Friday, December 23, 2016

I want to seal day--The cases of small fat--0018

Time pass a few days in the past, abode of fairies and immortals Meng Hao will leave half a step, he don't want to go out, don't want to see anybody, he could not forget the king stood in the square to take off, make oneself become the opposite of the world, he silently cross legs sitting in the abode of fairies and immortals, looking at those with dry blood fingernails, look from numbness has turned to anger, and condensed sullen, until this day, abode of fairies and immortals gate opening, the moonlight from outer sway into came in, the whole a dim abode of fairies and immortals.

Make the teacher elder sister, stood in the abode of fairies and immortals, moonlight in behind it, so make her face look not clear.

Silence Meng Hao didn't speak, make the teacher elder sister, after a long time, make the teacher elder sister's voice echoed.

"Yesterday I didn't go through."

A worship Meng Hao got up and bowed their heads and fuels.

"The king took off history is great, is not Zhao Guozhi, fix for six layer peak, is more poisonous king James's promotion of interior door, you... you don't provoke the man." Make the teacher elder sister silent again, gently open for such a long time.

"Teacher younger brother understand." Meng Hao looked up and smiled and looked as if has been restored, can't see any on the matter, but deep in his eyes, in this moment, more in others before 10, 67 has never been a wisp of differences.

This difference is a little cold mans, but was Meng Hao hidden deep, deep to himself is the only thing that can detect, outsiders don't see anything.

"But if he find you trouble again, even if I was in retreat, you also may at any time, crushed the Jane, I noticed." The teacher elder sister xu silence for a moment, with a wave of his hand, right hand a purple jade Jane immediately fell beside Meng Hao.

"On that day I take you four people up the hill, you're the first promotion outside disciple, companions with you north factotum, also successful promotion today, tomorrow will come outside reports." Make the teacher elder sister say that finish, a look at the Meng Hao, turned to leave.

"Thanks for the teacher elder sister, I have a question want to find the teacher elder sister, with my qualification, now for the four layers of condensate gas, and to the seven layers of condensate gas, normally need how long?" Meng Hao suddenly openings.

"Less than a year achievement condensate gas four layers for, want to have a belong to your spiritual nature, this matter you needless to say, I will not ask, if not your turn, with your qualifications to the seven layers of condensate gas, fast decade, slow half jia, four, six, eight layers of condensate gas is the bottleneck, especially six floors, there is no chance to break into seven layers."

"Everyone has?"

"Everybody has. The teacher elder sister faded away, Meng Hao cross legs sitting in the abode of fairies and immortals, and with a fine mans eyes.

Half an hour later the Meng Hao got up and walked out of a few days did not leave the abode of fairies and immortals, the night wind have brought a chill, seasonal changes rapidly, as if in a few days too much in autumn, the leaves are mostly changed color, ma looked, a rustling.
Meng Hao, bright sky in a barren hill road, surrounded by relatively quiet, only the wind blowing leaves rustling, as Meng Hao all the way to the north.

He is going to look at the little fat man, after all, in the door, today's disciple Meng Hao is small fat man only friend.

Night north factotum, full of quiet, perhaps it is so quiet, made of snoring sound is very loud, Meng Hao approached, he heard the unique snoring is full of ups and downs.

This voice Meng Hao familiar, fatigue in four months, Meng Hao daily will listen the snoring sleep at night.

Is responsible for the young horse face north factotum, cross legs sitting on a stone, at the moment I suddenly opened my eyes, look at Meng Haoshi one leng, but soon got up and said, and turned toward the Meng Hao fuels a worship.

"Seen meng brother." These days too many rumours about Meng Hao, this horse can face youth don't know.

"Brother need not be so, I come to see old friend." Meng Hao watched the horse eye face of youth, for now to see the man's, and is the three layers of condensate gas, and in three layers has been for many years.

Horse face brother nodded and watched Meng Hao stepped into the caddy yard, cross legs again sat there, look complicated, dark with a sigh, eye closure for silence.
Meng Hao on fatigue in the yard, see the first seven rooms, west near the fatty boy purring earth-shattering, but when Meng Hao pushed the door and went in, he immediately look strange, this several days of manic serie a lot less.

Houses, small fat man lying on his back, snoring, next to another location was removed out of bed, out of the corner of the room, make the bed and have a gap between the corner.

In the gaps, claims that the big fellow, tiger is sleeping at the moment, but the body, face with a lingering, seems to be in the dream also don't know what's wrong with horror.

