Saturday, January 14, 2017

11 accosted farewell single trick to help you

11 accosted farewell single trick to help you
1, surprisingly unpreparedness method
Applicable types: men and women and appropriate
One day in the afternoon on the pedestrian street of xiaolin girl alone. Suddenly there was a man, very politely ask: "excuse me, miss, what time is it?" small
Sorry to Lin said: "I'm sorry, I didn't wear a watch and mobile phone, don't know the time."
At this point, the man reached out and reveal wrist said: "I know it's 3 PM Beijing time, on the other side of the cinema has a 4 point to begin the electricity
Shadow, I can invite you to see it? "
Men and women friendship remind: this method and applies only to have a sense of humor.

2, direct to advance method
Applicable types: men and women and appropriate
If you are with a few friends since cafe, had been in a cafe pay attention to her man all the way to follow. If you are did Sarah laugh, do not know such childish tracking
What is the point. Man faster to keep up with, a few steps walked up to her and spread out his hands stopped, his eyes look straight, if you are very seriously say: "hello!
My name is * *, in the C * * professional grade three big read, very hope to meet you, make a friend with you. "Friends a well-meaning laugh, if you are also smiled, right
He said: "do ordinary friends, hello, my name is if you are."
Friendship remind: sincerity is the greatest secret of success in line, in front of at a loss of the other party, frankly introduce myself first, trust can be attained.
3, the use of spare time
Applicable types: men and women and appropriate
Wang to Beijing on business, because the plane was delayed stranded at the airport, is bored, shoulder suddenly took a being. He turned to see him was a
Woman, she asked: "are you a * * flights? Really was late?" The original beauty is traveling alone, wang proposed to coffee at the airport
Drink a cup of hall, beauty agreed.
Friendship remind: use of leisure time dating such as plane, environment, the sentiment is good, with a hint of why should meet had met travel loneliness, so
Chatting up the chance of success is higher, in the same way, applies this method on the train, ship.
4, vest for words
Applicable types: male
Small, often sit all the way to the bus, often see the girl, one day, the girl finally found a chance to talk to him. She sat behind him
Small, vaguely felt that something will happen, and sure enough, vest came hemp itch touch. He does not return, also know what she is doing. The station,
Think out of the car.
He is wearing white T-shirt vest that read: see you, every day can be a friend? My phone is: 139...
Friendship remind: not every men have self-restraint as well as allow you to write on his vest, he is likely to jump up and shout loudly: "oh, my gosh! I CK!" to
In love clothing such as the life of women, it is absolutely can't use!
5, palm leave words
Applicable types: male, generous woman
Specific circumstances can refer to the monsoon is no longer to SAN MAO, she find unrequited love already a long time of boys on the playground, didn't say a word, took him by the hand, in his hand
Write the name and the telephone of home. A kind of silent even romance, spread in two young heart.
Friendship remind: rushed up to take him (her) hand, may want to be a simple explanation, such as: I'm not a bad guy! And so on, or may be misunderstanding for the play
Bullet. Silence, after all, the state of the audio, not everyone can appreciate.
6, real religion
Applicable types: men and women and appropriate
The Mid-Autumn festival, the school without electricity. Two girl wandering in the campus, silently and mosquitoes nowhere to go, no one lovely. Is depressed, suddenly saw two boys carrying
The guitar after, silent, in discussion with the mosquitoes, boldly walk up and ask: "you can listen to you play music?" May be hazy moonlight, annoying blackouts
And girls begged let them move, immediately readily consented to their appointment.
Friendship remind: anyone like performance advantages, especially with the specialty, and this reason sounds very beautiful.
7, rogue very seriously
Applicable types: male, good women
This is really to teach the devil line method. She came to often to leisure restaurant in lunch time, take the ladle, going to the see very pleasing to the eye of the man
In mind, a face of vacant, he said: "your food looks very good, I can eat a little bit?" He blushed, stammered:
"Please, go ahead." Friends laughter reminds him, hurriedly and added: "as a key I ask you to eat."
