Wednesday, January 25, 2017

0106--Bana open seven-color days--I want to seal day

"I can help predecessors to buy what you need!" The boy was nervous, eyes frightened, at the moment without hesitation in the rapid opening, he believed in the eyes of the people said that he only said the opportunity to speak a word, One or explanation is unclear, he felt the eyes of the people will be shot to kill themselves, even in the city.

    Meng Hao saw this boy one, did not speak, but this boy is very smart, as if to understand the meaning of Meng Hao, quickly open again.

    "Younger Qiu Lin, was born in the East pole city, is quite familiar with here, from the predecessors into the city gate, the younger generation began to observe, to determine the predecessors should be the first time to this city, is a need here Person, then follow the want to find opportunities to recommend themselves.

    Predecessors, I only need 50 Lingshi here, you can save a lot of time the older generation, allowing you to use the fastest speed to find the desired thing. "Quick finish, Qiu Lin heart perturbed, nervous watching Meng Hao, he did not lie, all this is indeed like.

    And this is not the first time to do it, but it is the first time encountered such as Meng Hao, so he felt a sense of life and death moment.

    Meng Hao cold look at the young one, loosen his hand, but wrinkled his brow, he has been aware that with the constant toxins that attack, their murderous machine seems to have slowly breed, and often inadvertently Will affect the character.

    "Predecessors you need to buy?" Qiu Lin took a deep breath, quickly open.

    "Poison Dan." Meng Hao said lightly.

    "Poison Dan?" Qiu Lin surprised a moment, quickly fell into a contemplation, that is, a few breathing time, he immediately eyes light up.

    "Predecessors, the city rarely have a separate sale of poison Dan, but this Dan, after all, also considered a kind of immortality, talking about immortality, the city has two as the most, including a lot of immortality, , The illustrious, held an auction, even built Kidan has sold.

    There is a small, but often with the West desert, therefore there are many from the West desert immortality for sale, and this shop pharmacist, is said to have followed the Purple Yunzong Dan ghost master, childhood was its drug child.

    Which predecessors go first? "Qiu Lin talking about things within the city, immediately vivid.

    Qiu Lin suddenly nodded, leading the way in the former, with his guidance, Meng Hao province a lot of time, fast walking in this city, about an hour later, after a long time, Came to a seven-story attic, a huge monument set in the next, above the three characters written Wan Tange.

    Qiu Lin quickly said, Meng Hao look as usual, looked around the eyes and found that there are many condensate gas around the 56 layer of disciples, mostly to bring people to stay after the stay here, the younger generation is not convenient to enter, on the outside waiting for the older generation. Waiting in place.

    Slightly nodded, Meng Hao stepped into the seven loft, as for Qiu Lin there, Meng Hao has been in the other body before leaving a spiritual knowledge, the idea is not afraid of the other side of what the bad idea.

    Repair to build the base, Meng Hao for the use of spiritual knowledge, has gradually become familiar with a lot of flexibility.

    This Banten Pavilion seven, condensate gas can only be in the first floor, only after the base into the two or three layers, as the four-Dan Monks can only enter the end, where Meng Hao walked in a circle, eyes from A sweep of immortality everywhere, and slowly frowned.

    A stick of incense, he left this Wan Dan Court, where Qiu Lin immediately stepped forward.

    "To the second place you said." Meng Hao frown openings, Qiu Lin very smart, did not ask, but with Meng Hao left here at dusk, came to a more remote location, but the ancient sound A shop outside the ancient color.

    "Here is small, but there are three rules, the first non-50,000 Lingshi not entry." Qiu Lin hesitated a moment, toward the Meng Hao openings.

    "Lingshi is only 50,000 entry, regardless of whether you can buy the Dan, which Lingshi not refundable."

    "The second rule is to enter only one person at a time, the latter to wait outside, and only 20 people a day, more than those who can only wait for the future.

    "There is a third rule, this shop can not be easily into the inquiry, because once the inquiry ... ... will pay Lingshi." Qiu Lin looked at Meng Hao, whispered openings.

    Meng Hao froze for a moment, but his eyes are slowly Ning Ming, walked forward, although he heartache Lingshi, but if unlock the body of the drug, these Lingshi he can pay.

    The door of the shop was closed, and there was a sign on it.

    Menghao Ding breath, standing there silently waiting, Qiu Lin accompanied in the side, but at dusk sunset to fall, this shop door creak open from the inside out of a middle-aged man, the man frowned, look out Do not look at Meng Hao two, but turned to the shop sent him out of the old Baoquan a prayer.

    See the middle-aged man in the moment, Meng Hao eyes slightly contraction, head down, he saw this person, it is during the day flying into the city of Bi Hong Hong real.

    As for the old man who opened the door, the repair base for the latter part of the building, but to build the base repair, actually can make knot Dan strange Baoquan, showing its impressive.

    Bihong real life turned, turned into instantaneous Changhong flew, screaming away, the door of the old man's eyes fell on Meng Hao body.

