Friday, February 3, 2017

0132--Perfect Road Taiwan!--I want to seal day,

With the collapse of the sixth world, when Meng Hao appeared in the sixth array platform, the battle array behind him crashing off, this scene can be seen by the outside world, will be dismayed.

    Since its own heritage since the blood cents, has never been fragmentation matrix method!

    And even ... ... not just the sixth burst, the rear of the first burst, at the moment also in this shock, crashing crash, with the first burst of fragmentation, a large number of heaven and earth Aura suddenly shed.

    These aura went straight to Meng Hao and Mastiff here, the moment was Meng Hao and Mastiff absorbed in this majestic Aura, Meng Hao body suddenly roar.

    His second seat, in this moment, the perfect perfect condensed out, it is the perfect Taotai, without the slightest cracks, with the perfect second Taiwan Road, pool, Meng Hao's repair at this moment, by leaps and bounds , A sudden outbreak.

    A more powerful atmosphere, spread from the body of Meng Hao, the momentum between the diffuse, Meng Hao body golden light shine behind him, at the moment the second and third array are beginning to collapse, as if the whole blood Sin Heritage , In this eighth opening, the imminent disappearance.

    Meng Hao raised his head and looked at the seventh array, the eyes of a strong Murder, the pace of a step, into the seventh array.

    Mastiff dog where the sky growl, turned into a purple, followed by Meng Hao into the seventh array.

    Seventh array, is a huge grave, that tombstone on the three blood s characters, shocking.

    Buried Tianfen!

    Meng Hao almost into the moment, the entire burial Tianrong shaking, its deep inside the mouth of the coffin, but also in this shock to break the lid open, the numerous bones of its become a fly ash, that surface broken Streamers, emitting a burst of black mist.


    Soon as a huge sound reverberated, the funeral Tianfen, direct burst open, such as volcanic eruptions, this grave roar. Three streamers moment fly out, floating in the sky between the distribution of Meng Hao eyes shrunk to let a breath of breath, the banner in the air flash, the moment disappeared, actually flew out of the seventh array, flew to the ninth array outside the altar stone chair , Sitting in the bones, with no facial features within the mask, turned into the bones of this mask, a black hair in the three white hair.

    at the same time. The seventh array. Meng Hao in front of the collapse immediately split open. With its collapse, a large number of heaven and earth aura from the boom, went straight to Meng Hao.

    In this indescribable majestic aura, Meng Hao body of the third road station. He appeared out of shape, his body to move out, standing in the seventh matrix method outside the platform, behind him the second, third, four matrix method, all collapse, such as broken back the road, at the moment there Behind Meng Hao, only the fifth matrix method, but there have been signs of broken to destroy.

    The collapse of the array. The concentration of the distribution of Reiki, making the entire heritage of the land, such as from the cover of the fog, this fog filled the P Plus, turned into a huge whirlpool. In the center of this whirlpool, it is Meng Hao and Mastiff!

    Far a look, this scene is extremely alarming.

    Meng Hao in the absorption of Reiki, where the same as the Mastiff.

    One person a dog, at this moment, repair are in the rapid rise, Meng Hao looked cold to see the front, he saw the moment out of the eighth array, looking back at himself, despite the other body blurred, but obviously startled Lee Road one.
    "He Destroys how fast so!" Li Road, a mind startled, even if it is known that Meng Hao is the inheritance of the fate of the person, can still still shock.

    "He is waiting for this array of people for a long time, he came, the inheritance of the collapse of the array to make way for their own, but as long as you faster than him, blood cents dead, only to recognize the first person to go before you, you can still grab Go this belongs to his heritage! "Blood Dragon growl, Lee Road, Hanmang reveal a pair of eyes, without hesitation immediately into the ninth array.

    "Even if this heritage belongs to you ... ... but, Lee, the transmission will be taken away by me!"

    Looked at the other side with an anxious face of the blood dragon, into the ninth array, Meng Hao eyes of the murderous flash, without hesitation to move a flash, went straight to the eighth array away, mastiff in the moment they rushed Into the eighth array.

    Just one into the eighth array of the abyss, suddenly came the shaking of the roar, that roar messy, as if there are countless lives at the same time cry, shouting with excitement and expectations, at the moment came, immediately The entire eighth array of the world immediately disintegrated, collapse.

    This is the array itself broken off, this is the year before the death of the blood cents, leaving a fairy order, this heritage if there is no heaven and earth to the arrival of the person, the first to come to its front, may be heritage, if once There are people who can not be heaven and earth, then this blood nine cents array, should be broken in front of this person, turned into Aura, to help this person all the way to get heritage.

