Thursday, January 19, 2017

The ultimate secret of chatting with a girl, let you become kojiro seven night

What is the secret of chatting with women? 
Why some men can always talk to women talking and laughing, talk. 
While some people how can arouse each other's interest, and even don't know what to say? 
Especially in the face of a strange girl, but speechless... 
Yes, a lot of men in this part of "said" does need to be strengthen... 
Since the blasting you chat,. 

1. How to make track for a girl It is important to find the right place

Where is someone will always ask, hooking up the success rate is higher? In fact, every place has the advantages of each place.

Today, this a few places, I would like to introduce is the better place to put the younger sister.

1. The university campus
Campus is a relatively simple environment, so the girl to the opposite sex strike up a conversation will feel comfortable. Study hall is a place where students focused, liquidity is not strong, also can let you have a good sense of timing. But you'd better don't read in sandstones, target time to disturb her, suggest to wait until she was looking for a book shelf. Or in the place such as water dispenser, loos manufacturing ran into her chance. You can get a seat near the target to read for a while, then she borrow a pen or paper.
Then continue to look at your book, when she got up to go out, you can find a chance to meet her outside the classroom, to thank her.

So that you can naturally, began to strike up a conversation, you can also away in her out, he put a piece of paper in her seat. Write, such as: "you hair care is very good!" Say you want to consult her hair care experience. To attach your contact information, it is recommended that you write down the phone number, she tends to go back to your message.

Also, don't forget to check the campus lecture arrangement, other schools around the coffee shop, library, theater, pizza, bars and stores are also the best strike up a conversation.

2. The bookstore
Bookstore environment can let a female have safe feeling, but love reading man can give a person the sense is good, so the store is a good place to strike up a conversation. When you go to the bookstore, had better look over the entire bookstore quickly around a circle. If found target, near her pick book, carefully confirm if she is your favorite type (this is the advantage of the bookstore, gives you enough time).

If the goal is to determine, you also looking for a book, reading in her side, looking for the opportunity to observe what she's reading. You can directly book content, the title and author of chat with her. The opening rhetoric can skip, even their ideas like two clubs as you talk.

If you read books, you can recommend some for her. You can say to her is very interested in looking at the theme, let she recommend some books for you. If you can exchange readings with her, let her feel you have common topics and interests, it would be perfect.

To find a girlfriend, you fast to these two places to give it a try. Maybe your destiny's child is waiting for you here.

3 clubs
Night club is a high-energy need, of course, is in addition to the above two places know sister is more rapid and more convenient place. Need to have a peacock modelling, demanding on the building of the shape. Because it is a material environment. The consumption is higher, recommendation and wingman AA together. Of course, you can also use the bar, the cost is low. Relatively difficult. In our class is like a sister, what is the use of the bar interaction.

Take 4 street,
Upscale malls, girls quality relatively high. High level of consumption, of course, we need to pay attention to your grooming.


2. How to happily chatting with a girl

First, in the silent state, how to do?
People who do not how to speak, the beginning and the girl chat easily silent embarrassment. Although an uncomfortable silence under the status of your mood, but don't in order to reverse the silent and hard to seek a topic to talk, the situation to speak most silly.

At that time, actually can be sincerely ": I'm sorry, I'm not too will talk. This kind of sincere attitude is far better than you brag. Also, silence is not necessarily a good time.

During this period, the other party to digest what you said before, you can also as a good listener. Find deeper topics, little silent, let the more big level throughout the conversation.

The second topic, excavation depth
Silent when the first point, don't be to seek a topic to brag B, want to find a little depth topic let's chat more depth.

How to explore the depth of the topic? There is a very good method, that is: migration to the objective things. Two topics, a piece of paper towels on the table can be used.

Such as: a piece of paper towels on the table, you can share your with the girl university students to participate in the clothing design competition, with a paper towel to make clothes and then the prize.

After a topic to chat, asked her: "you are university students have more funny than ah, what fun?"

Thus the attention of the other party and lenovo, let the other side is driven by your question, involved in the interaction of the matter with you. So, put sharp eyes, seeing what can create a buzz around "artifact".

Third. Seize each other's mood, let the insipid conversation more wonderful
The same thing, some people is very boring, some people, but very exciting. Why is that? Because you will take the other person's emotions. Everyone is talking about the topic what we care about, that is to say, don't talk about what we don't care. The same thing, the mood point close to each other, when you chat will attract the attention of the other. For example: a girl catch a cold. The average person will say: "remember to drink more water ah, see the doctor."

If we know that it will have this kind of response, so she really want to get this response? Certainly not! Because she is lonely. A cold is not a serious illness, make good use of plus for your emotions. So take time to play with her, chatting with her feelings, to take care of her, that's what she really need!

