Thursday, February 9, 2017

After the break gun, the former pregnant! The child is mine? .

Keywords: cloud spare tire

A man from junior high school like you, like eight years, as long as you say he will try to meet, that is short, girls should give up?

The boys with eight years like you, continue to meet your various requirements, but you have eight years with a best cloud spare tire, there is a need to call that come to see the pleasing to the eye of the play. Girl, any feelings are worthy of being respected, if you like it together well, if you do not like it clear that decisive, let him go for their own people!
Keywords: value expectation management

How to help her boyfriend to increase their own value I had three independent college graduates in the province of L, and now 985 Master in reading, her boyfriend is a province X University, a two independent college graduate. I and my boyfriend feel very good in all aspects, but also very get along, I would like to talk about getting married. However, I am afraid because of her boyfriend after the work of the issue of earning ability to be my mother out, I would like to talk with her boyfriend now let him give their value.

Talk about the situation of her boyfriend, and I love now after a 211 institutions to rub some classes, usually play games. But I think it is not enough, I always feel that we should learn a hard skills, such as English and the like. I said, but the boyfriend always do not want to do the reason. I do not want him to feel that I am educating him. I do not care whether a partner can afford to get married or how much money to get married, I hope he has a strong ability to earn money and motivated. Hope to give advice, thank you.

There are two obvious problems: First, you think the hard skills, such as English and the like, for him is not necessarily the boys in learning things more like the choice of challenging, can quickly bear fruit, But also high practicality, you let him learn the hard skills such as English, learning cycle is long, slow, the key most posts are less than. Second, you give each other too much expectations and requirements, according to his performance, has been considered more motivated, but you look forward to far more than he can do the actual situation!

So the girl you reasonable management of your own expectations, do not put too many requirements imposed on him, or the long run, he could not reach your expectations slowly tired of this relationship, you can not see his growing gradually to him Disappointed; secondly, you should take the initiative to learn from him, to see what he likes, good at what, want to learn what you want to do is to encourage support at his side!
Key words: physiological needs

  Because that thing and quarrel, each quarrel is because of that thing, but after the past we can recover as ever, I just do not understand together for so long, why or can not, each time in front of friends, elders always Very embarrassed, I have been thinking, why really do so much, or still can not believe me, I let her feel so no confidence in the future, we live together for more than a year, as a man really sometimes Very necessary. Last night because of that thing I did not sleep the whole night, the next day and broke up.

"That thing" is what, read the problem I think the brother would like to express the physiological needs of the matter should be, but the next not so shy, and now this time to express their needs is how normal a thing ah, With the right way on it.

It is recommended that the brother be frank and talk to your girlfriend once, but can not use sex as the theme, to talk to her about marriage, because you cohabitation also have more than a year, already have mutual understanding of the foundation, if she seriously consider After you both married planning, you can in-depth understanding of her relationship between sex and marriage is how to understand, if she thinks that after marriage can have sexual relations, and are willing to marry you, you as soon as marriage is a The best of both worlds. But there may be a woman is not suitable for sexual intercourse with the heart or physical illness. This should go to a professional doctor to help you.
Keywords: spare tire

I would like to know in the end she put me as a spare tire or what, how do I face. Hello, my girlfriend always have no confidence in our future, because she has two bad love. She always felt that she would lose this love. Then space, buckle what not let me into, space shielding me, she said because the future will not be together, do not want to let me touch her life. She never mentioned that she had a boyfriend. Others do not know she has a boyfriend.

You do not have to doubt, your girlfriend's behavior is the standard of fetal behavior, and even said she was your girlfriend I feel a bit far-fetched, the brother suggested that you first contact with her for a period of time, at the same time Multi-minded in their own display surface to create more attractive to attract the opposite sex, and other through the contrast of the opposite sex chat you can more clearly know your girlfriend's eyes in the end is what kind of person.

For attraction build, we have a set of courses for you to learn, if you want to learn more about the scan below the two-dimensional code and our emotional analysts directly.
Keywords: ex-girlfriend pregnancy

Entangled former girlfriend + because the former girlfriend around too many boys, has been no confidence in her, we broke up in early November. Now she and I said she was pregnant. Said to be a child born. But October 15 to 19 to the aunt. We have sex on the 26th and the 30th (the beginning may not wear, certainly not injection). The former girlfriend and I said she was early pregnancy with the end of October measured (not, and I said). She said the pregnancy was hit, the child did not train in the hospital so I did not say. Now and I said the child is still. I am very painful, do not want children after no complete family. But with the former girlfriend is really boring, there is no trust at all. Xiao state greatly. Help me. Tell me what to do. Thank you

Now it is difficult to determine a problem is the child in the end is not you, if she insisted to be born, so the child was born to do a paternity test, if the child is your, you tell her you will bear the burden of that Responsibilities, including money and time, but do not recommend the two of you in the absence of feelings of marriage, which is not good for you, including children. If you later get along with a period of time to accept each other to get married is possible. If the child is not your story can be over.

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