Friendship remind: all say it's the devil line method.
8, seeks for advice modestly
Applicable types: men and women and appropriate
In the swimming pool, ojeda settled on the wear red suit, swim breaststroke better girl. He swam to the girl asked, "how are you, you swim breaststroke very well, you can
Some directions me? "The girl looked at him with suspicious, he immediately said:" I'll butterfly, why don't we exchange learning? "The girl smiled.
Friendship remind: willing to really open-minded, the designed hidden meaning. Rejected the possibility of not, but at least, won't make you embarrassed.
9, in praise
Applicable types: men and women and appropriate YouShi women
Dong Su overtake girl out of the mall: "can you tell me how to get people's south road?" After the girl the way, take a deep breath he shape, said: "god, can you tell
I what do you use perfume? "She looked at him with immediately alert, he explained:" I find this perfume has been looking for for a long time, is the shopping mall? what
Brand? How much is it? "Series of just about perfume let the girl off guard, she told him the answer, kindly also take the initiative to take him to the cabinet
Taiwan. Nature is bought perfume, but he gave her.
Friendship remind: pay attention to only ask you to ask, but don't let the other side feel else you have in mind. Thousands of wear all wear boots don't wear, everyone likes oneself
The grade of being approved. And this is good, he (she) tell you the answer, also have time to see you, whether it is worth a phone number.
10 and the theater mating method
Applicable types: women
At the entrance to the theatre, the ocean with two tickets for the theatre of the most popular, some good friends with temporary break a promise. He wanted to see and feel a person boring, sold to the cattle
Also not voluntarily. At this point, a girl near to cattle prices, are being hit fares ready to give up when, Marine walked over to one of the girls
Said: "can I buy you and your friends play?" He gave two tickets to the girl, only one request, hope and the girl he talks later please
His cup of tea. Selfless act immediately struck by the girl, active time and place to meet.
Ocean happy to leave, a can see can watch the play, for an unknown love, he thinks it's a good deal.
Friendship remind: give up into the big picture of masculinity, such as it can let a person oh, but the girl easy to gather together, don't put forward only please one person look bad
Immediately, otherwise the success probability drop to zero.
11, mobile phone (SMS) method
Applicable types: men and women and appropriate
Danny met him at the light rail station, love at first sight. Get in the car after she had been thinking about how to strike up a conversation with him will not be misunderstanding for ten at 3 o 'clock, will go to see car
Stand, she used his quick wits, came forth and said to him: "can I borrow your phone?"
May be she looks really very urgent (of course is not in order to make a phone call, he handed the phone to her immediately. Danny after according to the above several Numbers, her hand
Machine rang. Confused look at him, she smiles to say: "my number is on your phone, later can often contact?"
Friendship remind: although frequent phone robbery, but after all kind of people, as long as you are not looks very "criminal" and can usually borrow each other's hands
Machine. This way is implicit and effective, is worth a try.
Strike up a conversation at the bar the consequences of unknown woman
Have never seen such a mysterious s-curve woman. She fell on the bar drinking, narrow ribbon enmeshed with sweet shoulder, is coagulate fat under the skin, breast not slight wave makes her trembling bimodal that wonderful gap between deep and shallow. A tall light in her hand, her fingers slender, long nails but I did not like other women into scarlet or black coffee, but the sky is shining light white.
She is a glass of red wine every time drink off, her lips plump moist, light is studded with rubies. She is different to anyone, whenever there is a man in the past, when approached, she turned to enchanting smile, but said nothing. She always wears a pair of dark sunglasses, in the middle of the night lights bar seem a bit abrupt, this is her only generation "is a bit contrived." this idea. Yet it is the sunglasses make the person face to her attention all transfer to her bright red pink lips, her lips expression seems particularly rich, drinking red wine when light overflow, tongue licking and let any man see present mind was shaken.
