Thursday, January 26, 2017

0108--Dark dispute has been moving--I want to seal day

The restaurant complex, no one noticed the exception of Meng Hao there, Meng Hao gently put down the glass, looks seemingly normal, but it is in the heart of the moment, set off a monstrous waves, more roar echoed mind.

    He turned his head in silence, looked at the opening before the body to say that contains seven stars of the person, then bow, continue to drink.

    "Strange to say, this immortal are dead, the body can be so coercive actually exist, but also caused a series of changes in heaven and earth, making several large doors and family, three years to stop in the body Baizhang position.

    "I heard that the last few doors and the family of large families, have started their own and some preparation, may want to come to Baizhang this time may have stepped on." Voice continued, until after noon, most people leave, before that Out of the body of the seven monks in the monks, but also with friends around laughing, was about to go out of the restaurant.

    May at this time, Meng Hao right hand on the table, a knock on the knock, under a knock, a wave suddenly echoed, making it a few people to leave all the body vibration, have looking great changes, Ho there.

    Meng Hao body repair, in this moment spread out, belonging to the base of the coercion instantly enveloped the restaurant, but soon dissipated, but only this moment, but it is to allow a few condensable gas ** layer Monks immediately trembling body, pale, inner apprehension I do not know how to offend the front of the building - based strong.

    "Predecessors ... ..." a few people have Baoquan, although the bottom of my heart awe, but also know that the city can not fight, the other will not easily shot, but was a monk based deterrent, for them, but also as Tianwei-like, inner terror.

    Meng Hao right hand raised, pointing to one of them, this person is a twenty-seven-year-old youth, cultivation of condensate gas eight, at the moment by Meng Hao this means, immediately shaking body, face instantly did not. Bloody.

    "Predecessors ... ..." his eyes exposed horror, but the heart is at a loss, in front of the building-based strong he had never seen, do not know why the other party's attention, at the moment his monks around, have to step back, one by one quickly Exit the restaurant, not close to the bottom of my heart most relieved.

    Meng Hao face expressionless, pick up a drink to drink, the young hesitated a moment, dare not come forward, carefully close, even in the Meng Hao side of fear, can face but with respectful.

    "You just said, that the eyes of immortal corpse is gray pupil, contains seven stars, the matter can be true?" Meng Hao looked up and looked at the youth in front.

    "Back to the predecessors, this is not the younger generation eyes see, but hearsay, but I have a friend of the year did indeed see this scene." Youth quickly opened, not the slightest concealment.

    "Where are your friends." Meng Hao pondered, slowly opening.

    "Have not seen for half a year, he is water? Zong disciples, called Xu Yan." Youth quickly said, for fear that their slow to let Meng Hao feel fake.

    Meng Hao brow wrinkled, nodded, waved to the other side can leave, the young man quickly Baoquan back until the restaurant, this long tone, a burst of scared inside, hurriedly left, after the illegal channels will not come to this restaurant.

    Meng Hao Lu Lu contemplation, the restaurant is not much people at the moment, but they are condensate gas repair, to see the scene after the checkout have left, not for a while, the restaurant on the empty.

    "Pupil gray, contains seven stars, this corpse that year I was in the capital of Tang Dynasty, Zhao, see that piece of whirlpool, wake up the bones!" Meng Hao heart sank, when he saw the bones, A kind of bad feeling, the more analysis at the moment, the more I feel this is wrong.
    "If you want to confirm, you need to take a look at the body ... ..." Meng Hao silent, got up and returned to the room, the immortal corpse matter, turned into a heavy boulder, pressure in the hearts of Meng Hao, he felt , Like this body down, as if ... ... to come from their own.

    Meng Hao in the next two weeks, mostly out to inquire about the immortal corpse matter, gradually for the two or three years this body caused by the shock, with more understanding.

    "When the corpse was just a fall, it caused the South Gate of the five major families of the three families are particularly concerned about, have to go out to explore, but stopped in the thousands of years, and even with the strange existence of the original hole with friction . "

    "After this several large door test many times, and even sent out a lot of cases of treasure, this was close to the position of the Baizhang ... ... If the most sensational, is the case of six months ago, a case of swords were invited Yun, Breaking open Baizhang moment, remove the two drops of blood inside the body!

    A drop of blood was purple shipped a huge price to pay for a drop of a sword in the case were left, was used to feel cents. "Meng Hao cross - legged sitting in the room, the right hand holding a Yu - Jane, which records the details of the body of the matter, Meng Hao spent a number of Lingshi bought.

    "Even the East Datang also have a monk a year ago to explore the matter ... ... now the West also come to the desert, this body is called immortal, enough to cause the whole community of comprehension shock." Meng Hao silent moment, this Yu Jane put away, then eyes flash, out of the inn.

