Monday, February 13, 2017

I like a sister with a male ticket.

Keywords: male girlfriend relationship upgrade

Why a good time for a girl a long time finally become a male girlfriend honey! Xiao Bang brother Hello, on the university recently like a sister, classmates. A semester down the contact I asked myself in every possible way to take care of him, every one of my problems I have solved, but occasionally and other girls out to play, did not do anything, she did not mind. Today to her confession, he said that my relationship with her male girlfriend honey best! I asked her if she had not talked about love before, and she said there was something that was not the same as it was now. Now is to see I want to find me chatter nibbling, but do not want to go further! I am a headache, only temporarily agreed to his male girlfriends. Concerned about the years there are a few years, hope brother can give me answer! Thank you

Obviously you think that the other side of the meticulous to pay the other side can let you like each other, I do not know this is actually sent to let each other as a spare tire invitation. You do not let her love your key step, is to attract. When you have not been enough to build between you, you will treat her in a comfortable way, and she will naturally respond to you in a friend's way.

What you have to do now is to strengthen your attraction to her by showing your high value, let her want to take the initiative to understand you, and you want to reduce the number of times you take the initiative to contact her, not you put all your good She, but the other did not want to see. When you release the interest index to you, can we gradually upgrade your relationship.
Keywords: repeated break up

Can I work with her? Xiao Bang Hello I and my girlfriend talked for two years to break up there are many times she took me to see her sister-in-law her sister's attitude to me also can now have broken up a month I graduated more than a year she was not Graduation from school to off-campus love sub-noisy noisy many times a recent break because she promised me to my city to play and then approached the time qq has been off the hair qq information is not how back to me.

And later one day at get off work when I made a cell phone text message to her to give me a result at night she gave me back to the information chat for a while on the gunpowder full of her that I think you will not leave me at the time I was on the top I said we broke up She and I said I was trying to find you but I do not know why the idea will change, maybe I like the original you, but you changed. I did not grow up from school but I did not really want to get married to her girl many times and she said to her to see my parents always for a variety of reasons.

You say you two years to get along in the repeated break up many times, this is not a good state, and now your state can be said to be a bit difficult to return, on the one hand is the long-term backlog of contradictions, on the other hand you always want to ask her to the results The mentality, these two points is very hinder your compound. It is recommended that you shorten your sense of demand in the short term, do not always ask her to the results. Second, you want to change their overall state, highlight and contrast your image before, including the way of thinking and doing things, to create a new you to her twice to attract.
Keywords: off-site love

Hello, pay attention to you for a long time, but also learned a lot, my girlfriend and I are now freshman love together seven or eight months before the feelings are very sweet and very stable, and I also because the university is very busy meeting , She recently and I did not so warm and also found her side there is a boy on her very good even once because she was cold sent a cold medicine moved, she said she was afraid of one day could not stand someone else's gentle, and said do not want to Change and I will always be together, said a laugh when I can face you, cry when you can hug me, the time in the time. Can not be you I would like to ask Xiao Bangge how to do, in addition to see her there are other ways?

The easiest straightforward way to solve the love of the earth is to narrow your physical distance. If you want to keep with her, your heart must have this goal, just say that the process may take some time and the problems encountered in the process , You have more patience than usual and trust to each other.

Now you can do is to strengthen your sense of contact, as much as possible to increase the number of times you meet, can not meet the time to pay attention to maintaining your emotional contact, the use of anchor effect, strengthen your impression in her mind, as much as possible Keep this process until the end of your day.
Keywords: dating website chat

How can I continue or give up the situation: I and she is in love online know, just started chatting very well, but she is not the kind of people who are not joking, or will not match your people, and feel Temper is not good. The first time that went to her, she agreed, the results of high-speed road closure on the train tickets, to her that the first train to Taiyuan, and then ride two hours to her, after almost chatted for a month, The middle said to find her, but the time is too busy, it has been dragged to the present, and then the night before she took a bath I said finished washing out a bath ... ... he was angry behind, and said that do not like this kind of person ... ... Do not speak ...

Today told me not so good to him, our character is not appropriate ... but in front of me where I do make her feel that the character is not appropriate ... ... really do not know how she thought ... ... how can I do next, the age No small, find a favorite person is not easy, do not want to give up Yeah, great god please help me analyze it, I want to go directly to her?

It is typical of an early exposure to the sense of demand, girls in the early understanding of a person, rational thinking is dominated, no matter what kind of channel you know, in their own can not determine whether the other is attracted, Sexual implication or implied reproductive needs of the language, will lead to each other resentment, it is possible that this relationship will end.

So in the early stages of the two sides get together, your focus should be on the display of their own high value, while hiding your sense of demand, pay attention to chat topics and language, it is recommended to find me before the love model to learn the course, the course is very detailed Explained the various stages should pay attention to the problem. Of course, there is a more convenient way, that is, directly scan the end of the two-dimensional code or click to read the original, our senior emotional analysts will talk directly with you.
Keywords: digging the wall

Hello! I like a girl with a boyfriend, would like to ask how to do Situation: I am 25 years old girl 21 years old, the unit know, come out to play one or two relations are also good to enter the evening after going home will have been chatting micro letter. Usually dating out with the performance of men and women with friends in general. But occasionally from her words to know that she has a boyfriend, I am now quietly do not know to deal with. I would like to know what I should do now? Is to continue the relationship between the ambiguous three her boyfriend or how? Hope to get answers Thank you!

Look at your current state, in fact, you just want to dig a wall, I do not object to everyone digging the wall, as long as you can give each other greater happiness, a better life, then you can dig the wall. But if you can not do these, then you are in the destruction of other people's feelings, understand? So I hope the brothers can think twice. If you can take full account of these factors and have the confidence to let the other party be happier than before, you can continue to keep the link between you.

But keep in touch when you have to pay attention to not have a strong sense of demand, and targeted to show their high value, in fact, she has a boyfriend in the case of other boys keep ambiguous, that she has a re-selection of the intention, You want to strengthen your attraction to her, let her make a choice.

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