Thursday, February 9, 2017

0148--Immediate!--I want to seal day

With the people here all into the black door face, the face distorted, its three fog figure quickly melted out, back, turned into three body dry, such as climb out from the grave Old man.

    The three old man without the slightest hesitation, and instantly returned to the moment in this crack, they left before the statue, even if it is such a kung fu, in the process of coming back, they are also distributed three of the body Out of a lot of black gas, such as corrosion in general.

    "What happened? Forgot to forget, no keepsake, you are not allowed to enter!" The face now back to normal, his eyes first at a loss, but soon Ching Ming over, repeatedly roared.

    At the moment of the cracks in the canyon, only 11 people, in addition to the ancestors of the purple and that middle-aged beauty of women, the remaining nine people are knot Dan monks, which ignored the black door face nine roar , Sitting cross-legged under the black door, eyes closed meditation, nine people at the same time his hands pinch tactics, in their center, there is a floating ginseng fruit.

    This fruit crystal clear, and its heaven and earth if good fortune, the formation of chaos meaning, with their nine people to repair the operation, this fruit peristalsis, as if to give birth to the head and limbs.

    Ziluo ancestors and that middle-aged beauty women stood aside, staring at the ginseng fruit.

    "Before I entered once, only thirty interest time, inside the strong exclusion coercion, I started under the soul, can not detect where the thing, just want to play a role Bailing Taiwan, but this Bailing Taiwan also Lack of some hope that this time can be enough. "Middle-aged beauty frowned, slowly opening.

    "This time the old lady into the spirit of the Senate in person to participate in the body into, should be able to keep a stick of incense in the time, everything is ready, if this time can not be successful, according to the sovereign and several awakened ancestors, After all, this thing is in addition to the original hole, the monks and other monks in terms of me, the only hope! "Purple Luo old man, the only thing to do this thing open, by the power of the entire South domain, the legend of life and life, Zu silent for a moment, a faint opening.

    "If this is the case, would not it be to the distribution, even if only I can be refining Luo, but if too many people, for fear that you and I wait for the wheel ... ... I'm better, you and several other Middle-aged beauty of women hesitated a moment, looking at the front of the purple ancestors, slowly opening.

    "Yes, so this time, even at the expense of some of the doors of the disciples, the old lady does not allow failure!" Ziluo ancestors face piece of birthmark, there is a sauce of purple color, making him look slightly ferocious.

    Heaven and earth to rotate, to tell the southeast northwest, the whole world a dark, can be very fast, all clear up, that dark days, became Biqing, that low earth, became black soil.

    Green trees and lush, a lot of ground hills, ups and downs between a cohesion, the distance can be seen a long river, along the mountain spread, where faint to hear the sound of the river rushing.

    Meng Hao appears, is seen in front of this piece of heaven and earth, surrounded by no other figure, only himself, look around, this is an open space around, there is no trace of monks there.

    "This is not small ... ..." Meng Hao looked up to the sky, the sunset, but also not much time, has been able to see that in the sunset around the sky appeared red, in front of the red rendering of the sky, Cang see faint when.

    Even faint, Meng Hao also saw the other side of the sky, there if not carefully watched, can not see the month.

    "The overlapping of the sun and the moon overlap of the land, is to take years of remnants of the people gathered." Meng Hao eyes flash, the body step forward, into Changhong roaring away.

    "There are so-called hundred Lingtai, what is." Menghao heart a lot of doubts, at the moment before the trip, his first thing is removed from the heaven and earth bags Ruyi printed, spiritual power into the post, Meng Hao heart slightly Relax, but also on this wishful India, more treasure up.

    "This Indian wonder it can be patron ancestors collection, actually here, but also have the power to send, although some of the slow, but can also be used, once transmitted, should be forced to move out of this piece of the world. , This wishful India is a treasure of the collection, it will be his life insurance of the law.

    "Xu Shijie should be behind me to enter here, I do not know who is also the emergence of green Luo, or with me, like scattered scattered here, although the Qing Luozong set more than once, but still the possibility of the latter Bigger.

    But in any case, but also as soon as possible to find Xu Shijie. Meng Hao eyes reveal a touch of fierce Mount, he thought Xu Shixia side, that sexy woman sneer the face, there Xu Qing pale face.

    Meng Hao in this line of duty within the line of duty in the line of duty, right hand lift, remove a Yu-Jane, this thing is the Pro into the former, that the ancestors of the purple hair, Ling insight into, Meng Hao see inside A number of names, looked after his spiritual knowledge to recover, directly to the crumb of this Jane Jane.
    Spirit of knowledge spread, Meng Hao fast, all the way gallop, looking for Xu Shijie trace.

    Time slowly passed, and soon dusk until the sky fades, the moon hanging, sometimes covered by dark clouds when surrounded by darkness, in this night, Meng Hao stood on a hill, looking not far away A ruin.