3. Allows you to chat with my goddess chat with much confidence

1. Calm tone, slowly
Some people are naturally talk soon, some people are nervous to talk will be faster. And plus hit like objects, more say the sooner, the more excited. Whether natural or nervous, speak too fast is one of the fatal mistake of chat, and fairly common. Let a person to talk with you, you will find easy to tension, no confidence, no aura, and ignore your content of speech.

For boys, a successful chat, reflected in the tone of calm and composed, you slowly clear tone. On the one hand, clear to know what you're talking about the content, on the other hand, let a person feel you are calm and steady personality. If have been speaking too fast, then take a deep breath to try to make yourself calm, or deliberately slow down. Don't worry about it would be strange, speak too fast, also don't slow down the speed, more normal.

2. Get rid of blurt out mantra anytime and anywhere
Some people use mantra in communication.
Such as: "well", "well", "really?" , "that" and "then" and so on this, beginning with each sentence. Said people could not find on your own, but listen to the people will feel particularly evident. So, you lack of communication skills, shortcomings and so on is not enough self-confidence is exposed.

Get rid of this problem is actually not difficult also, at ordinary times, you can choose some views. Organized into their own words, using a mobile phone records, the frequency of the occurrence number put next to his mantra, and so on. In said again to correct again, insist on a period of time, this habit is good fast.

3. Let your language was full of affection and vitality
We listen to some training instructor, the same course, some particularly rich full content language, with the instructor to attract people. On the contrary, there are some the instructor is inflexible wooden, make you sleepy. This is the language the feelings of the degree of the problem.

Similarly, record a your speech content, put out to listen to, your tone of voice, feelings, passion and vigor?
Reflected in the emotional ups and downs, pause, etc., if is consistently mediocre description. You can refer to some of the male host, the host tone, out of the language of your feelings and warmth, break through the self.

4. What is strategy? Men conquer women is the most effective one.

Want to pursue a woman, want to get a woman's heart. Most important is to care about her, of course, the premise must be sincere, not don't figure something false.

A moment can considerate care to a woman to take care of man, of course, can make a woman moved. Women tend to equate care with love, because love her so care about her, this is the sensibility of women. Woman, however, it is often used by lewd and bad man, so women have to be vigilant, carefully identify such care is true or false.

Women will always care about care and love together, a man's care to provoke the infinite tenderness of a woman. Women are naturally want to find a lifetime care, take care of her, she could let her rely on men. The man no longer concerned about when from already love and take care of yourself, or finding a man in care and take care of another woman. So women naturally think this man don't love from already, thus may fall in love with another care for her man.

A woman the most care about is whether a man is concerned about her, a woman really need to care about and take care of, this is a woman's emotional crutch. Some women are like money, jewelry, but not all women are so. Whatever women, concern and care from your love man, is a woman need. Man to remember, however, concern is the premise of love, she doesn't love her but to care about her, or just out of kindness.

But it will make her think you love her, so be careful; Or do you have a bad plot, care about is just a means you get her. Real men should not be so hurt women, hurt people actually is also in hurt yourself, what goes around comes around.

At the same time, the woman also want to remember, if you don't love the man, don't figure vanity and easily accept for your concern and care, or is likely to give myself in trouble.
Dynamic figure

5. What strengthen invitation method so much? Let her head to wash three times a day to your covenant

Give the girl a vision
Some of the brothers after the girl promised to offer is fine, so actually increase the probability of girls put the plane. Do you think, girls may regret, even because of lazy don't want to wash your hair and don't want to go out, this is very normal thing.

For such a call, my advice is to give the girl a forecast.

For example, a lot of brothers are like about girls go to the cafe drink, in general, after the girl promised to leave. I will be after the girl promised to describe cafe environment, this is the future of our mentioned expansion plan.

The following term demonstration
Man: pretty hard you said (her circle of friends had just finished with class)
Female: have been working today, do now didn't get through, can't help it.
Man: just go to work is more, I these days too late from work, I'm exhausted.
Woman: yes, it is very tired.
Male: work today, I was thinking if I could relax a little.
Woman: who doesn't want to, but which are free
Man: I found a cafe, can listen to music drink.
Woman: well, what are you going to go to relax.
Man: now that you are tired, mercy that I bring you, anyway, I want to go to the weekend.
Woman: I do not know to have time, weekend to work overtime.
Man: it doesn't matter, anyway, I'm going to enjoy, to relax yourself.
Woman: well, look at the time that we'll see.
Man: that cafe on the beach, return overdo see moonlight sprinkled on the sea, the evening will have a sea breeze blowing, can hear the rustle of ocean waves, I can smell the flowers. (in scope, adjectives that understand? If you want to meet for the first time you can handle, in added that at the moment we hand in hand, side by side, watching the moon in the white sun on our face, we looked at each other smile... like this can increase relationship of the language before didn't meet you, meet you as long as bold as it is OK to do)

Woman: where? A point is what you said.
Man: don't say the plot, want to know is to experience yourself.
Woman: well, you to call me that weekend, XXXXXXXXXXX.
Describe a specific scene, doing so is actually showing date of the tip of the iceberg, increase the girl is in the eating.
In this way, the date is unknown, for women and.
At the same time as you can imagine can touch. For girls to the imagination.
Virtually increased the girl for the appointment of eating, also reduces the possibility of a released the plane. Bai juyi, pious covered face. It is for this reason.

