Sunday, January 29, 2017

Can not find the object, you may have a fake pro-phase!

happy New Year everyone!

The New Year is also the point of view of the push must be true love powder, and is a single love powder.

Say, as a long-term fed dog food single dog, you really do not want to be loved? Even if you do not desire, I do not believe! . .

Single time is long, I believe you do not take the initiative, naturally there will be many elders to recommend to you "blind date" this old road. How, this years can also be? Parents forced to marry it? In fact, to hide, to walk the traditional old-fashioned, to phase with pro-chanting.

Come, today, we come to talk about the point of that blind date.

For love and marriage, I believe everyone has their own half of the other half have to look forward to, but everyone is not sure whether they can find in the marriage market which meet their own ideals of the other half.

Marriage market and job market is a little similar, there are always people who always come, come and go, there will always be left behind a number of long-term marriage market in the "old fritters." And they always can not find the matching of the like, most have such a problem: do not know their value in the marriage market.

Blindly looking for objects, often wasting time and their own income.

Therefore, to recognize their true value in the marriage market, much more important than you find the diamond bachelor, because it directly determines a person's love and marriage is happy.

Therefore, to recognize their value in the marriage market will help you find their place in the marriage market.

Although people are different, different needs, goals are also different. For example, some men like smart women, some men like big woman chest. However, to obtain psychological satisfaction is certainly one of the important demands, and get satisfaction will constitute attractive. Although the satisfaction of the acquisition, the weight of each person is not the same, but generally include the following:

1, appearance: color value, body, dress;

2, character: good or bad temper, communication skills;

3, hobbies: common hobbies and interests;

4, values: for life, life, love, the world view;

5, material: including both the occupation, material conditions.

For their own to do a five assessment and scoring, perhaps you can more intuitively aware of their true value in the marriage market.

And recognize their value in the marriage market, the most important purpose is to improve and enhance, and ultimately allow themselves to quickly find the matching object.

Know these, we can address the above five points to do some adjustments and improvements.

1, appearance: appearance is not enough, you can temperament to match. An exquisite makeup can be a bonus for blind date. Girls pay attention to makeup, boys attention to wear. In this regard we must first understand their own strengths and weaknesses, and more learning, and then choose their own dress. For example, some girls thigh thick, it would choose A word skirt, short legs boys do not wear low-waist pants.

2, character: the so-called thousands of thousands of faces, each person's character are different. Find the premise for their own character to know what their character.

Many people see here may be very personalized to say: I do, love change does not change, changed or me? But a person's temperament is often a person's conservation and cultivation, and no one would like and a tempered, irritable people get along. Therefore, the premise of self-show yourself to your home cultivation.

3, hobbies: the same hobbies can get along with the two sides to create more recognition and topics. For example, previously mentioned, a girl like the constellation of Tarot like the boy met, the two very easy to recognize each other and talk to open, but if the boy likes Tarot do not agree with a girl, the two sides It is likely to quarrel angry.

4, values: different values ​​will not necessarily affect the two sides get along, but the value of each other is not recognized will inevitably lead to conflicts and contradictions. Learn to respect each other Different prerequisites are to be recognized, and there will be no major differences in the principle of big bifurcation.

5, material: the so-called economic base determines the superstructure. The gap between the material conditions of the two sides is too large, the most likely problem is the family status of the unequal. So the two sides at the beginning of the beginning of the establishment of equal relations of communication. If a party feels that their conditions are not as good as the other side is easy to become low, then the future problems that may arise will be more and more.

Now that you have a positive understanding of the above, you can learn some high-value demonstrations and attraction courses that we've taught before blind date. And repeated practice at home, as far as possible so that they become natural and casual.

Finally told you: before the meeting remember to learn about the recent hot anecdotes as a topic, in order to avoid the embarrassment caused by the two sides can not find the topic Oh.

Oh, yes, before you leave to remember to bring your perfect smile ... ...

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