    The eighth array, the moment of collapse, the majestic reverberation of the influx of aura between the Meng Hao and mastiff body, where the mastiff a sky roar, its repair in this moment, actually a direct break through the Dan, into the Yuan Ying environment!
    Its body directly into Baizhang, grim beyond all, purple hair makes this Mastiff, sky a roar, so that this space vibration, that huge body, but also formed an indescribable momentum!

    It is at this moment, Meng Hao body of the third perfect Taotai, almost half of the moment completed, and still continue to cohesion, he entered the eight-array platform, the only remaining behind the fifth array , At the moment also will collapse.

    Meng Hao behind, at the moment there is no platform, there is no matrix method, and some only extremely rich Aura, these Aura into Wu Hai, the entire heritage of all enveloped in the land.

    Meng Hao in front, is the ninth array, at the moment this matrix method, even if there is blood dragon help, Li Road, a still have not yet taken!

    Meng Hao whole body evil spirits monstrous, his body step forward, with already into the Yuan Ying territory of the mastiff, directly into the blood of the last pass of the immortal.

    He entered the battle formation in the moment, where he was before the platform, suddenly broken apart. It is also in this moment, the ninth array outside the last one platform, Li Road, a figure impressively!

    In the emergence, he spout big mouth blood, blood dragon is a piece of sluggish meaning, it is clear that they can be so fast out of the ninth array, who won the blood dragon, in this heritage of the four Lee's ancestors thousands of years, paid a great price.

    "Here the fate of the people there, is also a good thing, making matrix method loose, so the old lady can let you quickly through the Road one, fast on the altar, to the blood cents in front of you from the second generation of blood cents!" Blood Dragon Growl , God sè in an unprecedented excitement and excitement, once Lee Road, a heritage, he can take over the main treasure, as this treasure device spirit, if no accident, the eternal eternal life!

    Laughter is from the mouth of Lee Road, with a spread of excitement.

    "This heritage, belongs to me!" Lee Road, a laugh, God sè reveal a touch of ferocious, he Lee to pay for this inheritance is not a small price, he is designated, will get this heritage of people, even in this ri Before, his heart has always been that he is the inheritance of the destiny of the winner.

    Can be the emergence of Meng Hao, ancestors of the words, there are a variety of moves that matrix method, are not against him, so he had to admit that compared to that he did not know the name of the monk, the other is the real Destiny inheritor.

    But he refused to accept, he can not be reconciled, he is going to snatch!

    "Take away your heritage, and then you kill, it is tantamount to take away your air!" Lee Road, a laughter echoed, jumped into the body, went straight to the top of that huge green altar away.

    In the ninth array, a black earth, as if there is no end, in the depths of the earth, there is a bones, the bones are now carrying his head, empty eyes lit Youguang, burning the fire of hope, as if you can See through the earth, see the outside into the Meng Hao.
    "Immortal heritage, waiting for the endless years, and finally wait until the person she wants to appear ... ... I hope you do not eventually embarked on the same with the immortal no return ... ..." bones murmured softly, head of the glow gradually Dissipated, eventually completely dispersed, his body, also will become a fly ash.

    With the bones become fly ash, the ninth burst of shaking, at this moment, directly split apart, with the ninth burst of broken, endless anger straight from Meng Hao, Meng Hao body of the third Block Road, Taiwan, in this moment suddenly rally, impressively!

    It is the third seat, the third perfect road!

    Meng Hao's repair, in this moment, became the initial peak of the building base, his spiritual knowledge is a surge, already comparable to building the late, and even beyond!

    He re-opened a road station, you can enter the mid-base construction, even if he is not yet built the road medium-term, but he built the perfect base of tough, you can build all the mid-rolling, even if the late basics, Not no time, it will not be Meng Hao's opponent.

    Meng Hao, even once there is a perfect fourth Taotao, into the mid-base construction, then in the base of a monk qualified to fight with Meng Hao, the entire South domain, no more, any one is the kind of built-based Consummation, only one step can be entered into Dan's illustrious generation.

    Such people are undoubtedly their own cases, the door of each case out of the strongest, so that the strongest, they have a common title, they are ... ... Daozi!
    They are almost no time to build the base, but their combat power, their cultivation, because of all kinds of good fortune, eventually became the strongest territory, it was the entire South domain monk known, known as Daozi!

    Lee Road, is Li's son, Wang Lihai, as is the son, so they can be above the Tianjiao, the various cases, recognized the first person in every environment!

    Meng Hao body the third perfect Taotai moment, his body impressively taken, standing on the ninth array outside the platform, and at this moment, not far from the Meng Hao, green altar above, Sitting in the stone bench in the bones, has slowly raised his head, it seems to look in front of its ... ... Lee Road one!

    The bones of the right hand slowly lifted, slowly on his face, as if to take off the mask! -

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