Thursday, January 19, 2017

What idea most easy to let the boy misunderstanding girl?

1. Sometimes a girl just for laughs 
Meaning is not literally 

2. Want to be a word or two 
Let yourself know each other is love yourself 
He is considered too 

3. Read your eyes you will think that I think you are very handsome 
In fact, I just have not seen the ugly so special person 

4. Ask the boy have a girlfriend 
Just ask 
Have a girlfriend we know somehow 
Really not interesting to you 

5. See you for a long time not to talk 
Sometimes really not shy 
Really it's just you are ugly 

6. I said, "all right, don't angry!" 
You really think I is ok 
I haven't angry!!!!!! 


7. The girl first met reserve 
Often let the boy thought was out 
And then give up... 

8. When an argument 
When angry said to break up 
Just think that I really want to break up 
Just want to say loudly and temptation 
All is not to leave! 

9. I just want to ask him doing it 
Where to eat And who together 
He will think I am in on inspection 


10. I said eat together see a movie 
Really is just a dinner see a movie 
I pick the midnight 
Do you want to send me home 

11. Ask me if I had a boyfriend 
I said no 
Just thought I liked him 
In to give him the opportunity to 
Chasing girls do directly 
Don't like to say directly 
Don't be so many circles around 


12. The girl said don't 
Sometimes really don't! 
Not in the ironic 
Don't trust online 
Don't is to mean girl said! 

13. As long as calm face 
Will think that physiological period again 
Not necessarily physiological period will be in a bad mood! 


14. The girl makeup wear good clothes 
Just for the sake of oneself happy 
Is not to seduce a man 

15 say cold not let you take off your clothes for me 
Is to want to let you hug me 

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