Friday, January 13, 2017

New Year's sister I sleep so!

Background received a the elder brothers message he is thirty now, catch up with the holiday so she recently special irascible immediately, because every holiday with relatives and family gathering together always ask, what do you work? Without a family. Now he work, met a few girls always feel is slow progress.

The Chinese New Year soon, so her mother in force her to find the object again.

After all in the eyes of her mother, unfilial have 3 without the great, the rest of the two are not married and do not take an examination of civil servants.

Unfortunately, he accounted for all three, so in her mother's eyes he is a typical waste.

And watched the Chinese New Year soon, again want to face a handful of friends or relatives, ask your child to find the object, what time get married ah, what time to annual classic topics such as child.


So her mother now compared to before praying every day to be able to let him take a daughter-in-law to come back, now have the desire to the beauty to heaven.

In order to be able to push him, her mother really is tapping he said call him every day:

See we have a large family, you two aunt youngest cousin also are married New Year's day, big one year old cousin you are having a second child this year.

So this age also eldest brother not small, you hurriedly put work first, do you want to know your priority now is to find a object first, strive for the next year to get married? Listen to your mama of, find a credible people almost have to, instead of trying to find true love, true love can be eat rice, you again so I tell you you're going to hit his hand.
Besides you don't want to for you, you also have to consider it for me, you know not to know me now is for you this unfilial children dared not go to dance a square. To make a few times is not the girl you said is not good, is the somebody else say isn't for you. And they were afraid to other old sister asked me, your kids are so big the zha still not find the object, I told you I couldn't find a rift drill.

This all three if you still not to find a girlfriend, that you rest is doomed to heel in the TV series with QingDeng long with the case of the ancient Buddha. And you know not to know, you are a son as long as it is a day not married, your mother I will die unsatisfied.

So he can say is, by her mother's nine o 'clock on time every day and tell your story a cry two make three commit suicide by hanging the forced marriage of drama.

To know him as a stylish men at the beginning, the only child in the home, famous university graduate student, after graduation from a successful work in the state-owned enterprises. So at the beginning in her mother's eyes even like fan bingbing, zhou xun girls to pursue him, her mother also have to because the other party due to grow too good-looking too busy working long distance relationships, these unstable factors advised he'll have to consider very carefully.

However slowly watch may be yourself this when mama of demand is too high, cause as children of the same age as he married, but he is still not any movement.

So when mom also began gradually eased the requirements, began to feel as long as is an aspirant youth, stable work, height not less than 165, and consideration for their prudence is good. There is no use, however, he still could not find the right look cross-eyed. Now watched his don't marry, will soon join the residual force of a fighter, so her mother begins to beggars cannot be choosers.

Like last year during the Chinese New Year holiday home, within a week his mother gave him the more than 30 blind date, five a day on average. There is no lack of among them some of the second marriage, looks ugly, a look is very fiery, just more than a metre 58 even height. Then he asked her mother, not because of his age, began to hungry what slanting melon crack jujube has brought with his blind date.

The results by her mother justly said to him:

Is this your age, you still discrimination against somebody else's second marriage, I tell you somebody else's second marriage don't abandon you old can tell you, the smile I like your dad. Besides looking for those who grow so big, long and beautiful have what use. And you also don't dismiss those who grow not good-looking slanting melon crack jujube, I tell you all that glitters is not gold, to know these people are often the potential shares.

You see what let a person despair of comfort themselves.


This year, according to hear his mother for her marriage, a somehow also received education of the intellectuals, what actually had to find a fortune-teller to calculate a hang.

After all, their older son really can get married this year, superstition and calculate a fart!

Result unexpectedly good fortune teller dead deathless, says he will have a period of time during the Chinese New Year, so I can marry daughter-in-law, look at this time. So his mother recently sent down from a dead command, if you don't want to see him die unsatisfied when festival holiday, the holiday was quickly kissed non-stop to go home.

For himself, in addition to some pressure from parents and the outside world, but for his own greater pressure. Because he will always be relative to the thought before it is good to let nature take its course, as long as you believe in fate, believe in yourself one day will meet the person, so don't rush. But as close relatives and friends of the university students, whether it is larger or smaller than he, than he are coming out after a family.

