Friday, February 3, 2017

No 19 cm, learn this skill goddess will make me sleep

Really, the brothers ask you the next. Do you often masturbate? Do not be shy, just say it. Life is alive, ask who has not because of beauty and prostitution had one or two goddess Han's.

Today we do not say good or bad masturbation problem, if there is no beauty of the goddess can be obscene, that for us to live with what special salted fish What is the difference? . So I first admitted that I have hand over, but I do not accept the ah.

To know a lot of time, the goddess for us, is to let us face every day this evil society, to smile in bed, the only reason in the toilet fantasy ah.

But life is always there are some people, will you cynical say:

Hey, on your way, ugly, fat and ordinary men have no money, why like the goddess ah?

I rely on, first of all, if I do not ugly not fat extraordinary, alone, I count what this aspiration goddess, I should like the gods of the good.

Followed by ugly and fat and ordinary boys do not like the goddess of the? Who specifically what the provisions.

Really, like a person, especially a goddess who like the level of your heart will be strong to the shameless! Then add humor.

God knows, for me to focus on the skin did not face thirty years on the road for people who have gone.

Whether it is kindergarten, primary school, high school, or university.

Feel the conscience to tell the truth, I like people have one of the biggest features, that is, looks beautiful. This I think you all know. And I like they do not spend any money. So why can I attract them? Because I do not face bad.

Yes, I was so superficial, no way, are born.

Add humor to the shame is what we often say "bad". You want beautiful girl want to Paoniu not spend money you have to learn humor, supply each other's emotional value, how humorous it.

 Humorous funny psychological mechanism: the reason why humor funny, the formation of the psychological mechanism, philosophers, psychologists, humorist, from different angles and sides of the discussion done!

There are three types of humor that introduce laughing psychological mechanisms:

 1, psychological expectations of a sudden empty-out, mainly reflected in the "accidental" type of humor (later mentioned)

 2, the phenomenon of intense conflict of experience and experience: misunderstanding humor and misunderstanding of the word meaning of humor, misunderstanding after the results and experience a strong conflict and laughing!

 3, the emotional depressing clever release: refers to the "humor" after the results directly and the aesthetic subject conflict, thus, against "ugly fake" and beautify "the good and the beautiful", to meet people's aesthetic value and the introduction of laughter! Understand this problem is conducive to our understanding and understanding of the humor system of comprehensiveness and completeness further found that all the humor are without exception, the most fundamental embodiment of the human mind, only one, that is superior psychological self, simply say Humor is formed by a sense of superiority! Therefore, to establish your own good sense of superiority is the basis of internalized humor!

Homophonic misinterpretation of humor The use of the word homophonic humorous effect! The simplest I want everyone to know

Example 1, a girl asked what you call when you can first say my surname "South", the name "Peng Friends." These are reasonable humor while raising the relationship between you.

 Glyph misunderstood humorous use of the text on the difference between the shape, deliberately mistaken, humorous effect!

 Example 2, female: you hate! Back: Do you like to see never tired.

Example 3, and MM hand in hand on her campus, MM said we are not some ambiguous (àimeì) ah, I said: "Where are you going? We are good friends, of course, some" warm taste (nuǎnweì "Er!" Tighten her hand! You look at the hands together very warm. Humor misunderstanding and glyph misunderstanding As a humorous technique, under normal circumstances, should not be used in many, in order to take care of the complete system of humor skills, especially included, it is recommended not to abuse, abuse easily fall into vulgar! The misunderstanding of the homophonic, the misunderstanding of the glyphs and the misunderstanding of the literal meaning mentioned above are actually a misunderstanding of the sounds, shapes and meanings of the words in the sentences, making a big type of humor,

"Accidental humor," the manufacturing skills of accidental humor is a big category, there are different manufacturing techniques! This part is the key content! Humor in our lives a lot of humor is by the "accidental" humor, posed!

Consider the following example:

Example: late at night, we have to talk about the topic of adults?
          Sister reply
          What time do you have tomorrow?

A lot of flirting MM funny humor is a very typical accidental humor! Accidental humor of the main manufacturing techniques are 3: set off, bedding, Cha-off!

Application tips 1, set off the skills of a bit like a crosstalk burden, a little description of the characteristics of things, the other's ideas misleading, and finally tell the results! Like some of the yellow pieces you've seen before. Start to guide you to think of those places later a very serious answer.

