Sunday, February 12, 2017

Shoubashoujiao let you sleep on a date sister, and then take a few threads in the pants

I would like to talk about systematically, as a novice, no female male resources, how should the sense of dating, as concise as possible, easy to understand, as far as possible with the operability. Theoretical knowledge do not want to talk too much because the theoretical knowledge of space holes, not operable, directly on the dry goods: the first date should be how to arrange.

The heroine is my century good edge to know, show the surface to do well, as to how to do show before the surface has been said, chat a few words soon to fought on the WeChat, a simple exchange of basic information, the purpose of the offer, why Invite to exchange basic information, the purpose is security. Now the community is messy at least some of your bottom line will come out to date with you. Girls naturally agreed, the century good edge of the girls or a very good invitation, because we hold the same purpose, is to find the object, looking for the object to go out to date. So the difficulty will be lower.

The first date is about 7 pm, the place is in the girls home downstairs, because the choice of girls where the security will be higher, and the success rate will be greater, but it is important to note that you go to a girl may be wine care , May be selling these clothes with you to talk to each other with a purpose, so the reaction will be very good. Most of our newcomers are not clear.

Here are a few things:

1. The other side is not up to very clearly ask your personal information, what work.
2. WeChat of the circle of friends have their own photos, whether it is clear.
3 after the meeting and the photo is the same, if not the same you need a long eye may be the use of false photos. Think about why a person with a fake photo, must do some bad things.
4. If you choose to dating the venue, you should pay attention. Some unknown bar restaurant small alley in the best not to go, Baidu you go somewhere in the chain, the public comment can be found on the place to choose dating. To the chain of similar places like "typhoon shelter, Starbucks." This largely avoid the wine care, rice care

Dating time control in about 3 hours, the cafe chat 1 hour, watch movies 2 hours, pre-need to quickly establish a sense of familiarity, watching movies is a good choice, some people do not advocate watching movies, the reason is that two people just sit watching movies, interactive.

On the contrary, the cinema is very easy to interact, you can often ask the girls, actress nose is not the whole, your nose is very good to see is not moving, by the way touch. Prosthesis can not do pig nose. Here to say a dry goods. Men on the 1st more handsome or male two more handsome and the like. And with the development of the film plot, the topic is endless.

What should you say when you've just met? Very simple, praise her dress, every woman out before dating, will be carefully dressed up, and your praise is the best reward for her.

I: hi, hello, I'll see you all the time, because you are dressed very bright today, white shirt and jeans are very equipped.
She: Thank you.
I: Let's go to the cafe and sit there.
Of course, we still have a more internal method. So that you just met a very reasonable touch each other.

To the coffee shop, take the initiative to push the door for girls, do not let girls for you to push the door, etiquette in self-display is very important addition points, showing a cultured, very attractive girls. Similarly, take the initiative to push the girls for the chair, take the initiative to ask girls need to drink something, there is no taboos, the attitude of the waiter friendly, do not forget to thank the waiter said. These minutiae, give girls great favor, what is the reason not to do it, than one or two so-called NB practice, to come to the simple, but also more. Do not worry when you eat it.

Cafe is the best place for the first date, because the first meeting of both men and women, girls have a very strong sense of insecurity, so you have to girls as soon as possible to give you the basic situation, so that girls realize that you are A normal male. The cafe is quiet and elegant, ideal for basic understanding. Communication is also very convenient and the price is not high.

I: I listen to you, you work in kindergarten, do early education work?
She: yes yeah.
I: I would like to ask about what method can make a group of energetic, naughty children take a nap?
She: ha ha, in fact, okay, so that they used to take a nap like.

I: I remember when I was in kindergarten, especially do not love to take a nap, not only do not love to sleep, but also often pull the little girl next door, let her up with me to play.

She: ah, but fortunately our class did not you this child. If so, I will sit next to him and stare at him until she sleeps.

Me: wow, you move this very good use At that time, the teacher unbearable, gave me a luxury single room, let me nap, in fact, is the teacher's office, so I slept for a long time the office until I swear no longer pull the little girl next door to get up.
She: haha.