Seriously, 30, he began to uncertainty, he will start to fear they will not really like her mother, rest with the ancient Buddha to longer with QingDeng. So he also once thought, or his will simply follow the parents mean to find a man living can have a family.

But how to say, sometimes when you meet the right person, you really don't want to do.

After all, the thought of themselves in the future, and a people who do not love, to pass to board, several times then decided to choose to come together and then spend the rest of the life, want to let a person feel afraid.
So for marriage, in fact, I personally have been shouldn't feel like the inside of the king who left for dad puts it:

He should not for parents, should not hear what the ears in the outside, listen to much thinking about to get married.

He should be thinking about and he likes to grow old together to get married, with pride, especially want to car-scrapping, longings, as won.

So in order to be able to really like myself and the person together, in order to finally to be able to marry the love, the first single with the single. After all with that because the urge marriage, but in the face of one of the most important choice in my life.

Because parents relatives and friends advice, you are the choice of a hollow road, finally after marriage is not happy.

Now that it is better to still stick to their principles, not easily compromise, not blind choice, don't go with the flow.

Continue to live your single life, before didn't meet the right people, business of yourself.

Here is a blind date when some case analysis:


Case 1:

Call a home to introduce a girl tonight, make a phone call before felt very nervous, because the way I've been dating a loser, and then give her a call.

I: is that all right, I am...
She: come to think of it.
I: by the way, I want to ask next, what's your surname?
She: name is built.
Me: as soon as I see all I think of blossoming in the home has children, give a person a kind of need to protect the feeling of, ha ha.
She: ha ha.
I: oh, you don't go to work today?
She: Sunday don't work today and tomorrow.
I: oh, that you work for the government of the city?
She: no, no.
I: that is work in a factory.
Her: no, I also work, is to work in the company.
: I listen to a good time on your side.
She: at dinner.
I: oh, that, you to have a dinner, don't bother you.

And then hang the phone. I feel my laugh, laugh very natural, feel quite down. And she didn't get much information about I also love, I don't talks any hope teachers can give advice. Thank you very much!

Case 2:

Blind date yesterday, sister 24, strong ability to work, is reserved conservative girl, very obedient, life very little boy, is not the sort of outgoing high female, dating, I keep no interest, colleagues to her uncle aunt show high social value, the whole show no interest + high value, and then we exchange phone Numbers.

Today just SMS contact with her, SMS my enthusiasm degree is high, but her response is very small, not too enthusiasm is very conservative, because just started, please date the doctor told me that dating, encounter this kind of introverted obedient, conservative, and work ability is strong, almost all the time on the work of girl, how to break the ice? Personally, I find it hard to make the key is conservative, introversion is very obedient, and chat not enthusiasm, I don't understand her.

Our chat process:

Me: hi, this is XX, nice to meet you.
An hour later, her: sorry just didn't see it from work, after work?
I: today to grandma's home for dinner, you must have a little hungry.
She: I got home late today.
I: that you are a self-motivated girl. Read (cold)
She: why?
I: what you said.
She: when I said.
I: when was the last time okay, you said you have to work every day.
She: you too, don't you also have to work overtime.
I: grandma give me to eat the delicious dumplings today, did you eat?
She: ha ha, admire me.
Me: I was actually chan arrived, good points at home, I will ask you to eat.
I: that your mom make dumplings craft must also not bad, I am writing a paper, late chat and add your QQ. (out)
She: well, XXXXXX (a big no interest indicators)
Feeling not the mood and the entire she didn't give an obvious interest in target.

Case 3:

Just graduated from the university to participate in the work, its various aspects condition is OK. Until the work has a lot of introduction object, contact the college girlfriend, so has been no looking for object. But suffer from distance, rarely meet, see leadership introduced before an object, suffer from home urge marriage, so I didn't want to meet more, similar to a blind date.

Dating for the first time, the blessed one was inadvertently exposed to dust love learning, so try to love learning method, the results for the first time meet is established, and then second meeting success hand in hand. But hasn't been on to the next step, because contact with her for a long time, meet through learned she is heading for the purpose of marriage, so I'm nervous now has a lot of guilt.

