then he is not still with age growth, the white is not white hair? But because it has the longevity tactic system power. The Dan medicine without signature, he also don't know what is, has been put aside in that also didn't receive. Beside the stone have a glimpse of spring water, only as big bowl, but the spring is open. To keep fit, production of long bone, can the zombie virus, this made him many times to pick it back to life. And drinking spring water, this science of uniting the power of time get twice the result with half the effort, so his power to progress so fast, become the first Chinese player.
But now the space becomes only hundred meters in size, surrounded by fog, a piece of turbidity. Spring water, stone, and his kind of vegetables, fruit trees. Collect weapons material disappeared in 7788. Only a small point is where the ragtag army of heap on the floor, that there is someone, local tyrants spoil the extremely humble enough to see. Even he was unable to enter inside.

In addition to the science of uniting the "longevity tactic of wood is power, power, there are two lines of fire and ice. His powers did not disappear, but turned back to the prototype, only the level 3, because already accustomed to the level 50 large strength, so a little bit wasn't enough to see in his eyes, have directly ignored at the beginning, so think power is gone.
Hard for 50 years, once back to before liberation. Now he's fighting capacity is a slag, literally to an intermediate zombies can destroy him. Space mutation also let him lose the final blessing, to stay in this strange world, everything here he was a bit nervous, can't let him feel powerless to protect themselves.
A sigh of relief in the heart, even QiGuang tired closed his eyes, running little power in the body. Is a good practice, don't really is to one day.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- scene line -- -- -- -- -- --

"Don't get into trouble again, darling to stay at home, also can't go there! What don't understand of ask xiao yu xiao yu." Will even QiGuang play waste robot installed yesterday, ready to take to fix lian yu city, especially when wanting to stare at even QiGuang charged is not assured. Japan's she's tied for standing in the doorway and even listen to even yu city lectured QiGuang, deadpan stare at the ceiling of the energy of light, even yu city, he MuMuDe play a sound.
Finish all arrangements, even yu city has some not trust, turned to charge even shinohara adding "if you like him, he want to do, you let me know." "Know the elder brother." Japan's heavy nodded, and she's even with a big smile. Even yu city touch her head, and then frown at QiGuang, stressed out.
Look at yu city out of the door, on the car, finally gone, standing at the gate for a long time even QiGuang turned to leave, poker face on the floor.
Even shinohara she trotted to the refrigerator, take out from the inside a small cake, turned around and went back to settled down on the couch, eating, and perfectly straight death staring at the second floor even QiGuang door, afraid of a person not by him to slip. Can not wait for her first sip swallow cake, the door was pulled open upstairs, even the qi smooth expressionless came out. Japan's spent, he even opened his mouth to gawk someone upstairs.

Outside even QiGuang an army green light clothing, wearing a black turtleneck hooded shirt, easing hat obscured half of his face. And a body-hugging black slacks, hands in the pocket, idle deadpan at even shinohara she's downstairs.
This dress is even QiGuang at finding supplies running out, for the clothes he has some not habit here. The clothes here and I don't know what is made of, wear in the body without feeling, and weight, also can self regulating temperature, it makes even QiGuang feel like naked themselves.
Even was still in a daze QiGuang walk straight to Japan's she's around, even the commanding looked at her. "Rich?" "...." Leng leng from his pocket a wallet pink silly cat, at least in the eyes of even the QiGuang looks kind of stupid. "The next day still you." Even QiGuang took the money, turned and walked towards the door.
"Wait! Wait!" Japan's adding even dull looking at the empty hand, wait until even QiGuang is ready to walk out the door, even Japan's adding a jiling, hurriedly catch up in front of him. "You, you are going to do." "Go out". Remained expressionless. "Can't be! Eldest brother said, you can't go out." "Come back soon." Wanted to think, and even QiGuang MuMuDe patch 1 "won't literally chuai person." "But, but..." Japan's she's anxious to have pale even emerged some glow on his young face.

"Do you want to tell?" Even the qi smooth expressionless stare at Japan's adding, even been watching even shinohara she couldn't help she, originally some flushed face and instantly become pale. "No... no."
"Bye." Not let xiao yu she, even the qi smooth expressionless bypass shinohara she, goes to the door.
"Two... second brother!!!!!"

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