(At the beginning, say something interesting, let the chat atmosphere relaxed and happy, then you can start to introduce their work, introduce the work situation, to a large extent to enhance the safety of girls, because the first step in love is to get Woman's trust)

I: I, in the company as a project manager, the work content that white, and three points, the management of money management project. In fact, I was fooled, and only to enter the company.

(Here, I set up a curious trap, the purpose is to seize the attention of girls, so that girls can complete the work of listening to my statement)

She: why ah?
I: interview time, I pass all the way, get the company's offer, but, in addition to this, I have several other companies in the hands of the offer can choose. However, when the interviewer, that is, my current director, eyes very sly and I said: young man, you are very lucky, our department happened to move a management, you come to our department, you can directly promoted to the management.

I heard that happiness came too fast, then dazzled, did not want to chicken pecking meters, nodded promised, because the graduates will be able to do directly into the management of the company, is a very rare thing. As a result, one into the company, found the department on the two, in addition to me, that is my supervisor.

She: haha, your supervisor is good or bad.
I was shocked at the time, but there is no way to sell the body has been signed, quit also have to do, but fortunately, the competent comfort me said: rest assured that although our department has just started, but the business is very promising, great development space, Not 2 years, you can rise to my level, annual salary of at least 50W.

(With the mouth of the supervisor indirectly show my work prospects, so that not only can show themselves, but also reduce the show off the suspects. Sometimes show and show off in a thought between)

Many people like to take a steering wheel in the car directly out of the car mark, and it is not as good as taking pictures of small animals, in the communication dictionary, low-key is the most Niubi show is always the core. Because we have experienced thousands of sister's investigation and the results of actual combat is the best proof.

Error: ❌

Right: ✅

(In addition to a small animal there is a girl's legs, so there will be a pre-selected effect, preselection refers to the target show other women, usually can cause their jealousy, help you to tempt. There is a preselection: Just when you dating to see another high sister: you can say to the object of the date: you see the girl over there? "She has been looking at me, you say she is not like me ah?

No matter what she said. And then you say: you believe you do not believe that I went to tell her a few words, she will give her the phone number to me? General girls will say no letter. And then you say: to you to kiss me. She would normally say that if it is not to it? "Then you can naturally play the following.

Then you can start with any of the opening remarks. "Hello, are you seeing the girl over there?"
Goal: see it.

You: "She wants to know you, but she is so embarrassed, so I will come, can you give her a phone number?"

As long as you say this sentence: the target will laugh, as long as the target laughed, the purpose to achieve. Because your dating object will definitely look at your every move.

If the target given the number you can go back to kiss kiss, do not give it ok, what happened did not happen.

Of course, these are self-wingman, if there is more convenient resources. Even if there is no high score, you can also use low scores to attack high scores. Like: women's psychology is the consumer psychology. They do not know what they want, they will only choose to choose someone else's choice. )

She: Did you rise now?

I can rise by the end of this year. I was a very interesting person, in view of the last time he fooled me, I was deeply expressed doubts, but this time his eyes are very sincere, I forced myself to believe.

Just enter the company that time, you can imagine out, the situation is very tragic, a person to break into two individuals, not only with the project, but also to do practical things. However, fortunately there is a competent with the competent ability to work very strong, in his training, grew very fast.

Finally one day, the department came to two new people. I thought, and finally can be a little easier, but in fact, I was more busy, because now more than before a job, is to train new people, newcomers just entered the company, business unfamiliar, certainly need a familiar process. At that time the situation, can only be miserable to describe. However, such as new people grow up like a lot, and now our department has reached the size of 10 people, the performance is also the top companies.

(This work statement, showing a lot of high value, a lot of suspicion to show off, but clever is that I put the work statement designed as a tragic story, which can greatly dilute the suspicion of showing off, so that girls realize that I actually Is to talk about an embarrassing thing, but the girl's subconscious has received these high-value information show motivated)

When I introduce my own work, provide value, we must ask for value, began to understand the work of girls, the first need to understand is the girl's schedule, understand the next time to determine when to invite.

