Sunday, December 18, 2016

I want to seal day--The child good--0005

"Was shangguan ShiShu personally to Dan, and make the teacher elder sister and brother Chen is the inner disciple, rarely seen in the past, even came to this time, not the Dan medicine has a separate issue?"
"Should be like this, you see outside of Han Zong brother, he is outside of the second person, five layers of condensate gas, if can the seven layers of condensate gas, can automatically become the inner disciple, but did not see the king took brother."
"King to take off senior qualification, don't care about these pills, he joined the backer, but caused the elders and others quite a stir, were it not for the king brother won't broken door rules, by their ability to enter inside, today is the third in cases of early disciple."

Lot "hey hey, this time, every single issue of Dan medicine has the seal of 12 hour period, every time send out Dan light guide to rob to the person, during this period is unable to take more, even if with Dan medicine, estimates that also have no ability to hide the twelve hour."
Meng Hao listened to the side gate, although is the first time to participate in this kind of matter, but also to know, every time send outside of Dan, will be cause for the key, it for half a month he saw a lot of robbery, death has occurred.
Especially the Dan medicine seems to have a separate issue, and need to scramble for it must be more intense.
Meng Hao silence, andao oneself only condensate gas layer, the so-called Dan medicine alone, should not fall on themselves, looked around this way and that is just a piece with the intention of greed face, Meng Hao that four word for law of the jungle, and have a deeper understanding.
"Quiet!" Platform gold robe elder light mouth, his voice is not big, but when the like rolling thunder rumbled the coming of the heaven and earth, shake brother all below one by one mind, ears hum, Meng Hao here, good a long time to recover.
"Old and revised, today put Dan, the rest a condensate magic, each half of LingShi." On revised with a wave of his hand immediately more than one hundred pills and instant LingShi scattered, have no wrong, before the fall into each and every one of Meng Haowang floating in front of the pills and LingShi, gusty YaoXiang let a person enchanted, this is the first time Meng Hao see Dan medicine, also is the first time he saw LingShi.
This LingShi your fingernail size, glittering and translucent get rid of, let a person see will can't help but indulge in.
This, he immediately accelerated heartbeat, pills and LingShi must still value daughter, Meng Hao readily a take of, was found around when will Dan medicine to swallow so, people do not have a heart, look at the hands of Dan medicine, it has a layer of light, have the marks of a strange.
"And this... drought magic." Hands when Dan medicine Meng Haozheng observation, high table and revised voice continued to spread, in his hands, suddenly appeared a purple Dan medicine.
This Dan medicine, in an instant the whole square wave, YaoXiang Meng Haowen bite, immediately feel more sensitivity in the body has a, heart know this Dan medicine is by no means unusual.
"Is... drought magic!"
"This... this is for condensate gas five floors above the godsworn precious Dan medicine, estimated door also not many, actually took a!"
"This Dan, the cases for how many people will be dead." All hum, look up and revised the look of Dan medicine, immediately condensed the countless greed and desire, especially those for the breakthrough disciple, is shortness of breath.
"Today Japan had no Dan, there is a disciple promotion outside can be heard this month, the old is very happy, so, if can the sun backer of glory just around the corner, this Dan medicine has sent this person for encouragement." Revised with a slight smile, glance through the crowd, fell upon the Meng Hao.
Meng Hao heart hitched, half a sentence before he heard the old man felt bad, can not wait for him to react, and revised on a wave of his hand immediately at its hand purple pills appeared in front of the Meng Hao, he refused to, can not directly landed in his hands.
In the brake, Meng Hao into backer of unprecedented, became the much-anticipated moment, he came around all eyes qi qi condenses.
Those greedy and cruel eyes, as if to Meng Hao ripped apart, even brother and revised on the side of the men and women, are all at this time at the Meng Hao, that female after seeing Meng Hao zheng, but soon returned to the cold.
"Ha ha, is a condensate gas layer disciple get Dan medicine, this time should be good for a lot of, the person is now enemies."
"The last time the man out, Dan medicine alone, I remember that the man is a condensate gas layer, because hesitated, be didn't get the Dan medicine Zhao Wugang senior anger the living close to public areas are cut down the head."
Echoed with the sound of discussion, many disciples two three of condensate gas, although know the danger, but also could not help but greed, after all this time, Dan medicine first, build for it is weak to perfection, making them as if also had plundered.
Meng Hao whole body cold sweat has secrete out, he wanted to quickly throw a Dan medicine, can be found that the Dan medicine such as glue in hand, not dropped, eyeing up around the eyes, let Meng Hao suddenly seemed to feel the shadow of death, even he saw a lot of people with a fierce, is fast coming to myself here.
"Teacher younger brother, this Dan medicine you threw me for a while, otherwise, I want you to look good."
