Thursday, January 19, 2017

0092--Destroy the preconditions! --I want to seal day

There is on the night before the preconditions for the elders, after the intense cold of the preconditions for Meng Hao kill heart man, now the whole zhao, the three big gate of the three preconditions for the godsworn, appeared two at the moment.

Meng Haoxin matter of the today, has become a stand-off, are hard to break unless is introducing the backer of the bodhi old zu retreat abode of fairies and immortals, but backer of the bodhi old zu abode of fairies and immortals, want to open to the backer bodhi old zu, cooperate.

And so much has happened between him and backer bodhi old zu, estimated the bodhi old zu character, can shoot or two said. Besides, it has been a before, if the second time, still can dupe has not much, but they still want to try.

"Three big palm teaching and the elders, not death!" Almost in the night of preconditions for old man approached, right hand raised his moment, suddenly Meng Hao openings.

His words came out, the old man immediately eyes flashing, even Meng Hao behind this moment coming on the cold side of the preconditions of man, look a clot.

"They were trapped in the backer of the bodhi old zu within a abode of fairies and immortals, the abode of fairies and immortals, is there." Right hand lift a finger when the backer ZongDongFeng Meng Hao openings.

Cold of preconditions for men's eyes flashing, looked Meng Hao backer ZongDongFeng. The night of the condensate gas friar, also all changes one by one look, qi qi.

Only the party the night of the preconditions of the elders, smell speech was laughing, just that some grim smile, faint with sarcasm.

"How old is very want to know, you know, three large door return to teaching and elders of the dead." There is a Meng Hao hitched a heart sound, but look the same.

"However, no matter what you say, will you all grabbed asked again." Between the night of the preconditions for the elders of discourse right hand suddenly raised, toward Meng Hao here with a catch, the catch, built for exploding in the base, and he appeared out of thin air in front of him a big hands, with a sharp blow to Meng Hao here many years to come.

Meng Hao body without hesitation quickly to avoid, but at that moment, the cold of the preconditions of the man behind him, a left sleeve of the sneer at cuhk, suddenly roaring out of the storm, headed for Meng Hao.

The two preconditions for the monks, but at the same time, Meng Hao grind, right hand a clap on the storage bag, a LeiGuang appeared at once, into a LeiQi!

This flag, it is Meng Hao to there from the backer bodhi old zu, brother can resist an attack, at the moment when, suddenly LeiQi spread, directly into a piece of the fog, fog inside LeiGuang, enveloped Meng Hao around.

Thunder echoed, Meng Hao spit out one mouthful blood in the fog, the body suddenly back, the preconditions for the elders eyes flashing, showing a surprise, eyes rested on the fog around the Meng Hao.

The cold of the preconditions of man is also light yi.
The fog scattered five or six zhangs, Meng Hao in them, pale lips overflow blood, pain, five zang-and have blood to pour out, be Meng Hao forcibly suppressed, the flag he need refining can fully exert, from he tried after refining, but time is too short, still unable to fully expanded, at the moment only a half, and with its own operation instability.

"This treasure is good, but you can't run, and see if you can afford a few times, experienced the preconditions of operation method!" Party night light opening of preconditions for the elders, stepped between right hand raised, a blue wool dust appear at once, by one sweep, those green light flashing, MAO immediately into a myriad of moss, straight to the fog around the Meng Hao but go to.

Thunder echoed, the preconditions for the elders is due to the fog, dust swept every time, let the fog roar contraction.

Between the cold of the preconditions of man sneer, finger of right hand forward make finger gestures during incantations, his entire hand immediately, suddenly became the ice, a flash, the ice fracture, but before his fingers together again, into a hand ice, and going straight to Meng Hao there.

Touch in an instant, the sound of thunder spread, moss, ice, makes the fog around the Meng Hao immediately contraction, Meng Hao in its continuous spouting blood, body pain to fracture, mind is constantly, hum makes his face lost color, a strong life and death crisis, enveloped Meng Hao body and mind, his clear feel, LeiQi and own that tie, can be cut off at any time.

Once LeiQi lost contact with her, even if Meng Haoxiu for the condensate gas great perfection, but he is condensate gas, in the face of the preconditions, gap is too big.

In this crisis, Meng Hao with bloodshot eyes, his right hand suddenly raised a clap a storage bag, immediately in his hand, there was a lamp that sends out the breath of ancient lamp!

This lamp, lighting, the wick is a cross legs meditate yuan baby, it is... Cat was here!

For yuan baby oil, take life as a fire, burning, this is the only method of broken Meng Hao now think of, he was in the fire was ferocious, slowly rise, flank Meng Hao mesh.

His deep breath, the sound of popping out in the body, condensate gas of practice for great perfection in this moment fully operational, DanHai roar back inside his body, spirit force whirled in the meridians, for everything, and in this moment, into a mouthful of belong to his Meng Hao of repair for gas.
Then he looked up at the fog.

Fog cover, making Meng Hao all in the hands of the lamp has not been outside to see, and this lamp, also does not have the slightest breath out.

The fog around the boom of a loud noise, Meng Hao shrink again, see is only a mile, the preconditions for the elders in the hands of the floating dust of moss moments diffusion.

