Thursday, February 2, 2017

0128--Li Tao one of the sixth array!--I want to seal day

Meng Hao took the blood in the fifth mastiff while taking the leap, Wang Lihai also will be out with the fifth array, followed by his side of the blood of God basaltic, at the moment is covered with scars, fierce flame meaning strong.

    In the front of Meng Hao and Wang Lihai, at the moment of Li Road, is still in the sixth array, and did not break.

    In the two behind, now in the fifth array, is the other five.

    Wang Lihai eyes, fell on the Meng Hao body, slightly a shrink, then cross one's legs sitting on the side, Menghao silently out of the matrix method, let the power of heaven and earth emerged around, along his body, into the dying of the mastiff Dogs in vivo.

    He is out of a large number of immortality, continue to feed the mastiff, to help restore.

    Fortunately, on the platform, especially in the fifth array, where the heavens and aura of heaven and earth, has been aghast heard, and therefore in this rich Aura absorption, the mastiff where the wound slowly heals, broken bones gradually grow, The original state of dying, at the moment also seems to restore some strength, Tim Tian Meng's hand, the mastiff struggling to stand up, began to absorb the Reiki here.

    At the moment the outside world, already sensation, nearly ten thousand eyes in the Meng Hao and Wang Lihai body, uproar hum sound, in the seven heritage of the land, one after another.

    Time slowly, seven days later, Song Jia in the fifth array out of her body staggered out of her blood Phoenix did not follow behind out ... ...

    She silently cross one's legs sitting there, a little while, the distant bluestone altar, suddenly flew a glaucoma, floating in front of Song Jia, Song Jia silence in the mouth of a repair for the effort, a bloody butterfly turned out , Floating around her.

    This scene was Meng Hao see, to determine the woman's blood god has meteorite, because I do not know what way to break through the fifth array, Guer can re-select a blood god.

    Also a few days later, Wang Lihai no longer meditate, but the whole person revealed a firm decisive meaning, into the sixth array, Song Jia silent for a long time, also will be entered.

    Until the fifth array of people out of succession, the Jin Hanzong who inherited in the blood of the disciples of the immortal, never out, become the blood of this heritage, the first ... ... the fall of the people.

    Although with the death of the disciple of Jin Hanzong, immediately there is a monk from the outside, can be relative to other people have been outside the five array, this person unless there is good luck, otherwise it has cut off their own inheritance may be, Because of the time, it is not enough.

    Jin Hanzong disciples, died, Purple Winners of the race for the heritage of the people, is a young man, he stood quietly outside the fifth array platform, after a long while, chose to leave from the optical door, he did not grasp to break The sixth array, here, perhaps the last time to choose to leave.

    To the people with a sword, at the moment is also in meditation after, choose to leave, forced to break is not wise.
    Only blood demon cases, like the king of wood before and 78 years ago, juvenile, face expressionless out of the fifth array, after a few days to absorb the aura, with his side now has the size of its humanoid blood god, Li Daoyi, Wang Lihai, Song Jia, the fourth into the sixth array.

    Blood cents nine transmission matrix, starting from the four-array, almost every burst of difficulty must be several times on the big, even with full preparation, but also as difficult.

    Especially the six, seven, eight, nine or four array, even more so, in the past seven open, up to one, it was tramped eighth array, can only then once, only one person.

    This person is Li Jia then a Tianjiao!

    In addition to him, past open, break through the seventh array, a total of six people, through the sixth array, a total of thirteen.

    It can be said from the beginning of the sixth array, the level and eliminated, will become extremely cruel, so in the fifth array, only people choose to quit, they entered this heritage, not to blood cents, but to life experiences.

    It can be said that the experience of blood immortal heritage, for any monk, is a rare opportunity.

    After a few days, Meng Hao opened his eyes, opened his eyes in the moment, this world has a scattered Aura heaven and earth, Meng Hao's body, his second Taotai, has formed nearly Jiucheng, Chuang After the sixth array, he can make the second podium completely.

    In front of him, mastiff's injury has been fully restored, at the moment in full swing, repair is more improved, has to end Dan in the late appearance, the body has a full Wuzhang size, looks like a hill, binocular Hongmang Brutal, body red hair mopping the floor, infiltration of the teeth of the distribution of dense coldness.

    Especially its claws, enough to have the size of the face plate, as if you can smash the ground.
    Meng Hao eyes between the opening and closing, the Mastiff back to look at Meng Hao, its huge body standing beside Meng Hao, making Meng Hao seems very weak, can be chosen in this weak, but it reveals an indescribable Of the powerful.