"Don't you dare, next year's today, is your death." Sound like a cold winds echoed Meng Hao around.
At the same time, around the backer of mountain peaks, there are two old cross legs sitting on the top of the mountain, is smiling at the foot of the scenes of the square.
"The law nephew too not pay attention to, the Dan medicine for the beginner little Eva, finished, estimate we backer of less another disciple."
"This time for the boring, I bet this little Eva banned for a square to dissipate after will throw Dan immediately."
As the parents talking to each other, the nine pillars square below color instant dim, see its appearance, after more than ten rates, will completely lose the light, then, square banned here will disappear at once.
Meng Hao heart jump, don't others said, he can understand as the nine pillars light vanish, waiting for their will be a crazy, even directly threw a Dan medicine is likely to cause some people don't like, shoot myself.
"How did this...... this to me." Meng Hao whole body cold sweat, mind instantly thousand turn, shall die, don't throw away in the future will be angry, I am afraid, Meng Hao almost used out of the three years to read all of the brains, to see whether the light ray will be dark, rosy clouds on the stone table and revised wave sleeve to leave, in this crisis Meng Hao mind moments into the flash, suddenly a step, loudly shout out.
"Disciples have something to say."
"The disciple to the backer, can feel the great backer of the mighty fairy home atmosphere, all because of an accident, the disciple thank you very much for give me the man of god."
"Disciple, day and night looking forward to see her again, to thank her face to face, until today disciple finally saw." Meng Haoyue say more quickly, when they are words coming from on the platform of the revised one leng, no longer leave but to Meng Hao appears.
The teacher elder sister "who is the teacher elder sister xu, xu, teacher younger brother so thankful to you, without a thought, will this Dan sent to you, only in this way to repay the teacher elder sister reengineering." Meng Hao immediately raised his right hand, and said, and stick it in the hands of Dan medicine held high.
On revised with dazed, apparently imagined Meng Hao saying these words, look a little odd, corners of the mouth smile, gradually next to him in her robe and silver heo women's nature is one leng, she again even cold, is now look has changed, though she fix for seven layer is a condensate gas, this dry magic is not much use to her, but even as the inner disciple, magic because of drought is rare, she wants to get it is not easy, like this if Dan Dan medicine to smelting, and several other can be a smelting furnace for his great help five magic, so at the moment, heartache.
Even the same silver gown, look cool man, at the moment, see the Meng Hao.
At this moment, the person all round moment to quiet down, who rushes to Meng Hao monks also subconsciously steps, one by one look strange, look at Meng Hao eyes with wrong leng.
"Can it..."
"In front of so many people, so naked dew out Dan medicine, and was to give the inner disciple, this... this is who will dare to rob, and this is the inner disciple Dan medicine."
"This method is simple, how I didn't expect that you will be damn, damn it!"
"His grandmother of, I also have never thought this way, hurt me badly down for more than three months."
A brief silence, then immediately astonishment, all looked Meng Hao eyes, instantly contain numerous emotion, not through the ages, but the brother here for many years it was the first time encounter this kind of treatment of Dan medicine, caused the people to look Meng Haoshi, deep remember Meng Hao at this moment.
At the same time, the nine pillars of light away completely, but in the hands of Meng Hao Dan medicine, but in this moment, have no one to rob, this scene in the backer of Dan, from the date of extremely rare.
Heo woman look quickly restored, right hand lift down a grasp the opportunity, beginning to Meng Hao exalted Dan medicine immediately flew straight to this woman, she hold it in hand. See Dan medicine has been removed, Meng Hao dark sigh, but also know that it is a curse, for present myself at this time around, each one are inwardly sighing, intentional to Meng Hao shoot, can think of that the teacher elder sister, one by one immediately to hesitate to dispel the idea.
Heo woman hesitated, feel to oneself the inner disciple's identity, white with a beginner outside of the benefits of the disciple, some bad.
"I was early at outside of given a south peak abode of fairies and immortals, borrow you live." Heo women's silence for a moment, taken from the storage bag, a white jade Jane thrown down in front of Meng Hao, be Meng Hao catch.
"Said the teacher elder sister of the abode of fairies and immortals... this guy is too lucky, the abode of fairies and immortals reiki is very plentiful, it is said that the door also not much."
"Said the teacher elder sister say borrow, in fact, this is clearly, just borrow one word can give up the idea of too many people, it seems that this boy send Dan, has played a unique effect."
"Damn, I was why I didn't think."
At the same time, in the outside on the peaks of the near, the bet before two tall old man in a gray robe in the old man, suddenly eyes bright, with a strong appreciation, burst out laughing.
"This little one interesting, just into the door, you will know to seek, is this not instinct, good good, I support this is understanding the meaning, the child is good, very good."
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