Saturday, February 11, 2017

To study the girl but my brother's woman sleep, how can I do

Qingyang rises and disintegrates with each other
By the future and now saw the past
Contaminated in the past did not expect the color
From the happiness of the colorful into black and white
The last pull into a fine to be able to ignore the thread
With a smile called expression
Connect with "goodbye"
On the past farewell
Go to the end of the road
And then stop looking back
Look at the thorns of the floor
There are sunset below the back of the body
I do not know when I do not know
Has become a stranger
The life of the feasting makes me tired
Can be staged every day
               --- bid farewell to the past
I have seen my friends know that two years ago I was definitely a downright silk, at least in the emotional side, has been to college for two years, I have not really talked about a love, the impression seems to only Hold hands, let alone and girls close. At that time I like a just arrived in our company just graduated from the girls, she is very beautiful looks like the kind of girl, usually soft voice, but also like toot mouth.

I usually often give her help at work, she will often eat about me. Once, I and the side of the buddy said later, they let me like to chase So, I was in a weekend, I summoned the courage to tell her, she was shocked.

She said to have been my brother, she has a boyfriend, I was strong smile that nothing, we do friends later I was feeling a burst of pain, my friends told me that she was testing me. I was so crazy every day to bring her breakfast, buy snacks, behind her see me are dodging, send a message, call back very little ... that time is my most black section, very decadent, work, life mess This is not less to the boss scolded

In the occasional time, as always, I go back to the dormitory every day kept looking at those compelling news, found the Vatican love love published an article, which deeply attracted me content, read After I was completely muddle the whole person, and subvert my view of love, the original I have done all of their own harm to their own, I was a downright fool.

I thought that there is no hope that I looked at the contents of the said inside, concerned about the public number to add a customer service in detail that my situation, holding the last trace of hope, I hope my efforts will not be in vain, I enrolled, Mentor is very responsible, since my life has undergone tremendous changes, I even want to dare not think, girls will even take the initiative to eat me, I also harvested a sweet love. Here, I am based on my experience and brother talk.

And she knew is in a party's activities, very grateful to the opening activities, so that everyone introduced his name, so I was wearing a deep red dress, face the same good left her impression.

In the early part of the night, in fact, have no chance and she had any close communication, because there are other brothers and go to this activity "hunting", there are brothers and young people have been interacting, I quietly in the observation of whether there is a chance. Later in the activities of an improvisation show, asked the following audience voluntarily up to see her go up I took the initiative to lift the hand, the other brothers are still hesitated, this opportunity to give me. Through the opportunity to perform together, I and her have a preliminary impression on each other, then the end of the event after the end of the number and then go home with everyone, the road also took the opportunity to exchange a little basic information, she had a certain understanding The

Here to promote the brothers to participate in activities, because the activities are rich circle of your friends, enrich your knowledge, enrich your resources a good way. For girls who want to know, and there is no urgent come forward to know, this will give girls a strange feeling and sense of demand. The exchange of basic information allows girls to feel more secure to you, help you after the chat and warming.

The middle of a few days in fact, and her chat is only in the promotion of familiar, in the dust brother under the guidance of careful, talk about a week, on January 8 finally had the first single single appointment.

The morning is a group of small partners with small Y to play room, there are other brothers brought a few sister paper, I not only interact with her, and other sister paper interaction, halfway and other sister paper umbrella Chat (have a preselection effect), try not to put all the attention on her. Later, I and she finally have the opportunity to come together to support the umbrella, but this time should let her do some obedience test, for example, help me wiping what package, but did not expect, just walk to chat with everyone to eat.

After dinner, she had a small leave in advance, I and her dinner at night to eat a meal, who knows there is a sudden situation, sister paper phone no electricity contact me, ran home, and later I call, I Anyway where I am where to eat, if you have time to come out to eat a meal, no time on the next time, small Y may feel like I do not like pigeons, and finally ran out from home and I eat.

Chamber of Secrets is a more difficult activities, play well, you can add points, play the difference may be less points, but you can cheat, is to play again, and then the wingman with each other, so that everyone can cooperate with each other to show their high IQ.

Half-way and other sister's interaction is the best private and wingman to discuss good, otherwise it may cause bad misunderstanding. But interact with other girls can make their own goals produce a little jealous, go back as long as the care of the target, it will be able to make full emotional fluctuations, so that she needs more of your presence in the companion. The middle of a little accident, but the student mike's handling is very good, the atmosphere generous, said: "free to come out together, no time on the next." Girls feel will feel good, because there is no persecution, and then girls will feel Guilt, resulting in girls may take the initiative to eat together.

At the time of dinner, because we chose to sit in the small pond in the center of the bookstore, too many people can only face to face sitting and chat, the first date of the topic because it is already ready (but in fact I said most of the entertainment are eating and drinking topic , No implantation of what DHV point, the story of the topic I still have to go to prepare some can show their high value point of the story), the whole atmosphere of the meal is still quite relaxed and happy.

But this date if there is no breakthrough point, then it is estimated that the relationship will be like the development of friends there, which I do not want to see, on the temporary thought of a move into the move, after eating me in the vicinity of walking around, on the road I chatted with her, I wanted to be a director or a photographer. I let her hold my hand forward, I took pictures and shoot video, with the hand into the atmosphere after all of a sudden like a good, two people a little shy feeling while walking, the whole walk about Half an hour or so, and then I took the initiative to send her to the subway station to ride home. She was feeling when I was some nostalgia, the date is quite successful.

Dating if there is no entry into Norway, may be the direction of the development of friends. You can use storytelling convergence of this practice, very good for a high value display and into Norway. The first hand certainly can not hold too tight, simply can pull, and it is difficult to continue to take the initiative, because the first hand is reason to move into Norway.

