Saturday, February 4, 2017

This move to the breast did not develop a good girl are chasing you back

We and girls will encounter a lot of communication difficult for us to answer the question, the answer is not possible you may be attracted to her in the process which lost the initiative and charm, the results can be imagined to be ignored, or No longer be able to let the other side of your interest, otherwise a wonderful answer may have been a dead end, but in exchange for a vista.

First, I am fat and ugly

1, nothing you just ugly into the way I like (a meal Fen Quan, a woman to touch you. We most of the time, but to make a woman too flattering to women feel unreal, joking pressure can make you the distance between More recent, the other side and you get emotional ups and downs, out of plain, this is the core of gender relations.

Second, I communicate with you is very difficult

 1, then you are the legendary super house woman, I admit I do not Mars text.
 2, then we use to sing it, obediently you like a child.
 3, (comfort stage) pro, I understand that I lengthened you, today we have a good play.

Third, a good sleep ah, sleep

 1, you have to go to bed so soon, I'm not ready. . . .
 2, do not think before going to bed, or you will insomnia.

Fourth, I think we are not personality

1, you are s or m-type?

2, well, I give you time, you slowly change, not too long Oh, otherwise I will like others. (The other party gave me no interest in response, we can not give an interest in response. Just as someone punches you to accompany you smiling face, then people will not take you seriously, I have always said that high-value, equal relationship before Will attract so to give this kind of response is the love of learning this)

Five, you are too small

 1, how old are you, 36d? Does the chest do a fat fill.

 2, the saying goes, 30 such as wolves 40 such as tiger, you this 20 years old. How, 18cm is not enough to meet you ah ...

6, your mouth good oil Oh (you really slippery tone)

1, you kissed? You sure to take advantage of me to sleep after I steal pro, crazy woman ..... also ass the last few days in the end is not hurt you dry. (After the girls must go back to the dead side of the reverse, roll, if the magical Lianzhu yesterday I have said in the article)

 2, nonsense, I am a vegetarian, do not eat Hunxing for many years will violate the day.

Seven, I will not ignore you

1, my dear, after too far away, I just want to grasp with you now.

 2, now the rationale can be, and true love is the only look at the present, others are saying that the future, we do not die that day will know how the future. So you know how to cherish now.

Eight, you are too fun

 1, you play with me, but also a smile.

 2, one hundred, cash payment, the girl invoice is to open units or individuals.

 3, when it comes to fun, I can only row second, (girls ask, who is the first), stupid, not what you.

 Nine, you are a freak

1, Frankenstein and genius are often separated by a line, you this mortal, how can I understand the problems.

 2, you have to keep pace with the pace of my thinking need to work, but I thought I was.

 3, thank you for your reward, there should be what Mody.

 10, do you think is my good or your previous girlfriend.

1, my dear, have you by my side, my eyes, my heart has been recall can not afford any woman.

 2, do you think is my big or your ex-boyfriend's big.

3, you massage to practice well, you are my heart super goddess.

In fact, many of the time you look at these dialogues above, there are some things that are found in the nature of the root cause of my own frame around the corner of these aspects back. There is nothing to echo each other's meaning.

At the same time clever in stimulating each other's emotions, there are several of this emotional performance, the first is no demand, the second stimulating emotions, the third so that the other side you can want to continue this topic of interest, this is the performance behind the words surgery Forms, and the words that form the back of your character label.

The so-called personality tag you should understand it, a person's character display has no interest can be reflected in your dialogue. Of course, the embodiment of this character also includes attitudes, principles, body language, if you want to become a good attractive human, in these areas need to be strengthened. When you learn these core skills, you can make you miss the many sisters back to life, because you know better than before, a woman's heart!

The reason these methods work, because we are from the numerous emotional cases summed up, rather than out of thin air to come up with.

When you learn these core skills, you can make you miss the many sisters back to life, because you know better than before, a woman's heart! The reason these methods work, because we are from the numerous emotional cases summed up, rather than out of thin air to come up with.

Look at the above words, they are embodied in the character tag is a kind of optimism, atmosphere, humor. Humor is the charm of man indispensable quality, is a social lubricant; in dating, humor also has a pivotal position. The cultivation of sense of humor, in part from the wisdom of cultivation, but also from constant experience.

But do not know friends found no, so far, we have seen some of the humor of research information which few can properly uncover their application skills, these books are not classified, is too simple classification, often the way of thinking, performance Means, expressions, the formation of hybrid mechanisms together, making friends want to train humor can not start. Just to tell you so well, but there is no analysis so that the logic behind a lot of people into a social robot. Even by girls pull black. Is because they do not understand the truth.

The classic character with a sense of humor should be male leaders, authorities, stars and idols. Humor features include six aspects: Resentful rude, resolve distress, the performance of wit and humor, active atmosphere, emotional mobilization, performance attacks; you know the concept of a framework, in fact, this framework is not only suitable for dating, to maintain the framework But also a leader of the character, specifically in the dating process if you do not have humorous skills, then you keep this framework is bound to be blunt, or even unreasonable, may be seen as a GAY a mental illness!

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