For example, I gently kissed you down on the bed, gently pull your pants, gently take off your underwear, gently kiss your face, and then gently said to you: baby change position . . . The diaper changed!

Application Tips 2,: "bedding" refers to the words of a normal split in two, the first half deliberately to the other pave the way to another mindset, the latter part of the words added to complete, you can form an unexpected humor!

A lot of looks is not a considerable male compatriots who will encounter MM said: "You look a little handsome!" Is also the sister to one of your tests, do not panic encountered this problem, in fact, you should thank MM So, to give you a show of self-personality and charm of a great opportunity for men!

No wonder my friends say, that my handsome is Qu was, and they say that the brother of the emperor of the phase! In fact, what is the use of handsome, and now the actor than the cream niche More popular! "The most cattle X's answer:" This pair of faces is a long play, the last generation of fans lost a bunch of people, together with his girlfriend too beautiful, but also an anger, sinful ah ... (Dayton) (And then cast a glance at her ...) "You really will set near, at a glance to find the two of us are non-idol in the common ground." "[Prizes, humor, pressure into a furnace]

There are three answers all kind of interesting: 1. Only wise people can see my handsome! 2. In fact, do not look very handsome face. 3. You are too no vision of it, and for my childhood Sanlu milk powder drink more, leading to premature people, I have always felt that life should take advantage of the young to do what they want to do. After you do a catch the other chest action. Scare sister look. So you can easily lift each other to suppress your embarrassment.

Of course, this logic can also be handled by some people who are not polite abuse. Our purpose to teach you dry goods also teach you thinking you really get to change, if there is no place to add WeChat (pua887)

 Example, you go to the dead?

1. You do not want to die with me love it, brother and you do not want to become hardship mandarin duck. Talk about, is not you look too obsessed with Liang Zhu.

2. to die - I had died, but unfortunately just go down because the handsome Hell King his girlfriend fancy me, Hades fear I grabbed his market, so I came back, and this is my handsome A very tough story.

MM most of the "curse", do not have to seriously, sometimes you should be good, or even a good thing! The strategy is not to respond to the default MM "curse" of the context and implied framework, the use of humorous skills to calmly resolve! Humor training is also a kind of thinking training,

1, the "handsome" misunderstanding: There are two kinds of misunderstanding of the commander to do "Marshal" meaning and misunderstanding of the commander to do "chess in the" handsome "!
2, "a little" misunderstanding there are two kinds of answers;
3, the default context of each other, pull the water with each other! , On the other semantics, to give the cause of the distortion solution;
 5, "homophonic" misunderstanding techniques; our language is composed of sentences, constitute the sentence is the word and the word, Chinese characters have a word polysemous, meaning and has the original meaning, meaning, extended meaning, different The context of different context of the meaning of the words have agreed practice, insight into the language of the polysemous words, intentionally "do not understand", with a lively language, you can form a humorous effect!

Example 1, you are chasing a MM, she graduated from a university foreign language department, and you just graduated from high school, she asked you: "Do you think we have a common language?" (Girls eligible test one) you answer: "You do not tell me a foreign language on the line. Most people would say so, but the answer is not very good.

I would say: "I am afraid I am afraid you really can not keep up with my rhythm." This is the logic of a prize thinking. Most people first reply is to stand on each other's words. After you think about equality, you have to rely on the other side of the framework. And my reply is based on the center I do not like this in the initial stage of a sense of demand, in an equal position to attract.

Recently to see a lot of friends because of excessive pressure on the MM, resulting in the case of being criticized, but the fundamental solution is to suppress or moderate, otherwise, it looks really like some neuropathy - the main things that talk about "misunderstanding" humorous skills , Through the cause of the occurrence of things, nature, purpose, etc., deliberately distorted, crooked solution, to express your arrogant humor. This skill can basically deal with all kinds of curse personal offensive! The idea is very extensive! Guaranteed to make you a meal! Remember: insult people, people constant insult it!

Here are enumerated methods one by one:

First, the most serious abuse: Example 1, sucker! (Country curse)

"You really modest!" Or "You really have self-knowledge! Guai who asked you the name of" ideas: the other curse misinterpreted as "self-criticism"!