    Because of this huge mastiff, as he is the master, because this ferocious Mastiff blood god, Meng Hao side will be fierce fierce flame all disappear, stick out his tongue, still as a child-like, to lick Meng Hao's body.

    Meng Hao stood up, Mastiff suddenly aroused, Meng Hao went forward, it is generally followed as the hill behind the Meng Hao, this scene formed the visual impact, very strong, making the South million people outside, Have to see, the mind was shaking, my mind will be a pair of images, branded in the heart.

    "The sixth array ... ..." Meng Hao looked at the front of the sixth array, took a deep breath, looked up and raised his hand, the mastiff immediately look cruel into a well-behaved, bowed his head makes Meng Hao can feel their hair, revealing Comfortable look.

    "I must take you out!" Meng Hao looked at the mastiff that comfortable look, laughing openings, showing persistent head, took a mastiff's head, step, into the sixth array, the mastiff where the body Flash, turned into a red lightning, with the away.

    The sixth array!

    This is a sky Thunder Thunder exists in the world, thundering sound of thunder in the Meng Hao into the moment, to reverberate in their ears, look to look, this world is not.

    A silt swamp on the ground, distributed bursts of rotten decay of the taste, far ... ... there is a huge temple, the temple of the color quintana dark, the temple before the existence of a huge statue, this statue wearing a simple gown , Standing there, his right hand seems to press away from the sky, left hand on a sword in the hilt.

    This sword ... ... the land vacant.

    Ancient temples vicissitudes of life, a sense of years from this temple emit, far from the mountains, lightning came roaring, as if to split the temple, to make this temple in the world does not exist.

    In the silt of the earth, as the lightning strikes, a shining moment reveals a thin, slender arm that stretches out of the silt as if trying to cling to it, far from the sight of the boundless arms. ...

    More in the silt, there are almost countless faces emerge, issued a painful **, those faces have men and women, there are old and young, long face to meet more than a foot long green whiskers, in the strange shaking ... ...

    This scene fell into the eyes of Meng Hao, although he knows here is the matrix of the world can still be seen by all the shock, he had never seen this temple, but at this moment, he seemed to guess, this The name of the temple.

    "Too much ... ..." bursts of mournful roar, from the countless faces of the earth **, and gradually spread, it is the voice of countless people together, as if the former can not be reconciled to death days of roaring formation of strong resentment , This grievance lingers, even after many years of today, or go crazy to shout, it belongs to their national name!

    Too much!

    This family is not willing to die, the power of the whole family into the holy temple into the temple, the temple town of earth, against the sky, the earth does not collapse, the temple does not remind, Off!

    At the peak of the temple, there is a huge drum, this drum black, as if contaminated countless years ago the blood, now has become dark.

    In the temple, next to the statue, there is a half-open Shihmen, bursts of soft light from the Shimen shed, reflecting the Xiongshou carved on the stone door, more ferocious.

    In the moment, in the sky thunder roar, the earth shrill roar among the reverberations between heaven and earth, spread all directions.

    Meng Hao eyes cold Mans flash, his side Wuzhang size, such as hill-like mastiff, at the moment revealing sharp teeth, tightly staring at the front, a threat-like growl, that ferocious eyes, huge body, red Of the hair and the body to grow the thorns, making the mastiff at the moment looks, shocking.

    Thunder thunder in the sky, the electro-optical moment of the earth will reflect a bright moment, Meng Hao's body turned into a Changhong, suddenly flew straight away in front of the temple away, the mastiff behind him is a roar Followed by out.
    May be one in a dog flying out of the moment, the earth's silt, those outstretched hand, the strange extension of an instant went straight to Meng Hao here suddenly caught.

    Meng Hao Lengheng soon as his right hand raised a film storage bag, and immediately two wooden sword suddenly fly out in his rapid rotation around, bursts of blood suddenly scattered, whenever there is the arrival of the arm, not so close to Meng Hao , It was immediately cut off.

    Black blood falls on the earth, such as the black rain here, bursts of stench the smell of the proliferation of all directions, filled the world, mastiff where the body Hongmang shine, wherever he went, no one arm can be wrapped around it , Have broken open.

    Meng Hao and Mastiff may be all the way in the gallop, leaping this piece of land half the distance, suddenly, sharp and sharp voice, Suddenly, the silt that exists in many men and women face, they issued this mournful sound of the moment, as if Parasite in their faces on those feet a long green whiskers, one instant straight, actually cut off from the root, turned into a number of endless arrows, in this moment, went straight to the sky Meng Hao Away.


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