Sunday, January 22, 2017

0099--Preconditions for promotion! --I want to seal day

"Demon Dan always in motion, make DanHai cannot build base, decreasing debut... want to condensed way, want the preconditions, must let the demon Dan, this needs more power to forcibly static spirit!"

Three grain of preconditions for Dan entrance, send out a surprising the spirit of power, in this moment of flooded into Meng Hao DanHai, makes the coagulation, but due to the rotation of the demon Dan corrugated echoed DanHai, at this moment is the impact of the strong.

Force of the impact moment makes Meng Hao DanHai shining golden light, makes the demon Dan at this moment, as if the rotation of the constant a moment of pause, the body DanHai reiki majestic, once again, the roar of the impact, finally makes the demon Dan after pause signs of the rotation, even completely suppressed.

In the pause at the moment of without the volatility, the whole Meng Hao DanHai immediately heard the sound of kaka, echoed in Meng Hao body at the same time, the entire DanHai such as ice, namely a few breathing time, completely solidified instantly.

At this moment, as if even life are stationary, Meng Hao breathing slowly growing long, his body trembling, but his eyes were bright, deep breath, at the moment my brain too spirit through condensate gas volume, constantly running, his body solidification DanHai, began to slowly shrink.

Soon, the entire DanHai under this contract, gradually into a piece of the diamond like SPAR, wrap demon Dan, then with heaven and earth reiki, pouring into Meng Hao remaining in the body of the preconditions for Dan legacy of reiki, also appeared in this moment, his DanHai again, fill again.

In this DanHai just fill, almost immediately shrink again, into a SPAR of the diamond, cycle, time passes, reiki, from around constantly emerging.

Meng Haoxin know this process will be very long, need a sensitivity, so he had to choose this valley, at the moment is open store content bag, constantly to swallow all kinds of Dan medicine.

His DanHai fill again and again, again and again into LingShi diamond, Meng Hao have forgotten time, I don't know how long in the past.

One month, two months or three months... Six months...

Pristine spring and the autumn passed; the dead of winter, the outside world, at the beginning of the Meng Hao stepped into the abode of fairies and immortals retreat, it's been a year, this year the seven brothers when the full moon will come to the valley drag the red line.

The best one is pulled out of the four hundred and ninety-nine zhangs, but the last one stick, is unable to pull out all the time, and with the passage of time, seven of them also detect the heaven and earth reiki around slowly decrease, absorbed by Meng Hao in the valley.

They understand, see also can't find the reason for many times, as for Meng Hao there they already ignored a year out, in their view is only one explanation of death.

Snake that had lost the spirit of monks, each eye fell to Meng Hao abode of fairies and immortals, with a sneer, * * the death of his spirit, made him the Meng Hao where there is hatred.

Is the person, we tried to break many times Meng Hao abode of fairies and immortals, to take in his opinion Meng Hao relic, but always can't succeed.

Time passed so slowly, until again over the past six months, Meng Hao retreat has been for a year and a half, this one day late at night, his body DanHai together again, after that the diamond like LingShi, appeared exactly $one hundred.

Boom, the one hundred pieces of diamond things suddenly fuses in together, gradually, the emergence of a glittering and translucent get rid of Taiwan!

Build base station!

With the emergence of this table, the breathing of the Meng Hao fade away, his eyes grew dim and his heart beat too slow, in the end almost motionless, his blood are not in circulation, as if the whole people, became a state of suspended animation.

Everything quiet down.

Meng Hao know, it'll be built before the second process, called alleviate.

He silently sat cross legs, mind is always the spirit by the condensate gas volume, such as immersed in a state of a kind of strange, his flesh appears to be no change, but in fact already with condensate gas began to appear, such as change, change is more suitable for the absorption of psychic powers.

He meridians is constantly expanding, its not a psychic functioning, yet meridians is different every day, more tenacious, more unobstructed, his bones are also different from before, and even some areas there has been a little glittering and translucent, and like a difference in the metamorphosis of the bun, this kind of change, will Meng Hao body in every sea, his hair has grown a lot, even the height also increased.

His body, this moment has no DanHai, but there is a golden road station, it is a circular platform, on which no golden light, but rather bleak, as dull and lonely, but it was existed some bizarre, floating in the DanHai place originally, if carefully to see, you can see in the center of this machine, is the demon Dan Meng Hao.

