Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Do you worth entrust lifelong man?

To get married is married, so before meet parents, marriage decision, be sure to carefully examine whether your man worth entrust a lifetime. A good husband of 18 kinds of quality, as long as he have a few items, and you love each other enough, then bless you!

1, love you without conditions

You must love this man, the man must also love you. This love is pure love, colour does not have any interests, also do not have any utilitarian purpose. The two of you together, no matter when and where, will be very happy to be joyful and happiness.
2, he can give a woman a sense of security

The man wants to be able to give a woman a sense of security, will not let you worry and care without a cause, let you always know where he is, in what to do, he also wants to know where you are doing. He care for you meticulously, do you think he can do it, you wouldn't think he can do it, you can always carefree life, because of him, you can not to think about anything.

3, he can fight for the sake of your happiness

The man can have nothing, but must have the dedication to work and conquer the desire, has a strong and tough character, in order to let you live a rich, happy, happy life and to pursue unceasingly, achieve the maximum value of our existence.

In the process of pursuing career success, not because of setbacks and failures are being bitter, malaise, fell to climb up, but also trying to find silhouette with excuses for his failure. In the face of failure, he can laugh it off, don't even let you see, the scar to move on. A real man wouldn't give up their pursuit.
4, he generous to you

The man should have a lot of bearing, can let all can let the person, can let all can contain. He will not interfere in your affairs, such as whether you are on business go out dinner party with customers, or with classmates friends I had not seen for years, even with your first boyfriend.

Although his heart will be very depressed, will be jealous, but as long as you appear in front of him, he was so happy as to forget everything, does not make a fuss when you go home, or a sullen along while don't take reason you.

5, he won't let you bear the pain

The man can not only take care of you, and even if again big difficulty, again big misfortune, unfair again big, also won't show in front of your despair, crying, complaining, whining, but hidden everything in front of you in my heart silently bear, also constantly give you create happiness, bring you joy.

This man, able to endure great pain, but never make trouble for yourself unnecessarily, because of you.
6, he has his own opinion

The man must have their own ideas, can't listen to the wind is the rain. Even if he is a very filial son, Suggestions to parents is screened. For his son a lot of parents, it will be the son of many options for intervention, including things between you. (Chinese herbal medicine kidney impotence, kidney qi deficiency, Yin and Yang are two modest impotence, Yin fire impotence, premature ejaculation, Yin deficiency, the fire, kidney Yin deficiency, kidney Yang deficiency and kidney Yin deficiency fire, WeChat: sex1225209) for something between you and him know only the two of you can make decision, no matter how much pressure, he will not live in the shadow of others, will not live in other people's comments.

7, he can resist any temptation to you

The man no matter for you and the feelings between you, are loyal never betray. No matter what kind of circles in his work, friends, he is very strong in resistance to the temptation of other women.

Is not he doesn't want to, but he can use the rational control their behavior, also responsible for own behavior, even if you are a never doubted his people, even if he has one hundred opportunities to do so.
8, he can tolerate everything of you

The man if really love you, love you of everything, including your bad habits and drawbacks, including your friends, family, defects and problems, and they gave him the annoyance or with your family and trouble. He never complain or blame, he will be serious about these things, by the way you can accept to help you get rid of bad habits. He will sacrifice their own interests to help your family and friends, because he knows, help them, is to help you!

9 and he support your career

The man no matter how capable, can make money, he will not claim you stay at home do he and his children's nanny, won't make you for household chores become laundry cooking housewife. He support you independent, self-improvement, have your own social circle, have belong to your colleagues and friends. He won't let you go out, others only know that you are someone's wife, and I don't know your name. He is busy, also won't let you be tired by a family.
10, his health

The man must be very healthy body, have good living habits, had better be to have no bad habits, but also have the habit of physical exercise participation in various sports activities. This man is not necessarily how strong tall, big up to the invasion, but time can be in high spirit, high-spirited, very the sunlight, very move feeling. Every day without you accompany him to the hospital, also won't always in sick for him.

11, he is very confident man

The man should be a confident person, is a radiate confidence, courage, fortitude man, homo habilis you really feel comfortable and free. Can optimistic confident people, can be open-minded, can be generous, no matter in what kind of starting point, no matter what kind of process experience, he will use their own efforts to change their own destiny, can let oneself pursue career success, let oneself become the pride of his wife and children.
12 and he have the ability to feed their families

The man, though not rich, but must have a stable income, or a skill of making money, at the very least the breadwinner is a problem. Love is important, but love from the story of life can only be qiong precious jade novel, impossible for a long time. (Chinese herbal medicine kidney impotence, kidney qi deficiency, Yin and Yang are two modest impotence, Yin fire impotence, premature ejaculation, Yin deficiency, the fire, kidney Yin deficiency, kidney Yang deficiency and kidney Yin deficiency fire, WeChat: sex1225209) economic base determines the superstructure, and deep feelings, also cannot help but spend difficult life. Rich couples Pepsi sorrow, even daily necessities sauce vinegar tea all worry about life, what is the mood to do work?

13, he and you should be a well-matched couple

The man's height and looks can't difference too far with you, can't look at heart, thinking of nausea. Even if he can satisfy the requirement of your high material life, but two people together to have a meal to sleep together, if even glance at the mood all have no, such a life also can maintain how long? A person's material requirements will be limited, and the spiritual demand is infinite, who can and his aversion to people live a lifetime?
14 and he dared to face any results

The man must have a sense of responsibility. Do things and to do when the choice must consider the results, and for possible results ready to deal with. No matter what the results, as long as related to their, can dare to own, whether public or private, don't look for excuses to shirk responsibility, more not blames on others.

15 and he can adjust your life

The man, humorous and have interest, there are one or several good hobby. You're together, he can always find your topics of common interest. No matter what time, you can all together to talk about a topic, one night, and your topic is not confined to the family chores Zhang Guchang li on short, he can talk to you a Korean dramas, a book. He could always come up with ways to decorate a boring life, could have time to take you to travel, go for an outing, opened has the characteristics of the hotel will take you to dinner, can at any time can give you a surprise.
16, he can fight like a man

The man no matter how tall, weight, but must be like a man, a man's spirit. Can by making and honoring promises that in a crisis, be yourself. Consideration is an event between you, and not participate in the decision making of some things, can give you considerable autonomy and discretion. When you appear conflict with others, he is always in the most simple way to resolve contradictions, also can ensure you don't suffer.

17, he has strong communication skills

The man in his own circle is an active character, have certain charisma and personality charm, social ability. You bring him to you and your colleagues or classmates party, he can quickly with your friends, colleagues to find the right topic, in conversation, he can humor humor and wit, and insight into the original philosophical.
18 and he have a common heart

The man must have a common heart, to win without pride and lose with grace, not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses. Rich can reach all over the world, poor immune. In adversity tenacious spirit, optimistic, positive enterprising, the pursuit of their never-say-die, with a gentle heart go regard own gain and loss.

The above 18, a man can't all have, it is ok to can have a few, not harsh, otherwise your lifetime also don't want to put himself married.

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