Saturday, December 17, 2016

I want to seal day--A bronze mirror--0004

Treasure cabinet inside the bling, greeted colorful glowing rays, rows of green jade, in each grid has the dazzle, Aquarius, small sword, wek-jin, orb, let Meng Hao shortness of breath instant, the heart jump, as if the blood of the moments into the brain, stood there.
Meng Hao this small rest, have never seen so many treasures, at the moment he was completely submerged by the bling, mind between hum, not perception has an all will treasure.

"The value of these treasures... this is priceless, rich, working for immortals, is so good." Meng Hao mumbling, through rows of jade, look with a concussion, but subconsciously looked up at upper part, thought this treasure cabinet three layers, only the first layer is so, wouldn't it be said that the above two layers of treasures of greater value.
"Fairy... really rich!" Meng Haoshen breath when his eyes suddenly a clot, see the very prominent position in the treasure pavilion, there is a bronze mirror.
This bronze mirror some rust, ugly, no baoguang above, and the treasures around the contrast is very big.
With surprise, Meng Hao picked up a bronze mirror, carefully looked at a few eye, this bronze mirror more see the more ordinary, like traveling, no surprise, since can put in treasure cabinet, Meng Hao thought should have its value.
"Teacher younger brother good taste." Meng Hao voice behind him, the wise man does not know when, looking at Meng Hao bronze mirror, in the hands of a tone with praise.
Since "teacher younger brother picked up the mirror, you decree by destiny, with it the mirror has a lot of legends, especially its mystery, is said to be able to get it, except the big chance need more big accident, presumably teacher younger brother is a man who have the temperament of, hold the mirror graced the heavens and the earth, just around the corner." Smart man sighed repeatedly, the voice as if with a force of some kind of strange, let Meng Hao listen to zheng.
"The mirror......" Meng Hao look strange, bowed their heads and looked at the bronze mirror again, there is no complex carving, especially those rust, make this mirror even as things are ambiguous.
"Teacher younger brother don't look at the mirror doesn't limpid, is a treasure to know any psychic, is other people proposition, the more the humble, the more common." Smart man bronze mirror to see Meng Haoyao put back to the grid, blocked by hurriedly stepped forward a few steps, looked at Meng Hao seriously.
"Teacher younger brother, picked up is predestined friends, give up because it seems the profane? Brother responsible for treasure cabinet here for many years, know the origin of each piece of treasure here, stir this bronze mirror when zhao, a ray of light of outer drop formation, by studying after backer bodhi old zu obtained, thought to be borne the treasure, though never study to understand, but decided that such a mirror encounter is predestined friends the human, will can roam the heavens and the earth."
Heard the name of the bodhi old zu, close to the Meng Hao zheng, he just outside into the cases, many are not ripe, they hesitate.
"Backer bodhi old zu didn't research to understand, I..."
"Teacher younger brother he is wrong, brother can tell you, the bodhi old zu no results, is to illustrate the treasure fate, and there are dozens of others before you took this baby, although no research to understand, but they also have no regret."
"One thousand...... you are the mirror with the right person? Can be at ease, and you take away the mirror before you, those ties, there are quite a few are two less than three months back, brother this person after we contact after a long time you know, I'm nice, don't want to embarrass stuff, and had a baby to be replaced."
"If you take away after didn't understand, may at any time to return, and then in to choose a, can this opportunity... if abandoned, one thousand decree by destiny, can regret a lifetime." Of great meaning to the wise man watched Meng Hao, see the Meng Hao more hesitant, heart did Sarah laugh, heart way these just outside the disciple best fool, as long as the origin of the mirror and rumors say, with the words of heaven and earth that hold a hook, guarantee immediately have a boiling passion.
The origin of the bronze mirror with rumors, he didn't cheat to Meng Hao, but is induced with the mirror, for he made a lot of LingShi, every time, after all, back of the mirror, a little impatience, natural need LingShi accommodation.
"But..." Meng Hao have been reading a book, very intelligent, the wise man counsel naturally listen to clear, knowing that the mirror, I'm afraid not like each other, but the man stopped in front of, is clearly made up his mind not to let him put back to the mirror easily, even casually dropped, even also useless, some regret picked up the mirror inside.
"Teacher younger brother, don't make the door into the cases of the first day, in this treasure cabinet picks up not down." Smart man feel temperature enough, then according to the previous method, was a heavy, low drink, big sleeve shaking, immediately with the wind whistling, pushing Meng Hao moments flew out of the cabinet, treasure on the outside.
A bang, treasure cabinet doors closed.
"As the brother softhearted, if you do not mirror with this decree by destiny, can to change at any time after today." Treasure cabinet inside spread the voice of smart man.
Meng Hao frowned, looked up to close the treasure cabinet, has brought angry, with a sigh, and looked down at the hands of the bronze mirror and Meng Hao thought of condensate gas volume open book, just a hesitation, andao if really backer bodhi old zu studied, also calculate values, shaking his head in the mirror in the bosom, hate hate again took one look at the treasure cabinet, turned to leave.