"You can say," Oh, the original is silly forced to call me! "Other similar serious abuse can be the above ideas to deal with!

 Example 2, "Get out!" Or "Roll!" Answer: "Is this the name?" Or "Your nickname?"

 Example 3, you are sick! End it! Not a good answer! Language meaning directly to you! Seize the gas! answer

"Scare me, beware of your illegal practice!"

 Example 4, you crazy ah!

Answer A: "found the same kind of right? You are wrong, brother just a little hairy itch!"
Answer: B: "You know too much! Careful brother take you out of the mouth!" (A conventional innovation, the wrong humor about, perhaps to make MM a fun)
Answer C: "I'm sorry, madam, you are mistaken!"

Second, the interference type personal attack language There is a practice, that is, when a word to put together the two main bodies, the two between the main body to establish a hint on the relationship, for example, a word which you and Pig, then you and the pig established a "similar" relationship! I put this two subjects involved in each other's situation, known as the interference type personal attacks!

 Classic Case 1: It seems to be Bernard Shaw once met a millionaire, the rich man blocked his way, said: "I never give way to the dog!" Bernard Shaw said: "I just the opposite!" The humor of the techniques used Has gone beyond the "misunderstanding" of things humorous skills

Here's a simple summary of the different ideas: Principles: Since it is dating, it is best able to reflect the side of the big funny, probably the idea is the case. Young you learn something is not going to go after it.

I can be described as taking advantage of a young age, be completely indulge their own good for all youth coveted and like the flesh.

But really, some people say that I have no money I ugly, but now I have not because they do not look good and fat temper is not good, began to feel like they are not qualified goddess. I have seen all the video I know now is a big fat man, but the same girl in the elevator to know a few hours after they actually lay down to my bedside. I did not lose my confidence because I got fat.

On the contrary, every day I self-confidence overflowing, because I have always felt that life is equal, so like a person is not wrong.

Maybe I have no money is not handsome not beautiful, but I believe that compared with those of the United States, I can ugly very character ah.

I can talk with the goddess from the poem to the philosophy of life, I can help goddess out of a group of color to force them to protect her back to the safe home.

And at the same time ambitious I can say is by virtue of their own efforts, starting from the kindergarten all the way up, then rose directly to the monitor position.

So in the cause of the rise of me, so good efforts and personality of the man, my goddess Why not like me?

Young and ignorant of the age, I really overdraft all the shame of my life.

And relative to my skin did not face, there are a lot of boys in life, because of their ordinary and feel inferior to say:

I can not say I like the goddess, because I am afraid I will tell people to laugh at me.

But the brothers said really, to my 30 years of experience, this time you must first calm down what you must carefully think about it.

You know, you think you do not like the goddess, they will not laugh at you? No, the joke you will not be a little less oh.

Although a lot of time, may be someone cynical about us said:

You as a toad, why think of eating swan ah?

You as an ugly duckling, why think they can be worthy of the Queen ah?

Mom's not it? Do I want to eat shit all day long as a toad? Do I as an ugly duckling, I deserve the day thinking about looking for a dwarf to match with their own?

Because many of our brothers know there is a gap between the goddess, so we will begin to think of trying to upgrade themselves, so that they become more beautiful and better, become enough to match with each other.

An oath to eat such as life, even began to desperately lose weight;

A natural it party, even began to learn the first time dressing;
A native comes with the local flavor of people, even began to pay attention to learn from the fashion blogger wearing a.

And then they really realize the life of the big counterattack.

So a lot of time, like a good and good people are not ashamed of things, on the contrary sometimes like a very good person, you will become the driving force of life.

Will let you unconsciously began to think to become more motivated, become more powerful and more attractive, and become want to make their own in all aspects are sufficient to match each other.

So, do not feel good enough for the goddess, and you have to know you can also go to lose weight fat, you can learn to dress ugly you can.

For the young you, life is still unknown, and you may at any time to reverse your life.

But if you start to reduce their future half of the aesthetic and requirements, that fate is only worthy of a person to find a ugly girl ugly men flat.

That I am with respect, I really can not save you.

Sometimes, after all, some things are not afraid of you can not, afraid you can not even dare to think, ah, this special Mody on the embarrassing! Masturbate put down the habit, go out and do it.

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