Dating each other impression is also a good relationship, follow-up chat will soon be from the familiar to the ambiguous, and occasionally open a dirty joke, and finally in the January 14 Friday night for the second date.

The second date of the appointment process is more than 7:00 to eat, eat about 9 o'clock after the movie, follow-up can be sent home to see what the situation. I chose the restaurant or the central bookstore side of the restaurant, at the beginning and she went to too many people can only face to face to sit, then next to a large table people go after I and she took the initiative to transfer to the big table Sitting on the side, but just did not take long waiter suggested that this is the 4 table can not sit here, but you can help arrange a small room to sit for us, into the private space between the private rooms, naturally you can use some small move , Which pretend to see the palmistry, and then pretend to have nothing to say that the line also continue to eat and drink, the girls asked her how the situation, you just say nothing, I just want to rob the oil only, girls will always smile and beat you.

Follow the handle on her thighs on what are not contradictory, two people still have fun to eat, feeling very good, but halfway ridicule her mouth oil want to take the opportunity to kiss her find a smile away, but no relationship , Continue to joke like, will not affect the atmosphere.

During the dinner, the brothers can seize the opportunity to use the rules into the bombing, the success of the relationship between the two more intimate, but finally did not kiss to, but it does not matter. To seize the dating of a most critical point, that is, must be carried into the Norwegian and flirting, otherwise the girls can not feel the heartbeat to speed up the feeling, there is no mood swings, then she will position you as an ordinary friend, Dating can be considered a failure.

Saturday and Sunday two party events, a Saturday morning cooking DIY, a Sunday night table tour, two activities are showing their rich and interesting lifestyle, small Y on my favor Is also very obvious, but because the two are group gatherings, and there is no time to add a small time in the vicinity of relatives during the visit, there is no attempt to tear down.

In the party can do some of the game here to introduce one

(Gang), prostitutes (mass), contraceptives, swearing brigade captain (JC) (game by the darkness of the game), the name of the game is black! Please close the eyes adapted from my favorite role is the pimp (the judge), at night only I can speak, are closed eyes ~ release when playing ~ I can describe the vivid, dark when I kissed the edge On the sister, there is a kneading ha ha ha ha)

Game features:

1. easy to learn: anyone as long as the rules or see someone else played a plate, will soon play. The following are the same as the "

2. Participate in the strong: as long as the role of serious treatment, whether it is old friends or the first time to meet new friends, immediately "engage in" into one.

3. rich content: no matter who you are, when playing this game can feel when the "child his father" fun. Game environment: indoor and outdoor can be, the best we sit together. Light darker effect is better.

The rules of the game (turn, too lazy to typing ~ but when I play my own processing ~ care of their own development): 12 people Bureau, for example, a pimp, two contraceptives, two clients, Five names of prostitutes.

Specific play:

Bustard said: the night came, please close your eyes open legs. At this time only one person can see the situation of the pimps, and so close their eyes.

Bustard also said: clients please eyes open, you can come out of prostitution. After hearing this order, only two clients can break their eyes, two clients at this time can know each other, become the first round of the game reached the league group.

And by any one of the prostitutes to indicate the pimp, and all eyes closed in any one of the line of deeds. After seeing the pimp said: clients please eyes closed. Then say: contraceptives please break your eyes.

At this time as the two pillars of contraceptive can break their eyes, mutual understanding, and can be suspected of any one of the eyes closed by the prostitutes, and then choose her (after the selection of this prostitute that will not be pregnant).

Although you are just a contraceptive, but you can still protect your favorite people are not being harmed (Note, if the innocent people eat the pill, in this game as contraceptives no effect) after the completion of the pimp said: Please close your eyes, the captain please move out. At this time the two captains can break their eyes, mutual understanding, and can be suspected of any one of the eyes closed for the client, then the captain can ask the pirates of this person is a client, the bustard head that YES shaking his head that NO.

The game continues, the captain eyes closed. Bustard said: Well, dawn, please please open eyes, please legs! XXX you are pregnant, and now you can guess who is the child his father ~ (pregnant people automatically withdraw from the game) XXX posting, and then each person in turn express their point of view, who is the father of his father, then swept the captain can Bright out their identity, that who is a client, but bright identity after the captain can no longer enter the place of adulterous, that is removed from the captain duties, and was unspoken rules into prostitutes.

If the character is wronged to vote for the child his father, please pay legal responsibility, that is, out of the game, then you can leave some of the last words.

If not find the real child his dad is the game to continue to find the beginning of the next round. Some characteristic tension is very strong.

January 16, there is a party, but also many people, after the show a small Y to give me the feeling is to go to the hotel, but the day came to stage after the show a little tired, it was sent back, and made a push Behavior, but also let her feel that I do not just come out every time you just TD) Friday, eat private cinema (Nima I also choose to see the futon, she would have wanted to see what obsessed art piece I was decisively refused ) Plus a good set of hotel to take away, just entered the room I am not anxious, after changing their own slippers, so she changed. I went to wash, and smooth her tongue kiss, search body. But to take off her underwear, encountered a strong resistance, I did not continue to attack, but stopped to hold her, in her ear whisper, narrate us together for the good times, watched a TV, and back The first step flirting ...

The reason why the sister ignored you, I did not say good? Showcase? Did not read the deep meaning between her words? Do not think too much, brother, she chat with our students, how can time? Brothers, have seen too many cases, are the success of the td Bai Fu Mei, the students successful td white rich, not to mention the brothers, and I have not seen. Why is this? The reason is not known. Students and soaked a sister, this kid again to show off with me.

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