Monday, February 6, 2017

Find her G-point night stand and long-term are applicable

Most of the time we will encounter chat with the girls in the cold field, and will not chat, or sister had a window of their own did not find, we mistake the sister's reserved as our rejection, we often met with the sister finished After a while in did not then. Afterwards we think this is not what we do not know sister with it. Today, give you talk about from a practical point of view out of some of the things you can get used to.

From our more than ten years of experience and explore a girl can find the dialogue mode, will accelerate the two people at first understand the relationship, and the other side of your attraction. In the love of learning, we have this kind of emotional dialogue to guide the call surgery, and the so-called man is not bad, women do not love, this "bad" is not really bad. Behind the dialogue logic is a personality label.

That 's why you might think that you would have a lot of people around them, and you would ask them they would say it was very simple. You'd just have to tease her, and you'd pull it. So you try to tease her handle did find Nima why the same method in me can not. Pit father ah. That is, you do not understand the logic behind. There are several ways we can talk emotionally.

First, assuming answer method

Classic Case
I: You are actually a very curious (casually an adjective) people
Mm: Why?
I: because I do not tell you why you will always ask why

Ps: a good dialogue you want to ask people to ask you why. This result is not let the other side does not answer your question, the continuation of the relationship between your topic progressive.
Second, playing a woman in good faith

She told you to pick up something
You say: you want this ah?
She nodded or did not speak or say grace
You stare at her eyes slowly said: do not give you
She freaks
You say: absolutely not to, the beauty meter is not used, how to give you

The above method you can bring into the situation to analyze, honest people is very smooth, direct to give. Then there is no then. If you have some sense of resistance does not obey the meaning, and the girls will find it difficult to get back. Because you do not have a very successful completion of her given this kind of thing, the interaction between you have a mood swings. You tease her, she "beaten" you, this model is that we often say flirting, you Lennon Lennon.

In this mode the girls beat you to give you the body powder, it is equal to you give a girl to touch you for a reasonable reason, because of this reason that she is not an indulgent woman. Similarly, the potential significance of this model can also be expressed in your suppression of a girl. On the suppression of the skills I have said before, not to mention here.

Third, deliberately distort the woman

1. Use only looks like a woman would say to fight back her

Example: she accidentally touched you look you say: Do you just want to get my flesh, do not want to get my heart Well? Before the full moon, called the official people, and now called people roll (can replace any verb)

Absolutely stunned woman uttered a word, silent death. And then continue to interact to get rid of dull.

2. Do not fumble me, this is sexual harassment, I want to call the police, but you look very cute, I grievances point to you touch on the next three

3. I know you do not look back, so I am wronged under their own, read your eyes more

4. Use "sleep", "bed", "bath" and other sensitive words make a fuss

Example: What "bed is not bed", we are not so familiar, I am not you think so casual man.

Well, this distortion, when you look at these words, there is no thought of a person's film, yes, Stephen Chow, Stephen Chow, you now think about why so many people like. Behind this is a character for Stephen Chow to show all the labels.

She asked: Do you know
You answer: I know. My mother considered for a long time, or feel we are not suitable for the first serious smile after pushing girls to make women gas and funny. And then to coax her. Natural and promote the relationship.

6. Purely to the "sex" on
She said: You're stupid
You say: Yes, ah, the lights can not find a closed hole
She said: stinking waves flow
You said: Hush small voice, the southeast corner I just lit a candle, turn off the lights on the hole tomb to play dumplings ah, what you want, smelly hoodlum

The girl apologized to you
1. Do not apologize, and many women see my body and hair, usually nervous to say the wrong thing.
I know I'm attractive, but I do not know if I can get a woman to say the wrong thing

Pride and fun is a good way to adjust the atmosphere between you a way. Of course, this feeling you have to pay attention to grasp a degree. Too easy for girls to feel too narcissistic, just like cooking salt as much how you eat it.

Fourth, push-pull method

Used to create a very obvious mood swings, a very good way. But the need for higher social intuition out of the effect with the beautiful.

1. You: "I found that in fact you are very pretty, I feel like a cat, kind of kind of gentle, as if a woman and the cat a little blood relationship"
She: Why?
You: Otherwise, how to call tigress "
Again get Fenquan, again and again the flirting swear

2. Let her in a short time willing to do something you can not imagine the past
Example: You say: push your hair is very beautiful, ah, there is no split, no scalp, the color is very suitable for what you at the same time as if not washed for several days.
Pull very cute, but do my new darling must be good.
Push: will cook it (specific point, so that she will not be expensive dishes such as: Buddha jumping wall)
Not ah, it would break up
Pull: but laugh you are not only lovely hair friends
What is your perfume? taste?
What what she explains
Pull: your scent makes me allergic, this time it seems to be breaking up

When crossing the road, pull her arm
Said: be careful. She should be very grateful to you you say: I am afraid that XX car was your car crash
The words think of who the words, Guo Degang it, the old Guo generally shaking the burden of the time like to use the terrier, in the face of some sunspots you want to leave them a little bit, do not split into the time when he hurt you.

5, humor = unexpected + reasonable

Do you know why someone else's memorial service is going?
Because you do not, then others will not come to you.

