Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Men conquer a woman's usual 3 weapons, practical!

Men are the most terrible is not poor, but the poor thinking, women are often the most annoying is the man's poor thinking. So what is the most powerful weapon for men to conquer a woman?

Many men may think that the reason why they do not like women, because they are poor, no money, in fact, most of this is a misunderstanding of women, many men are often in the cause or love failure, often because they lack confidence, Brave and indomitable fighting spirit and so on! The following are the same as the "

One, willing to spend money on a woman

People often say willing to spend money on a woman does not necessarily love this woman, but love the woman's men will be willing to spend money on her, money is often a woman to measure the man in the end love her performance, willing to be willing, there are homes There is no free lunch, the sky will not fall under the pie, if there is such a cake to fall, it may not be good stuff. No woman would like to be a man who will only be empty mouth.

Second, will speak sweet words

Women are listening to animals, so they all like to listen to sweet talk, although they also know that these sweet words are mostly lies, but they are love to listen, and never tired, so that 'bad man is cheating a woman for a while, a good man is a woman deceive a lifetime! 'Love or marriage can not be deceived, but also the lack of goodwill lies, because it will increase the romance and fun.

Three, understand the stalker

There is a network of children said: love married this thing is worse than who is shameless. Had a true love but did not dare to confess, and destroyed a group, after the other because the other home against, and difficult to take a group, get along because of quarrel with the other side of the embarrassment and ask for a good friend, Come to the end of the knot with the final, are those bold and cute face thick thick hero.

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