Hao and jay on one side has looked at her for a long time.
"Brothers, you!" They encouraged each other.
Several men have failed.
"She simply ignore people." Hao said.
"But I think she is coquettish, but women are like posturing. Moreover, she had to drink a lot of wine," jerry said. "Look at me." He stood up.
"The United States eyebrow, harm eye......" Jeremy asked, then smile like leonardo.
She turned around. He felt her eyes after dark lenses. 10) her lips slightly open, corners of the mouth smile.
"Can I buy you a drink?"
She looked at him with indifference, already can not say, also don't say no
He let the waiter brought a cup of "pretty in pink" on the front of her, she has raised eyebrows, continued to smile
He noticed her head with inlaid with crystal clear sequins entangled hair silk scarves, not a wisp of hair. But her hair is obviously thicker, silk scarves wrapped very full, design also is very good-looking, with her face more rich and vivid.
"What's your name?" He asked. And then deliberately put the face close to her, enjoy radiates beauty intoxicating fragrance smell.
She raised her face to face him, and he don't know why heart pounded. Because can't see her eyes, he could not predict what she was thinking. He suddenly think she looks a little strange. Her skin is white to almost transparent, tall and straight nose, full lips there is a clear outline, like him very much to see in the western oil painting Greek beauty. Maybe she is a foreigner? He wants to.
He pointed to himself: "me, jay." Name, pointed to her again: "you?"
She was silent a long time, suddenly smiled, revealing white teeth, clearly say one word: "medusa
"Medusa? As if is the name of mythology a banshee." Jay smiled.
"The banshee......" Her smile, after lens with burning eyes.
Jeremy bold enough to get up, stretch hand to cable lives her waist, her ear again said a sentence: "I love you." And then in English, Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, repeated. Also not jie special Renaissance proficient in seven of eight languages, but because of his special feeling saint, understand say "I love you" in seven of eight languages. Although that's the way, has made him in love and breadth, invincible.
Medusa was eating greasy smile. And respond in Italian: "I love you." Then the jie on the cheek with a kiss.
There is no doubt that medusa is an Italian nationality beauty, and she obviously liked him very much. Jay a lot of monkey see the other people there all dumbfounded, hao is heart itch. Why he fatal: emphasising not him, if he is brave, intelligent, so...
Jay left holding a medusa.
Hao and jay depressed to return to share apartment alone, this night, jay didn't come back.
The next day, several policemen surprise visit, they assist in the investigation to hao to see a "strange things".
This item is a stone statue, a man's naked statues. Hao indescribable shock when he saw the stone, because the stone face with jay. The like jade stone is big mouth, a face of panic extremely expression, as if for a moment to see the world's worst scenario. His body is naked, but maintained a panic fled posture, however, everything is frozen, he just a lifelike statues.
Who is model for such a stone, where the real jade?
Stone was taken to the analysis of geological institute. Experts say: this is no ordinary stones, but the fossil. According to the test, at least need millions of years of geological change to the formation of such fossil. So, the means of unknown origin of human bones exist on earth millions of years ago, human is extremely precious cultural relics.
Fossil was sent to a museum, jay never seen again.
Hao became some of trance, he always say is: "man, don't strike up a conversation at a bar strange single woman!"
How unobtrusive by text chat up?
Ha ha, it's difficult to do this?
Send you a message, say this: "small beautiful ah, do you want me to help you find what I have found for you, the afternoon will give you send in the past. Though it is a little bit of time, but we are good friends! What can I do though say, don't mention it!"
Of course, this text xiaoli, you don't have to but to the person you want to strike up a conversation.
And then you send a message to him, he said: "oh I'm so sorry, just now I accidentally put the messages sent you a wrong, no bother you? Really sorry ah, please forgive!"
In this way, the other party can see from the first message you is a warm-hearted, love to help friends the kind of girl, and can be found from the second message you very polite. While mature boys prefer this type of girl, this line will not appear abrupt.

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