Me: do you usually work overtime? Or as civil servants, nine to five?
She: usually do not need to work overtime, but we have morning classes.
I: what is the morning class?
She: early morning is 7:30 am to 4:00 pm, the evening is 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
I: morning classes do not have any difference between the right thing.
She: the difference between the big, morning classes can be an hour before get off work.
I: do you need to work overtime that weekend?
She: do not go to work on weekends, summer vacation do not have to work, ha ha.
Me: yeah, you still have winter and summer vacation, too happy it, you also recruit people, you see me right?
She: well, welcome to come.

(The following can ask the girl's working state, and then infer her character to do the test to understand each other so you can cultivate your future social intuition)

I: Do you like the work of early childhood education?
She: like, ah, I like children.
(To seize the "children" keywords, to understand how she treat naughty children)

I: I also like children, but some bear children are naughty, summed up, that is, hit and robbed, see people hit, litter, grab the children of things, how do you get them?
She: like this bear child, very little, we do not class, next class, if I met, I will talk to him, do not right, you have to be good, to obey, if he did not listen, then tell His parents, let his parents to control.
(To seize the parents of this keyword, to understand how she deal with the relationship between parents)

I: now the children are spoiled, at home, parents are not allowed to pet, if the children in the kindergarten by the wronged, or injured, go home to tell parents, parents to school how to do accountability?

She: the majority of parents okay, they also know that children are not sensible, are generally children of their own reasons, but some parents are not unreasonable, so, once the child knocked touch, hurt, we will be the first Time to tell their parents, explain the situation, your family who and so who is it, bruised where

I: Yes, it is necessary to tell the parents the first time, do not say, parents think you do not care about children. Do you usually give children what courses to teach?

She: small class of children can not take care of themselves, generally play games, teach them to eat clothes, to the middle class, you can teach some simple songs, painting Han. I taught classes last year and started teaching classes this year.
Me: wow, can not see, you are versatile.
She: of course, these are my own self.

(See, my sister work on the optimistic progress, have the ability to deal with the problem independently in the exchange process, I like to study the character of girls, if girls speak sarcastic, negative energy bursting, mouthful of complaints and indignation, then Do not continue to develop better. Here 's the opportunity to show your hobbies.

Me: you usually have time, like to do something to relax and relax?
She: I like to go to the movies with friends, other words, no special hobbies, I am more house.
(Haha, the house is also home inside the beautiful girl.)

I: I also like to watch movies, especially love movies, I remember, the first time to see love movies, is the primary school second grade, when the home DVD player to see. I remember that time the DVD player is still very expensive, if there is a home, absolutely can be sideways out of the arm. (Looking for resonance)

At that time, and his parents to see the Titanic, the first time to see the love movie so classic, behind once felt that their love is very thorough. There is a few Titanic inside the lens of my childhood played the role of sexual enlightenment, which was a few shy shy lens I can not see, because when the film plot is not a child signs, my dad It will kick me into the bedroom, but when the bedroom door is broken, not close, I will continue to see through the door.

After reading, the mood can not calm for a long time, my young mind, had a great shock, before I can and girls into one, then I saw a beautiful girl will blush.

She: ha ha ha. The The (Laugh together do not close legs)
I: later, then love to see love movies, like the kind of unforgettable feeling. What kind of movies do you like to watch?
She: popular like to see.
I: I like to watch movies, but also like to travel, like the kind of want to go away, would like to stop to stop feeling. I think that people sometimes need little things, eyeful of the Castle Peak, eyeful of the waves can be. Along the way, listen to ALICE to share the wonderful tourist knowledge, along the way to enjoy the natural beauty, to understand the different customs, culture, after each tour, can feel a lot of their own. Whenever I feel depressed when you want to travel trip, because close to nature, will make my mood attributed to calm, to stimulate my positive and optimistic mood.

I: where do you want to travel?
She: I want to go to a lot of places, most want to go to Tibet.
I: Tibet is a beautiful place, I travel time to travel once, I think the hardest part of the trip is the courage to start, some 18-year-old university, asked him what is the ideal, he said travel around the world; 22-year-old job was stable, he said bought a room to say; 30-year-old room, and he said to marry with his wife to go; 35 years old with a child, he said And other children to go a little more; 50-year-old child grew up, he said back to leave it again, and finally, which did not go.