6, see palmistry

Your life line is quite long, I'm sure you can live the next week.
Your wealth line is not ye, 90 years ago, no money, 90-year-old will be rich overnight.
Your marriage line tells me that you will believe whatever I say.
You say: you know what line it? Casual means one. The orgasm line shows that you have XX times in your life

Seven, nonsense to absurd: My family's toilet and your home as big as the bathtub

Eight, the way of speaking: self-confidence + calm
"Can you pretend not to know me?"
"I did not know you"
"Ah, installed very well, much like, really good"
2. "Do you believe in love at first sight, or want me to walk again from your side"

Nine, a woman on your test

They will never allow and never like every man she likes, they need to filter, a woman is a good thing to test you, that he subconsciously trying to stop their own attraction to you.

How to resolve? A: creative and humor to distort the test of a woman to her test of misinterpretation she likes you too, and chasing you chasing too fierce

Female: I think you are tired
Me: before the woman chasing me say I'm tired, I think women are the same, but I think you are still a bit different.
Female: Why?
I: They did not chase you ruthless, so I have never had to like the annoying

2. Female: You must be very bothering
: Ah, I was, what makes you feel so much to the men, all of a sudden to see out.
: Ah, I am, why do you like to bring the heart of the man, the man in the end to spend any good?
: Who likes to bother to other similar
: What is the good man to do what the heart

He is also the way to pick him up the test

Female: You are not the girls say so?
: Eyes do not blink, blink for a second, you discharge ah, or I only speak slowly blink of an eye girl said, right this is the eyes, with you like to eat more vanilla flavor expression , Go now take you. Finished hand to try.
: Well, in fact, I only very special to my mind to say so, especially in front of ... (pause at her). And then find the front of the trash, street lamps, anything can be. Bring in, let her start thinking you're talking about her, and instantly move on to something else.

1: Where did you sleep last night?
: At home all night thinking about you, but would like to feel bored, so I went to KTV to find the eighty-eight young lady to accompany me
2: girls sometimes ask: "Who gives you the information."
: Your mother, she said you are not sensible to me to take care of you
3: You look angry and charming, so I can not stand to kiss you

10, angry and attract the same as a mood, better than no mood

If a woman asked some tricky unrealistic questions, she is in the PubMed you ask some practical instructions that she has begun to really understand you

Woman: What do you do?
You: naked for the private division at the plastic division.
11, to attract the flow, to attract all the time changing

1. Do not give their own feelings of the right to others, a man can be arbitrary about any man to attract women, if a woman aware of her words and deeds can easily affect your emotions, then you Her attraction will fall sharply

2. Multi-threaded chat grasp Keywords: catch those who are prone to ambiguity, pun, easily misunderstood, homophone

3. Why call women brothers, buddy effect?
A: You call her brother, buddy, she could not eat you in the end like him in the end, a woman like this feeling hanging in the air, one can not guess you mean to her, you can let a woman guess, so she Can think about you.

4. When dating:
"Uh, sorry, I'm a bit dizzy, I want to go home and take a break?"
:Return home? We both just know soon, the development of the bar too fast. I am not so casually, I will not go home with you
: "I mean I go back to my home
: Maybe you do not understand, I will not go home with you, I am not so casual people, so do not hit my mind.

5. Do not be nervous I'm not a good person (the devil classic dialogue)
6. In the eyes of women do not make a decision, than to make a bad decision to be much worse

Twelve, deep multi-threading theory:

Through the other side of the conversation to analyze the emotional and emotional fluctuations in the other side, or directly asked: Do you then do and feel? What did you think then? How did you feel?

1. Ninety-three percent of the people have a 2.5-day work week
2. As the pressure to let her eyes start to remove the potential to communicate with you understand your woman
3. Delayed smile in the eyes of about 0.5 seconds after the laughter
4. Speak slowly, each child is pronounced in place
5. Pause in a timely manner
6. The face of quiet pressure, but you have to ensure that by her break the silence
7. Learn to tone down, the interrogative questions behind the words removed, right? All removed, with the tone
8. Change the style of clothing
9. Imagine thousands of road at night, go out the morning to go the same way (the same from a speech Ma, I think there are Fan children ah)

12, the girl told you to send him home

You: ah? Girl modesty is good, I and you are not very familiar with, we are not even pro-pro, I am not so casual people
She: You are serious, in the end not to send
You: good to send, but I only send gentle and lovely woman, to, to be a lovely expression to see me

Thirteen, read several times over the following paragraph

Your brain to control emotions, emotional power of the parts as the most primitive, is not logical, unreasonable, and brain control logic, dialectical, analysis and other rational forces part of the cerebral cortex, which is part of human intelligence
Fourteen, the practice of delivery

1, you: Do you believe in fate?
She: do not speak
You: You seem to believe
She: Why
You: secret can not be revealed

2, you: You are actually a very patient people
She: Why
You: If I do not tell you why you will not stop to ask why
Fifteen, and finally you read a few times a few words

1, a woman is born irrational, poor decision making, almost all women are in for a thing and make decisions
2, she promised you are willing to hundred percent and confession has nothing to do, she must have been attracted to you, your confession is nothing but water channel
3, let a woman like you do not need any confession, the mind on how to make her feel happy with you time

16, the last sentence I particularly love to use the words:

The girl jealous, the best in public to such a sentence: "You look jealous, very cute Well, I like."
With such emotional fluctuations in ridicule, coupled with a reasonable body language touch, won a difficult?
The vast majority of men will never know, how to quickly attract a woman, so she completely fell in love with your secret ... ...

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