Walking out of bluestone road, Meng Hao according to jade Jane houses in azimuth, at noon, found belongs to outside his home, here is the edge of the north district, very remote, around houses, thickly dotted crowded together.
Pushed open the door of the dwelling houses, the door open with a creaking, inside a bed, a table, Meng Hao stood looking down at a long time, very satisfied, it is better than factotum place on many here.
Cross legs sitting on the bed, Meng Haoshen breath, took out her arms of bronze mirror, carefully research, but until sunset xishan, nightfall, lit the lamp again after a long time, and Meng Hao also didn't understand what this bronze mirror.
No matter how you look at it, the bronze mirror are very unusual.
Night, Meng Hao simply put this bronze mirror in the side, looking out the window bright moon, thought of the little fatty, miss some small fatty purring.
Out the window bright moon, the moonlight fell on the window eaves, around is very quiet, only the loud brawl of a slightly wind blowing through the sound, let Meng Haoshen breath, think this a few months of life, Meng Hao kind if suddenly feel like a lifetime ago, murmured.
"I was no longer YunJie county scholar, has become patron of the outside of the disciple..."
Pack up for a long time Meng Hao mind, close the meditation, body running reiki filar silk, this kind of life he has been going on for a few months, now already used.
Cases and factotum difference, here have not a disciple to prepare food, all food all want oneself to think of some way to get to, if not to starve to death, nor ignore, but over the years, patron of the outside, is really not starve to death.
After all in the condensate gas layer, and heaven and earth reiki, although cannot solve the hunger, but can keep the life existence.
A few days after noon, Meng Haozheng cross legs meditation, suddenly a scream coming from outside, Meng Hao immediately opened his eyes, and stood up to the window looked out, he saw a disciple was stepped on the foot, outside the chest bloody, though not dead but has injured, was removed store content bag, cold hum away.
The man struggling to climb up, and with a malicious crime, in the eyes of the sputtering go far, have a lot of the fence surrounding people, mostly look of indifference, the hidden with sarcasm.
Meng Hao silence, such a scene, he has seen several times these days, the heart for the backer of land outside the rules, the more profound.
Time flash, in the past seven days, seven days Meng Hao out again and saw several times of robbery, the disciple competing with hand, let Meng Hao character gradually become silent, especially when he saw a two or three layers of condensate gas brother was snuffed out of public area, this let Meng Hao out, be careful.
Fortunately, although he is very low, but after all, there is nothing valuable thing in the world, people are not pay any attention to him.
And Meng Hao practice, also appeared a stagnation, condensate gas layer is a layer of, is also a reiki into the body, but according to condensate gas volume, on the second floor has begun to change human body, make the body more adapt the reiki, so the reiki more than one layer.
Similarly, Meng Hao also know in what was known as the qualification of say, body alignment with heaven and earth reiki, is the qualifications, qualifications, the better, the alignment, the higher the qualification, the worse, the fusion of the lower, the same deep breathing, natural inhalation of reiki is a good qualification level.
According to his calculations, want to become a condensate gas layer, it needs one or two years, as for the three layers of condensate gas, more time out several times.
Unless it's for Dan medicine or LingShi, relying on the power of Dan medicine LingShi into reiki, can greatly shorten the time, which is why cases of door of robbery is bitter, because every month, the outside will be issuing of Dan medicine.
"The more the better, the weak, the weak, the anchor is in this way, to cultivate the inner disciple..." Meng Hao silence.
This one day in the morning, and pursued my vovage Meng Hao cross legs sitting on the bed, he didn't qualification, but there is a strong, deep breathing, even at night, you don't give up meditation at this time of door bell sirens, continued to slowly Meng Hao opened my eyes.
"This bell..." Meng Hao eyes a clot, faint guessed what, look have a bit excited, went out of the houses, saw many ties around one by one immediately look exciting, go straight to the distance.
"Bells rang, this is to distribute LingShi Dan medicine."
"Computation is today." As the bells, more people run out, not only is this place, now outside the whole range, almost all of the outside of the disciple.
"Put Dan." Meng Haoshen breath, also as they run a few steps, along with the crowd outside a moment later in the center of the square, the square is very large, around nine pillars of carved dragons, distributing the harsh light, spread out on the front pillar ten zhangs square platform, on which rosy clouds shrouded, faint with figure, let who hazy.
Outside this disciple of more than one hundred people, all dressed in green robe, muttering pillars of gaze from time to time in the rosy clouds above the platform.
Platforms now slightly rosy clouds scattered, show clear figure, there stood a man dressed in golden robes, some spots on the face, can look but not anger from Wisconsin, binocular such as electricity. Next, one male and one female two people in silver, man, pretty special, look cool, a vital qi, as for the woman, see Meng Hao at the moment, his eyes a contraction.
This woman, is three months ago from daqingshan caught him.
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