So, I ride young, and quickly went to Tibet. The whole of Tibet traveled to me the most impressed, not the Mount Everest, nor the Potala Palace and the simple Tibetans, but the wonderland of Namco Lake. Head is a trace of the sky, not a trace of haze, the distance is endless snow-capped mountains, in front of the ethereal-like lake, surrounded by yak head decoration Mani heap. Some people say that Tibet is the closest place to the sky, when I was in the lake when the lake, I really get the feeling of integration with the sky. However, there are bad places, after going home, I was tan even my parents refused to recognize me. Slow for a long time, the skin was better.

She: listen to you finished, I also want to go.

I: I will definitely go to Tibet once again, have the opportunity to go together to go together.
(I was making a vision, and later with her vision)

She: okay.

(Through the introduction of work and hobbies, girls have had a sense of security for me. Next, I like to tell some of the story of a child, because a child, everyone's experience is basically similar to the story of the most easily Produce resonance, cause resonance is to enhance the girls familiar with my sense)
(I use a point, smooth to pull the cartoon of a child, as long as the invitation to agree so that we do not go far away, a few days to find a place near, so I set up the next time to meet the bridge)

I: When I was young, my parents took me to travel in many places, but most of them did not remember. A child, I remember the most clear is a variety of cartoons. Like a child wood, flower fairy, a cats, a break brother, especially a break brother phrase classic lines: "Do not worry, rest, take a break," this sentence has been like me a small child to quarrel, Imitate to the point of obsession, whenever parents urge me to write homework, I will resort to this sentence: Do not worry, rest, rest, but the outcome of the game is usually more tragic parents.

She: Haha, when I was a child like a super cat, now also like, my family has a lot of puppies dolls.
(A talk about a child's cartoon, ten girls have nine like a cats)
I: I also like the robber too much, then you know why the robot has no ears, afraid of the mouse?
She: do not know why?
I: Once, when the robes take a nap, the ears are bitten by the rats, and then sent to the hospital, the doctor for the convenience of the map, the ear directly to the card wipe off. So, then the cats are afraid of rats.
She: ah, the original is the case.
(And pulled the love story)
I: robber super classic, just out of that time, directly on the hook, watching TV see not fun, but also borrow a lot of comic books to see, when the class also see, was later confiscated by the class teacher several. My class teacher is very beautiful, I like her, but she does not like me, she does not like my main reason is that I always in her class naughty, because the only time to express love to the teacher the way, is to cause the teacher Attention, and the only way to attract the attention of teachers, is mischievous. I do not know now that she knows my care and thought is not, but I guess it is not ...

She: Haha, you are too early when the child soon.
I: not early, in fact, every little boy heart has an unknown love of the plot, because a child, in addition to parents, accompanied us the longest time is the teacher, if the teacher again young and beautiful, it is easy to move the little boy like. I believe that you also have a child when the handsome teacher, do not admit it.
She may have it, but I can not remember it too.

(And then pull the game of a child, you will find that many times I have some boring each other, but that is the dialogue as a key point on the emotional connection, as if you cook, have oil, salt, A good draw dating process these things need a multi-directional show will be a delicious dish)

I: I think, in the expression of love, but children are more brave, adults because of the situation, are used to hide love, afraid to be found. I remember a child, I saw a girl like to jump in the rubber band, I ran around to ask to join, when the children are very simple, it is easy to join, we are fun together.
However, most of the time, I play the wooden piles, where the pestle with the support of the rubber band, summer, the girl is always wearing a wide variety of skirts, jump leather when the skirt Pendulum, braids jumping and jumping, very nice, although I play the role of wood piles, but then I feel very enjoyable.

(Simply tell the story of a child is not much meaning, to add emotions in the story, only the emotional to touch the girls, and then to attract girls)

She: When I was a child to jump leather can be powerful, but also took the jump leather band game champion ... ... (When I mentioned jump leather, directly touch her G point, all of a sudden into the "broken succinct read" mode, told me how she was a child How to beat the powerful enemy to win the game, talk about almost 10 minutes. This is a very good signal, because girls are willing to express in front of you, one that girls trust you, Willing to share your experience, the second is that girls are attracted to you, want to show yourself in front of you)