The demon Dan, static, with the perfect blend together.

The heart is no longer, blood flow, meridians, breath disappear, Meng Hao whole person like wither, cross legs sitting there, so it is with the word of his body, as if the whole person even breath are convergence to perfection, if you want to lose.

A sit, it is half a year, this time he hit the preconditions, has two full years, that time, to outsiders is unthinkable, because generally the godsworn preconditions, which is half a year, most fast can be a few months, and absorb the aura is not a lot, far not like Meng Hao, absorb so mighty reiki, took so long.

Until after six months of the day, Meng Hao body in the way of a slight quiver, slight vibration, this is his first move the position of the body at the moment, followed by the heart, heart beat, the vibrations, caused Meng Hao a series of changes in the body, and his blood began to slowly flowing, he meridians started slowly stretch, his breath was in the life, his whole person, like a slowly wake up from a deep sleep.

Soon, way of golden light is more and more bright, vibration is more and more strong, his heart beat even from the in vitro, echoed the abode of fairies and immortals, he meridians complete stretching, his blood began to rapid flow, each time the heart of hair, can make blood permeate the whole body, his breath is majestic, joint eyes seemed to have to open your strength.

This force, not only let he can open your eyes, but also from Meng Hao body each location to condense, fills the air whole body gradually, gradually makes a as if the breath of the strong, was born in Meng Hao body!

Then Meng Hao the way of the body, in the golden great roar, a mighty indescribable spirit force, at this moment suddenly spread, straight to Meng Hao body meridians, flesh, bones and all.

Is like getting a new lease, complete awakening of his body, breath is more and more strong, a lot of dirt then secrete, more a fragrance fragrance from Meng Hao spread in the body, the fragrance diffuses, Meng Hao hair without wind automatically, makes his whole person looks, and half a year ago is obviously different.

As the spread of the spirit force, he meridians in the moment is full of strong, his blood flow speed suddenly, his heart beating to the abode of fairies and immortals are shaking, his eyes... At this moment, suddenly open close.

Together like a bright light in the dark, in this moment burst forth from Meng Hao binocular, the harsh light, enough to make all condensate gas godsworn mind after see roar for reversal.

From the moment he opened his eyes, in the valley of the nimbus instant roll back, as if Meng Hao body at this moment has become a huge black hole, devouring all around, make the reiki in that instant, qi qi, from Meng Hao sweat pores inside the body into unceasingly, condensed his way in taichung, makes a golden light more bright, make Meng Hao breath, more powerful in this moment.

His heart beat roar, a powerful feeling in Meng Hao breast, his, for the moment, as if between hand can make the abode of fairies and immortals collapse, it is a kind of from the body, from the mind, from his fix for confidence.

The spirit in his mind, this moment is rapid growth, especially after the condensate gas is a great spirit that the big growth, at the moment leap, directly beyond ordinary brother early preconditions for too much.

So far as to say that this moment Meng Hao consciousness, is not a base built in the early can have, this is an interim can possess the spirit of knowledge.

And the strength of the consciousness, is built between the godsworn all the fundamental!

As Meng Hao breathing, thunder echoed around, the influx of heaven and earth reiki, makes Meng Hao in Taiwan golden light more strongly, makes his body are golden.

He seemed to see the world outside the abode of fairies and immortals, then mind move, all within five hundred feet of, are reflected in his heart, like to see, this...... Is consciousness!

Preconditions for the godsworn, apparently beyond the power of of condensate gas, the range of consciousness, if unusually early, up to two hundred zhangs.

"An initial..." Meng Hao slowly open, voice out, his face look, his eyes bright, deep breath, he felt the body from Taiwan is strong, the power of the spirit of the tao is six months ago condensate gas thirteen layer peak of nearly one hundred times as much.

One hundred times the gap, and not the other monks condensate gas nine layers of one hundred times, but one hundred times that of the condensate gas 13 layer, this for Meng Hao is a qualitative change.

Again, this is also a base built the godsworn can sweep the root of the condensate gas, condensate gas DanHai, one hundred concise Fang Chengzhu base station, it is a liquid solid change, is also a quantity into a qualitative leap, in the ensuing power cannot compare!

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