University of time I also with a lot of girls is better, but just for fun, girls are more open, so for girls look very pale. Have to admit that at that time thought very along with the gender, also didn't want to so much, but now the girl is too honest too simple, and insisted on meeting and then make a phone call every day now. I know how to attract her, coax her laugh, how close relationship, but I'm afraid to hurt her, see her every day now phone me afraid, but also lead to introduce this one plane.

I don't want to get married so I don't want to again so continue to pretend, I have no feelings for her. I want freedom, to single and want to continue to practice love learning, is there a tactful way to let me break up with her that I mean, then let her feel I am forced to forced (consider leadership is introduced and have own image, as a unit, may also be often seen after), let her to accept the fact that I don't want to drag down so, o great god answers.


Case study:

Whether on a blind date, or relatives and friends, there will be a middleman. The broker in a solid, or matchmaker, powerful, and this is why ancient matchmaker is a kind of occupation, because BaoMei against also have professional skills. So what do I do a middleman, or as being introduced, how do you request and use middlemen?

First of all, if an intermediary is a friend, then this kind of situation is very good, after all are peers of the same age, good communication. Remember, middlemen have the person can't say to each other, give each other a phone number or QQ number just a matter of, such as a case, is the case. In the case of the previous contact with a lot of, many intermediaries are give a number to each other no matter, let both sides to die, it can be bad. Good intermediary, for both men and women set up a pleasant atmosphere, will invite both to their party, for example, or invite the middleman hiking camping together on both sides. In such a relaxed atmosphere, the two sides are easy for effective communication, to achieve mutual understanding, and can easily separate date for the next step.

If your broker is also the kind of person who threw a number no matter, so you should be active, you can organize a party in the name of middlemen, and middlemen said yes, let the middlemen in its own name to invite each other, spend all up to you to make good, so good broker also happy to talk to you. If the broker is not willing to go deeper into mixed with (are you sure the broker is your friend, and intermediary want to fix you?...) , you should also be asking why ask her all kinds of information, including the be fond of of what, and then contact the woman say: "XXX (broker) said you like yyy, just I have two tickets for the yyy, you will have time this weekend, let's meet and eat before go to the yyy, how you feel." If a wife means do via the Internet or telephone familiar words, then you at least also have a lot of talk to in-depth topic.

If middlemen is family, so there may be some trouble, because a lot of time family also only know each other, probably don't know the specific circumstances of the other party, even also shut away in the middle. If meet with this kind of situation, also remember that can't get a phone number, what all don't know started to contact each other (case 1).

Know first, if it is family, please let the family to eat each other well, you are on their own master, with relatives you is half of the master, so you have every reason to warm reception and obligation to each other, each other can also be very good to accept you as a master of hospitality (don't overdo it), to increase the feelings between the two sides also plays a positive effect.

If family and the woman are separated by a layer, which is also a middleman (such as the groom's mother's colleagues to introduce his niece to his mother), then this can be considered for a more formal dating.

Possible is a middleman, dating, are also likely to both parents play, form is usually in addition to dating men and women, the rest are all kinds of elders. At this time, please remember, you have to do is enthusiastic, generous, humble, polite, don't be like case 2 which friend play what no interest indicators, this is a typical digging hole to jump. You a pair of nose down look down on people show off their posture, you said that in the eyes of the elders can see you look pleasing to the eye?? Go home with her sentence: people have to do this. You will be technologies-but.

So, in the dating site, be sure to be polite and modest, which shows high value of high value you, this makes the other elders have: "people quite capable also modest, looking for a man to find such a" feeling. Home daughter must to praise you. Please keep in mind that people are most vulnerable to the impact of others, especially close to his people. If family and friends all say that man is good, the woman also can produce more or less "will no longer deep understanding about" the idea, if family and friends all say this man is not good, so the woman is also very easy because interpersonal relationship pressure and alienate the man (in the same way, please treat girlfriend girlfriends roommate, if not right, also want to maintain the gas on the face, a roommate said you bad, she also can speak for you, three roommates, all say you is not good, so in her heart also will be no label on type) for you.


