Wednesday, February 8, 2017

And the third party turned out to be his mother?

"In the election of her husband or her boyfriend, we must avoid such a 'Mom Po', the more the mother's eyes baby, the more no masculinity .All things are listening to her mother, completely 'disobedient' men, the future At the same time advise some prospective mother-in-law, this world is not only your son is a baby, the daughter of the people is the apple of the eye, to someone else's daughter when people look.

This is a well-known emotional writer in the micro-blog po point of view, to persuade women to stay away from mother Po male.

The so-called "mother-Po," as the name suggests is "Mom's baby," grown up adult men, but also called false filial piety is really dependent on men. That is what is listening to her mother, what are the final say that the mother of men, their line of life, the basic design by the mother.

So and Mau Po love men in the end is what experience?

Xiaowei three years older than her boyfriend Xiaoyu, love for one year. Feel that her boyfriend did not assertive, always put my mother said, hanging in the mouth, so that they feel like a love with her boyfriend mother, even their party to make-up, her boyfriend also take my mother said the girl is not a good girl Against. Every date, her boyfriend must go home, because every night to live with the mother in the field of video, and even daily diet should be "early referral, late report."

Once, two people made an appointment to go out to play, but the day before leaving, do not know where his mother learned of his holiday news, abruptly let him back the ticket to him to go home to accompany his family.

This makes Xiaowei angrily, and her boyfriend broke up that night!

Many people are in the relationship with the mother to determine the male treasure, only to know each other is the mother Po male. After all, Mama-men in shape, and the average man is no difference, they will not meet you to tell you when I was a male Po male.

The following is the obvious characteristics of male Po male, help us to distinguish Mabao male as soon as possible, to avoid their own pit:

1, behavior, even if the economy has been independent, but still live with her mother. Every day to do is to talk to my mother, to report their day trip and so on. Regardless of any decision, will consult my mother.

2, speech, ten words, there will be more than half of the mother, such as "my mom said, with my colleagues can not go too close, people across the belly," "My mom said, love to coax the girl, Love to listen to good words, "" My mom said, in the future I get married, have to buy solid wood furniture, sheet metal is not decent "......

3, the spirit, even if he has grown into an adult man looks like, but still very dependent on the psychological mother. No matter what happens, not find ways to solve their own, but to find her mother's shelter.

Some people say, I fell in love with Ma Po male, I can not leave him, so I want to change him!

So, change the mother in the end Mabao feasible?

First of all, we come to understand the reasons for the formation of male Po male.
Ma Po male formation is not short-term, but long-term. When he was a child, he relies entirely on his mother's life, eating and drinking Lazard is completed with the help of her mother. Growing up, perhaps these things can be done independently, but because the mother refused to let go, they are willing to continue indulging in such care, refused to grow up. His growth process is full of being controlled, spoiled, occupied. When this behavior pattern for a long time, he became a mother treasure. He can not emotionally leave his mother, can not become a real man to a new family.

Therefore, refused to grow up is the mother of the greatest characteristics of male Po.
In fact, they are also very difficult to accept the heart, "he is the mother of male treasure," the fact that, after all, with the male social image has a great contrast. This will make them feel hurt, and thus away from you. In their inner world, they know their way of life is too dependent on their mother, they also want to change. But it is as if a prisoner who has served a long prison sentence has adapted himself to prison life and needs a great deal of courage to get out of the community.

So this time, you can not reprove him, after all, mercilessly scolded would have let the weak people become more weak. You should give him encouragement, if effective, we should praise him, let him understand what is right, what is wrong.

When her mother finds her obedient son becomes less obedient, her mother will find ways to pull his son back to his side. So you have to do a good job of mediation. When you try to change a man will not grow up, you will find you tired, and even will be crowned "provoke mother and child relationship" charges.

If you are willing to bear the above pressure, then I admire you, and she was dying, difficulties, is a man!

If you feel that you can not stand, want a period of no third party (mother) love, then quickly substitutions, do not waste their youth.

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