Dynamic figure

6. Chat with girls make topic case

Conversationalist is a three basic ability is:
Listen to the
To ask questions
First of all, you must learn to listen.
Women hate those drones, ego inflation, to interrupt, just speak their own man from beginning to end. Because in the woman's opinion, the best is a sign of insecurity. Or thought, "what are you want to prove?"

A new era of women is very clever. They see too much too much, what have you said, where is the what discount. Reflect who you are, most of them know. Ultimately, many women have developed their own set of rules to evaluate the authenticity of a man.

Successful communication is a two-way street. Especially when the woman will open, you'd better big ears listen carefully. Women willing to speak to you not represent like you, but at least you have to let her have a preliminary "trust". When men and women attract based on trust between platforms, the relationship is solid. Of course, listening is one of the main purpose of: to collect information.

You can directly from the woman's mouth to know: what, hate what, she is eager to care about what, and her attitude towards things and values.

How to do? The key is to use open questions to lead the woman to talk.
For example, sometimes will suddenly Turkey: "what do you think of work where the biggest challenge for you?"
Or "what is the most important relationship you think to discuss?"
Or "I want to know your views on life. Do you think people should pursue of life?" This is the so-called "questions". You see, successful show host, is asking questions. I know, the above these problems are serious at first glance, but if you can cut in the appropriate atmosphere, will certainly have unexpected effect.

In addition to collecting information, asking questions and topics, built to last topic the key skills. Many men are concerned about no topic to chat, the solution is to cooperate with keen observation, using the "problem" to guide the direction of the conversation.
Dynamic figure

7. And the girl chat two taboo

1, check account
This is a lot of words in the early chat ability not enough students often make trouble.
Check account, just as its name implies is a variety of data interchange, namely:
"My name is zhang cannon, what's your name?"
"My name is xiao-li wang"
"I'm 24 this year, this year how old are you?"
"I am twenty."
"Oh, I'm from nanjing, where are you from?"
"I am suzhou people."
"Where do you live in suzhou it?"
"I live in suzhou kunshan.
"Oh, kunshan, that what is your job?"
"I'm doing in KFC chicken."
So, this is no volatility very boring very boring chat conversation.
Although these basic information is to grasp to understand, but personally don't suggest asking so boring.
On the contrary, in fact, we can put each check the content of the hukou words, as a development opportunity to show their humor, such as:
"Where is your native place?"
"My hometown in suzhou kunshan.
"Kunshan is a good place, I have been to once, I also had the focal plane there ~"
"You also have been to kunshan?
"Yes, kunqu opera is very famous, even though I'm not quite understand."
"Well well, have you tried our the yangcheng lake hairy crabs there?"
"This I really haven't eaten, that you want to eat, but because travel is in a hurry, haven't had time to eat."
"Next time you go to eat."
"Next time you go if you waited on me in their hometown to remember oh ~"
"Well, that's for sure."
This topic chat content not came, why there is no meaning to check account?

Type 2, the breeze boast
Have words called men not to mention the courage, but a lot of elder brothers, like, like to say and it is actively to said.
This is a big fear, don't show ability, don't show connections, don't show the expertise, don't show ideas, don't show ambition, don't show through.

I used to have a the elder brothers, he is especially love show, for example, I smoke a pack of 20 cigarettes. He would say "how do you smoke this, the Chinese several my home, is from the people." Fun: we are not not smoked Chinese we wouldn't be so actually think you're good.
Again like I go out to eat, he also will say "I told you, the next time you eat to XXX place to eat, the name I give you a seventy percent discount, directly to my name." Fun: I really admire your contacts, but I have one of ten dollars 1:1.2 need not like this.

So I this elder brothers became gold wingman, especially with girls go out to play, because I am not handsome. So I can't find too much more handsome than I can't find ugly than me too much, then find him, he looks ok, better than me. But as soon as he began to speak, I will become the most attractive people in the automatically.

How to grasp and women's interaction, dating tips?

When you learned these core skills, you will be able to let you mess up before many sister come back to life, because you know more women than ever! While this approach works, because these are our case study concluded from countless emotions, rather than out of thin air.

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