    Now cover the clouds, the ruins of some hazy, it seems very old, with the vicissitudes of life, as if many years ago, here was a bustling city.

    But now, most of them have been submerged by the black soil, only a few of the buildings exposed, but also dilapidated, in the night, it is still, only the wind blowing this piece of ruins, will bring some strange the sound of.

    These voices, such as countless people whispering in each other softly, saying Menghao do not understand the words, together, making it reveal the strange.

    In that piece of ruins, there is a stone erected, the above may have written, but now also a blank, filled with cracks above.

    Meng Hao looked at, was about to leave, suddenly look of a move, looked again, the moon was covered by dark clouds, the moonlight spilled, in that piece of stone before the ruins of the crevice, the growth of a violet golden vine, at the moment The vine wriggled and spread out, revealing a thumb-sized fruit wrapped in leaves.

    This fruit, Meng Hao crumbled in the Jane Jane has introduced, is required for the Green Luo, called stone fruit.

    Meng Hao look calm, not to see, but cross one's legs sitting on the hill, cold look.
    Time is not long, from the other side of the jungle, suddenly there is a figure instantly out of this figure is a middle-aged man, built for the early repair, straight out of the stone, the blink of an eye near the stone, A grab to the stone fruit that month.

    May be in this person to touch the fruit of the moment, suddenly, a cold light moment from the stone moment instantly, in that early middle-aged man built mind startled, to rapid retrogression of the moment, this Hanmang direct For a few Road, swept away directly.

    But the other shot, his body in the Yi Chan Yi, the head was directly Zhanxia flying out, at the same time, the stone on the cracks inside the stone on the monument, Of the purple gold vine branches, the rapid spread out of this dead monk headless body bundled, a root cane stabbed into the flesh and blood in this monk, as if swallowing something, that is, a few breathing time, this monk pubic region Withered, corpses such as withered.

    This scene was Meng Hao clear to see that he sat cross-legged in silence there, but his eyes are exposed Jingmang.

    "What about this rattan?"

    Meng Hao looked at the moment, at the moment that a distortion of the stone, out of a young man wearing a purple robe, this young man built for the mid-peak, from the late Chiku only one step, now looking pale, out of him On the arm, surrounded by a large number of rattan, these rattan as tentacles spread, making him look quite impassive.

    This man, Meng Hao seen, with him coming from the monks of the Green Luo, Qing Luo were with the purple compass of the ten Tianjiao one.

    He did not see the body dry withered on the ground, but looked up, cold eyes look to the hill where Meng Hao, revealing a touch Hanmang.
    Meng Hao cross-legged sitting there, but also looking at this person, the two eyes looking across a few Baizhang, silent about each other a few breathing time, that hand wrapped in rattan youth, the body forward suddenly flash, The whole person Ta Kong away, turned into a Changhong Meng Hao here straight.

    In his front row, his right hand raised his toss, immediately that rattan seven or eight tentacles twisted around, spread more than ten feet, but also in the rattan head, such as python-like teeth covered with big mouth , As he approaches, went straight to Meng Hao.

    At this moment, in this piece of heaven and earth, not far away from the area here, Xu Qing pale forward forward rapidly, her fog at the foot of the broken dilapidated, behind her, who Qingluo Zhao brothers, is a look of a smile, arms around the side of Xue's flirtatious woman, is not the pursuit of Xu with Xu.

    "Xu Shimei, the last time you can escape, is your good luck, this time, Zhao specific RBI Xie brothers, allowed to secretly go down, any person you see, we must first tell me.

    You see, you just arrived here a few hours, not to be found. "Looks handsome young surnamed Zhao, laughing at the moment opening, the sound echoed, falling into the front Xu Qing ears, so that Xu Qing looking more pale, tightly biting lower lip, did not speak, but full speed gallop, but She even if the speed is faster, but that man surnamed Zhao as building monks, how could she be able to avoid.

    "Xu Shimei, Zhao brothers took a fancy to you, your good fortune, the line of duty I had the same as you feel wronged, but now is not very good, not quickly agreed, so that we can as before, or a good sister. That flirtatious woman, laughing openings, allowing young people around his name Zhao, wanton kneading.
    "Brother is not difficult for you, just want you red pills only, I built a Kidan and you exchange is to give you enough worth, but you do not know how many triumphantly, so, today I can not blame the senior With a strong. "Zhao said youth, eyes fiery more intense, right-handed lift a forward.

    Immediately with a wind whistling away, obviously with a teasing meaning, from Xu Qing side across, let Xu Qing was set off a number of clothes, exposing a lot of skin, making Xu Qing body twitching, mouth overflow of blood, can still Teeth, gallop forward.

    Zhao youth laughed, to see the fiery, once again raised a finger.

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