Then, and a little talk about some of the story of a child, look at the time almost an hour, it is proposed to go to the movies.
1 hour before the chat is to establish a sense of security, the accumulation of trust. After that, to start the implementation of another very important thing, that is unconscious into Norway. In the process of transition to the cinema, what can be done unconsciously into Norway?
1, cross the road, I deliberately stood close to the inside of the car, gently pulled her arm, and said: careful car, you go outside the bar. And then exchanged the position.
2, on the taxi, the first to open the rear door, gently holding the girls back, so that girls advanced car, then, their own again. (Do not foolish to pull a few themselves to sit in front of a person)
3, before buying a movie ticket, gently pull her arm, and said: you go to sit next to a while, I went to buy movie tickets.
4, into the cinema, do not tell the girls in the first few rows, if the girls asked, said to continue to move forward, went to the place to go, pull the girl's arm, and said: is this row, you Go ahead first
5, if the girls to the toilet, got up holding her shoulder, and said: be careful at the foot, slow down.
Unconscious into the move is to pave the way to pave the way, the general girls hate monkey hurry boys, meet no two minutes on hand, which will give girls a very bad impression, treat girls, like warm boiled frog, let her slow Slowly familiar with your body, if the whole process of progress into the process, will make girls feel, hand, hug, kiss, and even the relationship is very natural, no unexpected feeling.

So, watching movies in the process, how to interact with girls, in fact, very simple, around these points to start the topic on the line.

1, evaluate the appearance of the actor, and then ask the girls view.

I feel black shaved head more handsome, leaving the hair feel strange. What do you think?
I think the actress's shoes are so beautiful that I particularly like the color of this pair of shoes. What do you think?
I like the actor's hu, this length just right, especially sexy. What do you think?
2, predict the film plot.
I think this man is the murderer, because he is the driver of the deceased, to understand the information of the deceased. What do you think?
I think the male and female owners to kiss immediately, you see they have hand. What do you think?
Watching movies in the process, do not frequently interact with girls, most of the time or concentrate on watching movies, when the film plot boring time, and girls interact, let the girls feel still in the atmosphere of dating, rather than a single The

Watching the film, the performance of some gentlemen, take the initiative to send girls home.
Near dating, what should be done? First of all, to the girls to express their feelings about this date.
I: this date, I feel very happy, perhaps your unique gentle and generous touched me, and you together, I feel particularly relaxed and happy. What do you feel

(First, to emphasize that this is a date, rather than ordinary friends come out to play, so that girls realize that we are going to lovers direction; second, sincere expression of their feelings, girls will be infected with you.

Second, for the next date to do pave the way.
I: this date, I found you a secret, this secret makes me feel that you and other beauty compared to some different.
She: what secret?
I: next time to tell you, on the road attention to safety, goodbye.

(The first date, I generally do not have to pull the girls hand, hand and kiss I will stay in the second date to do. The first date, try to keep a mature and stable posture, not like a monkey In China, the social security system is not perfect, there are many negative news reports on the Internet, girls generally have a low sense of security, lack of communication between people, most people live in the same way, Their own shield inside, afraid to believe in others, so the first date I will be the accumulation of trust-based, appropriate to do some unconscious into the move can be)
Finally, summarize what arrangements need to be made for the first date.
1, the performance of a gentleman some, to help girls pull the door, cross the road to the inside, to help girls stop the taxi, send girls home and other details to do the bit, these simple small things can greatly increase the girl's favorability.

2, dating early exchange of basic information as soon as possible, so that girls have a basic sense of security, especially in the work of the topic of work, their own work experience, the prospects of packaging a fine point, if they are moving brick, Engineers, if they are Internet cafes network management, said that the network administrator, even if they look down on their own work, then others will look down on. However, do not rhetoric, long story, point to the line on the line, the first date is not suitable to talk too much work things.

3, the first date, the best topic is hobbies, and hobbies in the most talked about is the tour, no sister does not like to travel, even the most house house woman is also eager to have a personal lead her to see the world bustling The

4, the story of a child can resonate most of the time, because most people are similar to childhood, paste mud, catch insects, watching animation, playing games, and teachers wits, beaten children and beating. This similar experience can quickly deepen the relationship between people, as if for many years friends.

5, timely do some unconscious into Norway, so that girls gradually familiar with your body, for the next hand pave the way.

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