    A month's time has passed, these days the whole repair the city, are talking about the auction of things, Meng Hao has also been paid to the 100 Treasury House deposit, for a token to participate in the auction.

    At the moment, after walking a few alley, Meng Hao robes into a black, with a hats, the face covered, not so many people dress on weekdays, but now the auction is about to begin, all the way pedestrians dress up Many, after all, the auction of things, there are too many unwilling to let outsiders know the **.

    A little while, Meng Hao near this city this time the auction will be held in the area, there is a circular plaza, surrounded by a lot of prohibition matrix method, turned into countless runes shining light.

    There are many monks guardian, and the building of the monks have more than 10 people, they walk in the surrounding, from time to time swept the crowd, even in the auction mid-air, there are four figure sitting cross-legged void, Light, exposed bursts of Dan is the result of coercion, shock and amaze all directions.
    These, but also the power of external visible protection, to the extent of this type of medium-sized auction, will have Yuan Ying monks sits, even a Yuan Ying monk, you can deter the city, after all, in the South, Door three family, the number is extremely limited.

    Any one Yuan Ying monks, when it can be called ancestors, usually closed most of the week, go out to walk more than knot Dan.

    Auctioneers here, many from the East to the door, and some other countries near the repair, have long been coming here to see only the entry of the token card, Meng Hao arrival, the auction site has hundreds of people, And there are still people from around us.

    Meng Hao to pay the Lingshi, only for the most peripheral location, at the moment into the auction, Meng Hao eyes calm, sitting cross-legged in his place, cold to see the auction center to the distant high-profile, eyes Swept around to see the top of the three-compartment around, obviously where the person can not repair for the deep, is the origin of tomatoes.

    At the same time, he also saw the monks here, there is a body obviously tall a lot, but more than simple clothing, and even many parts of the body are tied to the hoop, skin slightly black, head blue mans majority.

    These people without exception are body tall and burly, hair disheveled, this strange clothing and the body of the ring, all that they are not South repair, but from the West Desert.

    Time slowly passing, an hour later, where the auction has nearly a thousand people, I heard Zhongming suddenly echoed, making the bustling noise here, gradually calmed down.
    At the same time, the auction platform in the middle of the middle, at the moment light shine, turned into colorful, and then, this piece of colorful light suddenly spread, making the whole auction was instantly enveloped.

    Colorful light, the high stage as if a figure from the nothing out of the stand out of thin air there, this is an old man, a large robe, gray hair, looks very much the vicissitudes of life, It is in this moment, in the sweep around, so many monks mind vibration.

    "Joe is the old treasure House!"

    "It was Joe old personally presided over the auction this time, he is said to repair the elderly end of Dan, not the South domain of people, but many years ago from the Milky Way off the island from.

    Voice of the buzzing immediately heard, high on the stage of the old man, coughing a cry, slowly opening, the sound in this moment spread throughout the auction.

    "Today's auction of things, a full 100, there are immortality, magic, heritage, the days of material to treasure, West Desert thing, the treasure of the South, the Tianhe sea possession."

    Rules old lady not much to say, the first item, the Milky Way Sea Millennium screw shell! Joe surnamed old man a faint opening, immediately behind him from the nothingness out of a woman, this woman body graceful, Qiaoxiao sweet, style endless, out of the hands holding a jade plate, which stood a palm-size, quintana Blue conch.

    This Conch on a lot of natural texture, scattered intertwined, more Youmang flashing, as if some kind of heaven and earth road, in the event of the moment, as if the entire auction are filled with bursts of sound cents.

    "This treasure of the Millennium, the sound like cents, the pattern, such as array, the spirit of knowledge into the three days, may have half a child life element, this treasure, no reserve price." Joe surnamed old man faint openings, his words, immediately the entire auction Field first moment of quiet, then immediately set off a monstrous wave.

    Can increase the life of the treasure, enough to cause a strong sensation and contention, at the moment those layers of those around the cabinet, also have shocked by this auction pattern of shock.
    Meng Hao in the distance, but the center of the high-profile for him is also clear entry, to see that the customs of thousands of women, Meng Hao froze for a moment, look exposed strange, this woman he remembered, Square of 100 Treasure Court, the **, called Qiao Ling's woman.

    "How she will be here, Zhao has disappeared ... ... should be changed in the country before Zhao, she had left, after all, is also a hundred treasures Court.

    At the same time, in this auction the highest level of the annular compartment, known as the day a room of the house, wearing a white Chu Yuyan, is quietly standing there, looking at the square below , There is a middle-aged man behind her, are respectfully standing there.

    "Chu Dao You, you need the Spring and Autumn Wood, the auction does have a root, but the rules of the House can not be broken, if you need, also in the auction, this spring is the thirty-ninth wood auction . "


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