    Meng Hao no hesitation, the right hand out from the arms of a storage bag, which has 50,000 Lingshi, respectfully handed the old man.

    Old man took over, nodded slightly, turned into the shop, Meng Hao to follow into the inside, he entered this shop, the door automatically closed, the above brand, change a bit, as the nineteenth.

    Shop is not big, there is no shelf around the immortality, but placed seven different sizes Dan furnace, two cases a few, an oil lamp, making housing darker, the monks, this light, enough to See clearly.

    "What." Old man sitting cross-legged in a case a few, a faint opening.

    Meng Hao did not speak, but a film storage bag, remove a Yuping, pushed to the old man in front.

    Old eyes fell on the Yu Ping, picked up after opening a condensate eyes, bow carefully smell a bit, the Yu Ping a crooked, making its blood flow, dripping in the case a few.

    This jade bottle, filled with some of the blood, these blood is taken from the body of Hao Hao.
    "Interesting." Old man murmured, staring at the case of several blood, his right hand raised in his hands appeared in a silver long needle, swept away in the blood, which suddenly distributed Yinmang needle, actually naked eye Visible decay, that is, a few breathing time, it becomes a fly ash.

    The old man more bright eyes, the left hand in this case a few times on the film, and immediately those blood fly in the air together into a ball, the old man took a storage bag, immediately from the emergence of a withered seeds, he Finger flick, this son went straight to the blood group, not into it.

    Soon, those blood on the contraction, until the disappearance of the exposed inside is no longer dry, faint full of seeds, this child floating in the air, and gradually actually made bud.

    Meng Hao intently watching all this, that is not the heart that is not possible, he spent so much Lingshi, is to unlock their own poison.

    The seeds quickly germinate, grow branches, grow leaves, and ultimately even out of the flowers, flowers can be opened in the moment, the old man suddenly looking for a change, Meng Hao, where there is contraction of the eyes.

    He was surprised to see that the flowers are red, yellow, blue and three colors, and staggered under the formation of a non-crying cry, faint grimace, this grimace of flowers floating in the air, as if alive in general, full of strange.

    "Three-color Bana ... ..." old man staring at the flowers, long after the opening of the hoarse, eyes reveal Jingmang.

    "This drug attack three times as a cycle, three cycles for a bloom, bloom, you will appear in the right eye a faint smile, like crying non-crying face.

    This grimace as you repair the operation and gradually revealed, you repair the longer run time, will be more clear, but this poison will not hurt you at this time, but will make you million of drugs do not invade, but let your heart Murder strong.

    Then, that is, after the third cycle of the second bloom, when your left eye will appear when the grimace, your heart more and more serious opportunities to kill, bloodthirsty, at the moment you not only million poison does not invade more Shedding poisonous miasma, and even your body will be a lot of toughness, resilience beyond the ordinary monks.

    However, you will find your body slowly began to stiff, start no longer flexible, your life is gradually bleak, dead air often accompany you around.

    Then, is the third bloom, you ... ... will lose consciousness, loss of life, into a three-color Bana, was planted this flower species, personally taken away, and you become the flower, since then Will become a four-color Bana.

    Mortal, condensate gas, build the base, knot Dan, Yuan Ying, Zhanling, asked, seven of the territory of one person and one color, until the Bana open seven-color days, flowers immortal a thousand years.

    This flower, is a long time ago the ancient monks, one of the ways used to immortal. "Old man faint openings, eyes fell on the Meng Hao body, great meaning of the openings.

    Meng Hao silence, the old man's words into his ears, so Meng Hao shudder at the same time, gradually frowned, carefully recalled a bit poisoning process.

    "Friends Mo to be funny, and the next general qualification, but also no one can spy on the treasure, not worth the enemy to such an obvious rare treasure to calculate."
    Old man laughed without words.

    Meng Hao silent moment, raised his right hand once again took out a storage bag, thrown into the old man in front of the old man picked up after the slight nod, slowly opening.

    "Friends said is correct, is not correct, this is indeed the three-color Bana, but it is not complete, but the residue can only be opened to the three-color, will not appear **, otherwise, you poison the world nobody Can be solution. "Old man sound slow, light outgoing.

    "How to unlock." Meng Hao asked immediately, see that the old man is not language, Meng Hao frowned, throwing a storage bag again.

    At this moment, in this shop, the evening after the stars of the moon, the city lights everywhere, there is a woman wearing a white robe coat, walked from a distance.

    This woman looks beautiful, Yan long slim, like the moonlight filled with Xianqi, indifferent, Qingyi refined, as if not eat fireworks, from the lights came to the shop, The word plaque, his face exposed to the side of Qiu Lin stunned, heart thumping smile.

    This woman, Meng Hao had seen a time, it was in the backs were, accompanied by Wang Tengfei side, are Wang Tengfei ... ... fiancee.

    Chu Yu Yan.


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