"Give me!" An old man a loud growl, left hand is raised to Meng Hao refers to the fog, and the fog around the instantaneous Meng Hao boom collapsed directly, again into the LeiQi, fly to one side.

"Old say you late today, you have to die today!" An old man proudly openings, the right hand is raised, dust swept away, should belong to the Meng Hao there.

Can at this moment, see the old man suddenly lost after the fog Meng Hao pale, his hands holding the lamp, from the moment to see this lamp, the preconditions for the elders was suddenly a change.

"This is..."

Pitfalls strongly Meng Hao eyes, do not give each other a chance, suddenly open your mouth, will be suppressed for a long time in the body of the relief, directly.

As this tone, all fall in the oil lamp of the flame, the flame spread directly, immediately unexpectedly suddenly diffuse outward, the preconditions for the elders with panic was turned back, but the higher rate of fire, spread into the man's body in an instant.

The shrill screams, great at this moment, the preconditions for the elders body immediately filled it will not extinguish the flame, his hand dust directly into fly ash, his clothes and his body, in the twinkling of an eye, at the squeal of bellow out, instantly... Fly ash.
This scene so fast, that let the person all round was too late to have any reaction, ear piercing cries the preconditions for the elders in diffusion, can spread the cries of the elders, has become the fly ash, were burned, the slightest not, even store content bag is direct combustion.

Meng Hao pale, lamp in hand trembling slightly, the words of qi, is almost all of his, but also lose the lamp of the horror of the flame.

Around a silence... An old man died, at the moment there is a rare flame burn in the thin air, make the sky all twisted up there.

Bellow old man's voice, gradually became the lingering, gradually the intermittent inspiratory sound suddenly, the night that * a friar, their dull to look at the scene, look no belief.

"Chen elders he..."

"This is... what fire?"

"It's not possible... Chen's elder brother is the preconditions, how could he die in the hands of Meng Hao..."

They dare not to believe in him, build the strong, actually... Was setting to death, and release the fire of the people, incredibly is a condensate gas friar, in their consciousness, this is not possible, the preconditions the godsworn, could never be condensate gas culling.
Even to weak base, will never die in the hands of condensate gas godsworn.

But now, everything in sight, but reversed their mind, makes the roar, * people mind to Meng Haoshi, has with horror.

But they don't know, more horror at the moment, is the cold of the preconditions of man, he was pale, trembling, opened the big eye dull to look at an old man died, inner moment is full of endless cold and dying.

He was afraid and his brother as the preconditions, in high overhead, zhao will seldom know what is a fear, but now, he was afraid, afraid even use to describe is not appropriate, it is fear!

But that is he is not very close from beginning to end, so at the moment of death, will not only is the night of the elders, one wouldn't have him.

Tremble at the moment, pale face, he looked at the lamp Meng Hao hands, fear is more intense, the condensate gas disciple don't know what it is fire, but he was to see the clue.

"The fire of yuan baby, this is a people of yuan baby, lit the fire of life after the formation of the yuan baby! This flame not only can burn the preconditions, link Dan was also all die!" Cold of the preconditions for men, shortness of breath, at the moment in found Meng Hao look to yourself, he immediately scalp pins and needles, stepped back body subconsciously, dare not close, now already don't care about his brother as the preconditions of face.

Meng Hao lamp in hand, feet tread the fly sword, the left hand to lift a recruit, immediately the store content bag LeiQi fly by his income, while working at the moment is, side coldly looking at the cold face changes the preconditions of man.
But at this moment, suddenly, in the backer of outside, the sky thunder, there are three way for more than ten zhangs wide changhong, bring about a large number of ripples, with a tc, come the moment.

Within the three changhong, there are three seems to be just climbed out of the old man from the grave, wrinkled, that a people are more rich dead body, but in the dead of at the same time, is a powerful build for breath, the breath of strong, although there has been no to yuan baby, but it is "Dan great perfection.

Meng Hao heart sank, grasp the lamp in hand, he at the moment for the cost of ten *, breath is used before the fire, at the moment the only depend on hold, it is the oil lamp deterrent.

They fast, on the verge of approaching, the wind chill of preconditions for men's eyes immediately lit up, but suddenly, the whole sky with a dark, a far more than the three fake baby realm of the bodhi old zu breath, at this moment, directly over the entire zhao, enveloped the sky upon the earth.

A huge bell, appeared on the backer of the sky, a coercion with eerie voice, spread.

"Backer bodhi old zu, you roll for long-term out!"

Voice of thunder, crushing, rolling thunder, makes the snow around the screen directly fractured collapse, and here the * a night of condensate gas disciple, one by one immediately spit out the blood and qi qi burst open, is can't afford to die.
Meng Hao here is also body shook, spill blood corners of the mouth, eyes looked up when the contractions.

The cold of the preconditions of man, also face a change, there is air coming at the moment the three three bodhi old zu, now look of horror, dare not to fly, fuels qi qi that bell towards the sky, now standing in a man blue worship.

The blue man standing on the bell, the wind blows the garment unlined upper garment, behind him, wind and cloud, open his eyes closed, the left eye pupil like sun, sending out the strong light, right eye YouSen, pupil like crescent moon, he also has a crack on the eyebrows, its deep, as if there is an eye, only the eyes outsiders see not clear, can only see a piece of extremely rich lotus flower.

Cat was here!

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