Back to mutually close, in the dating site (typically table), you must pay attention to take care of considerate, impress their elders, don't worry about it girl, because both of you, after all, is the focus how all run out.

After the date, it is best to communicate with the woman alone for a period of time. This can be in advance and broker said yes, it's about time, elders go first, leaving both men and women talk about myself. Strike while the iron is hot at this time, is to not speak, also can have a lot of talk about content, such as the restaurant that just how ah, what dishes were good, then can say "do you like to eat well, the original I know XXX has a store, specifically to do this, have time to go to try it next weekend."

This exchange is very important, can after 'pad set a solid foundation for you, you try to get to know each other in the information in the chat, be fond of, these are your communication in the future subject, content, reason and invitation. The more information, communication more smoothly in the future. If first meeting failed to reach a effective communication and information collection and would like a second case, fall into a state of open topics not, unable to find a breakthrough point of chat, unable to stimulate each other's feelings, the last in the embarrassment of a dilemma.

If dating, relationship is not well, do you have any good idea? Yes, find each other parents elders. At the moment when you're dating shows good impression will work. Is an ideal for the girl, she want prince charming (dating is ideal, especially now xx dream s) easily, but for the girl's parents elders, required is good person, steadfast, competent, and respect for the elderly, girl, treat yourself points, plus you sweet quick point, the other party must think you are a good person. You can choose the girl was not at home, courtesy visit each other's parents, get some gifts.

The parents will ask the progress of your relationship, you can admire their home girl, now says he enjoyed such a girl, also have further plan to invite (for example, know she like XXX, I have bought tickets for the XXX), but the girl is busy, so the recent progress is not big, and so on. After the girl home, parents will say a lot of good things for you, even the next appointment for you, this kind of family pressure is very big, many girls are not willing to, will also follow the parents came out to meet you, of course, how to meet you.

Some friends said, I go to her home visit, her parents mean doesn't support don't mind, I can only say that when you were dating doesn't make a good impression to each other. The girl is my relatives, now already married, but had seen the boy, my relatives are not willing to, because the man is too painfully, my relatives (now my father-in-law to find words to him, he is silent. So my family relatives attitude is: her daughter () like it, we also no matter.

Finally, case 3, introduce the leadership of the mutually close, must be treated with caution. If you don't have the meaning of marriage (dating is not rush to get married to, when you introduce friends to you?), then don't promise to good, or about your relationship even have very big impact. Some leaders are idle, look at both single in the unit, think up a pair of good, have the matchmaker. This you accepted, then feel bad to quit, also do not have what, big deal with leaders said a "not feeling", "is not a stranger," leadership will not force you.


However, some leading introduced to you, but your relatives, such as the niece, even his own daughter. They will be able to introduce relative to you, represents a great affirmation to you, also give you a great deal of look forward to. Now regret if you promised before the leadership way oneself to have no place to put, the faces of both could not account for family, that's not buckets to blame on you.

So, if accepted leadership arrangement mutually close, but think of each other is bad, how to do? Very easy to handle, wooden point, don't understand amorous feelings of some good, let the other side feel you are not going well, is a puzzled amorous feelings of low value men, would be great. But this method was conducted at the beginning of the understanding, if the relationship has been into a period of time, you don't feel right, sure not to do so.

At that time you can choose to do some low value or the woman don't like things: such as call the other 20 50 text messages a day, let your needs feeling extraordinary (of course it will also harm the image of you in the heart of leadership); Or each other like han han, you would shout "fang is the scientific truth standard in China, any fight is trying to conceal their hypocrite rogue little crafty pimp" (for example, does not represent personal point of view, the main reason why this is at the beginning of the Korean war, are there not couples break up for a party or a Korean yao), rose to divisions of stream of consciousness, the leaders also what to say.

In a word, let the other side break up with you, you're absolutely cannot be dumped by the other party, otherwise the other party to lead you there say a few words, your bright future immediately gone. Finally, you said you hands holding a kiss also kissed on the bed, suddenly saw a better, want to dumped leadership relatives... Please remember this sentence: don't fault won't die

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