His wooden bed, spread all over the tooth marks of number of many, in some places is direct bite, rags, look at the beginning of the table, now long gone, Meng Hao can imagine, this table even waste has been thoroughly to bite, even the walls around the houses, unexpectedly also has a tooth marks, only in the bed of the little fatty, a tooth marks, contrast is great...

Looking at, shivering in the corner gaps in the big fellow up suddenly, with closed eyes cries out, apparently made a nightmare, see the appearance of the sallow and emaciated, eyes dark circles, as if lack of sleep for a long time, Meng Hao is hard to imagine, the other exactly what kind of sad, just been tortured into this picture.

Xu had the big fellow voice to small fat, fat little impatiently opened his eyes, suddenly see the Meng Hao inside the houses, suddenly excited.

"Pheasants, pheasants brought?"

Meng Hao looked at the little fat, can't help but smile on his face.

Or the little fat man, like the ball, no thin, but a bit fat, especially the teeth, in the talk show, sparkling, unexpectedly long out of the half.

"I heard you in condensate gas layer, come and look at, to hurry don't catch game." Meng Hao sat fat little bed, looking at fat little teeth, said with a smile.

Satisfied oneself repair for the night in a small fat man, said a lot, Meng Hao talk less, just smile listen DaoLao, small fat man with moonlight dissipated, come gradually as early in the morning, Meng Hao the wounds of the heart, also began to heal slowly, only scar is still there, as he abode of fairies and immortals in the fingertip, and he was the Chinese and foreign people can not see the cold mountain, meld into 16 Meng Hao, growing mature at a time.

Early in the morning, Meng Hao with small fat in that claim to be the big fellow of tiger excited tears, left the north factotum, the tears of the big fellow, very touched, let little fat man already out of the yard, and ran to embrace the big fellow, don't know what said, the big fellow face suddenly lost all its color and body trembled.

"What are you and what did he say?" Near the zong, Meng Hao said.

"A good man, he is after you left me in the fatigue of a good friend, what do you think I was walking more than he sad, my in the mind is not good ah, I'll go and tell him, I will come back for every few days with him." Small fat man a face of sad.
"You don't look at him look fierce, but in fact is afraid of, often do nightmare in the evening, old and poor." Said the fatty boy shook his head and sighed.

Meng Hao immediately silence, no longer asking about the words of the big fellow, until two people go outside, but people who saw the Meng Haozhi along the way, one by one look abnormal, look from time to time.

"Yi? Also don't say, Meng Hao you mix of good outside, many people look at you all the way." Small fat man suddenly excited, wondering have Meng Hao on his behind, want to come to the outside, so few people dare to humiliate yourself.

Meng Hao smiled, did not explain, quick to treasure cabinet, Meng Hao stop did not move forward, confessed after little fatty, to see the other ran to the cabinet.

About the past a wick sweet time, small fat with excitement back, holding a small sword, the sword if there is a layer of scales, feels very rough, there is no sharp feeling.
"Meng Hao look what I got you baby, it's a big baby." Fat little excitement of playing with a small sword in Meng Hao surprised this sword where baby, only to see small fat man put the small sword in his mouth, like rolling, grinding up teeth, rip the voice of the rip, let Meng Hao expression in distress situation.

"Good things, I this tooth more long more long, to find a lot molar, a few days can't use, this treasure good, should be able to make my teeth for a long time." Small fat more think more happy.

On this day, took little fatty Meng Hao at outside of familiar, also put forward the idea of dwell with abode of fairies and immortals, but was turned down by the little fat man, he has to live for a long time, looking forward to early promotion outside disciple live in separate houses, say what also don't agree with, but in his dwelling place, very satisfied.

Meng Hao no more advised, in the middle of the night when leave, back to the abode of fairies and immortals cross legs meditation.

Time flies, it is three months, Meng Hao was back more than two months before the stall of low-order public area, may be with the king to take off is too large, the effect of the scene cause no one to ignore Meng Hao, made him in the grocery business, do better more gradually.
Is outside the Meng Hao yu Dan medicine after joined the magic, business increasingly hot, but he is no longer a person, always with a continuously and fly sword molar fatty boy, the little fat man to have business mind, from time to time run into the open area to persuade, became the main force, and can't enter the low-order outside public OuDeMeng hao to cooperate, make these days, a lot of harvest.

Until this day, is a severe winter, the sky floating snow, Meng Hao cross legs sitting in pingdingshan, was close the meditation, small fat man suddenly shouted in a open area, holding a man running towards Meng Hao here.

"Meng Haomeng hao, who do you think it is."

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