Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My God! I cursed her so she can still snapped her

To say a man chasing a woman, sometimes you may because of a word she instantly like you, sometimes you may die an instant sentence. I think we are all encountered such a situation. You dating plain water, talk about work, talk about hobbies later, not in the future. I used to say that after a woman to put aside the material, appearance, and the rest is the spirit of this aspect of the mood. The so-called chasing a woman chasing men to each other's emotions, is decided to attract the other side of the relationship. Well, some brothers, when they know this principle, the girl began to tease the emotions, fix it but will die. Today is to suppress this aspect of the skills.

So suppress sister in the end is for what, what is really effective to suppress?

In that the principle of suppression, we must know that one thing is in contact with people in the process, not no one suppressed.

Previously know a person, like to suppress the leadership, each time the leadership speech, he humor in the following humor to suppress their leadership, because humor can solve the embarrassment. At the end of the day, his salary was low. Then as long as we have a little common sense we know that when the value of each other more accurately that the other's social status was significantly higher than you, you do to suppress a person than you have social status, people will birds you? People will only think you have a brain problem.

There is also a very important to suppress each other is to learn to use humorous language to suppress each other, in fact, in many social situations, men are very humorous to take each other joke, suppress each other, but the other is not angry, After those opponents are suppressed around him, his social status in the circle which is the highest. Many people in this circle the usual way to suppress the other raise their own.

Very simple example: I am a high school classmates, our school carry the handle, he did not suppress the language, but physical suppression, then his girlfriend a lot, in exchange for very fast, every time what activities, he One appeared, the focus on him, we dare not refute, only listen to him, because his temper and vicious to us is a kind of suppressed, the spirit of fear, but he never obviously suppressed sister, is The kind of insulting pressure, has never been.

He will and girls joke, but are very humorous very funny words, the girl was he said, but also a smile to beat him, rarely see him serious, and his contact with the female students feel that he is not the essence of Bad. But in the memories of those he and his sister after chatting with those jokes, and then I usually chat with girls and some suppression of the practice, and finally I tell you:

Suppression is in fact through the language to suppress the people around, so you create a social status of a very simple way, and it is not inflow. But for many people think that money can not be lazy to attract, can not see the pre-election to see to suppress such a do not have to spend money, move your mouth to attract girls to the way that this is the core, which is Cheats. Students wake up!

Above that the pressure in the use of gender relations in fact more simple: suppression is actually a manufacturing process of the shortcomings.

We do not need to manufacture at all times, the rhythm of the relationship between the implementation of gender relations, from time to time to suppress each other, is to create each other's shortcomings. So to suppress the core:

1: suppression is always a high social status of people who suppress the social status of low, if you and a just met, the other spot showing the status was significantly higher than you, you try to suppress, others can not play with you.

2: suppression is a process of manufacturing female shortcomings. When the girls and we chat too calm when we need to suppress each other, create some storms, because the quality is reflected in the adversity of them. In fact, look at a person is a good attitude, you call him in his article below a few to know. Welcome to spray me, if the curse words sharp, I hope and you know.

3: pressure is to attract, but the pressure itself is not attractive, suppress the attractiveness of the reason is to suppress the other people, creating a social status was attractive, like you cut the trees around short, and then you do not Things, then you are the highest. And these one kind of attraction which completely inflows the way. But a lot of people think he is very powerful.

Push and pull: what is the push and pull, a lot of people look at the terminology, wow good magic, I now also found, but who like to use a lot of technical terms, perhaps not so powerful, because he must use some terms to prove himself very powerful, Powerful people do not have to prove, we can see. So we all clear, do not do not understand Li people.

Push and pull, in fact, and the suppression and co-exist a lot of time, and girls want to chat in the process is very interesting, indeed, ultimately, push and pull, in fact, the so-called push to suppress, then pull is actually praise, this is a very flexible use, Not you have to pull in the first push, pushing in the pull, the relationship is not playing the game, there is no process and routines, people will change.

Then the push and pull the core is to suppress the manufacturing shortcomings, and then praise the shortcomings of a process. Generally do not simply use the pressure, most of you will hang up and the other side is not only girls are disgusted.

No one is perfect, many students in reality and girls chat, do is praise the advantages of a woman, a lot of people have this experience:

M: I like you, be my girlfriend!

Woman: What do you like me?

M: You are very good, you gentle, thoughtful, filial piety, good character, do not smoke, do not drink, and so on (the quality of the advantages)

Woman: Actually, you do not know me, I do not think so.


Woman: You are really good, but I do not.

Generally this time the man's answer on the strange, in fact, you really do not understand this woman.

I know a girl, I was the time to pursue her, on a variety of praise her polite, those human advantages, so sister is also to my face, eat one by one, speak softly, full of Of the goddess Fan children. Until there is a coincidence and KTV to play, inadvertently in the hall to see her, drinking wine, and other men fiddle with his mouth and dirty words, lit cigarettes while saying: Who is afraid, go, go at night Open house! At that time I think I have to collapse.

The above dialogue is actually my dialogue before her confession, I have been very upset, where I do not know you, then I know I really do not understand her.

I hope that we learn is a way of thinking, for example:

1: A woman wants to smoke, how will you push and pull.

Me: Do you want to smoke? Although the image of a woman smoking is very bad. But in my mind, there are women who experience is the perfect woman, but which a woman will not smoke a story too!

2: woman and you chat, call you sucker.

Me: You actually curse. In fact, I know you do not like me, but I still want to make friends with you, after all, now the world, dare to speak out bluntly express dissatisfaction with each other, less and less, no matter how you to me, Feel that you deserve to pay.

Two examples inspire us to think, perhaps you feel less useful, then I use the real case occurred to me to male students to experience the door to be discovered this shortcoming and then praise the feeling:

Many years ago, I just started to contact these things, has not been successful, very depressed at night, lying in bed, took out the next paper towel, melancholy of the line and a tube, because it is winter, trash very far, On the ground, ready to clean up the next morning, right, I wake up in the morning to forget, wash the rust, eat breakfast, a female friend came to me to take things, I naturally open the door, welcome, and then to my bedroom She looked for something, the door I saw the eye-catching paper group, sister also saw. I am very embarrassed ah! Then sister smiled and said: This is what you use to fight the plane paper! I am particularly embarrassed, red face, and then do not speak, just to pick up. Then the sister said: do not see it! I think you like to spend money to find that kind of woman, did not think of self-control force, and their own solution. You are much stronger than those wretched men!

You know what, I was in the mood, so many years I was so obsessed with this woman ah! Perhaps I will never touch such a girl, I can let me show her in front of her real, no hypocrisy, no mask.

The same students, push or pull the real purpose of suppression is to praise the shortcomings of a woman, let her in front of you to do a real woman, there is no hypocrisy and no deception without mask. But he really is not what you think martial arts Cheats. Just because it is too simple, you will because of inert thinking to choose it, and finally what is your promotion? Do not know the nature of gender relations, do not know the rhythm of gender relations, do not know the basic skills of gender relations, the suppression of the push and pull are fog and see flowers.

Here are some of the survey we find the most resentment of girls asked what? I hope you can avoid these so-called suppression

According to my background message statistics, you still a virgin? Topped this year's list of the most disgusting girls list.

When you ask girls after you sure pull black, I remember one time I see my former girlfriend live video was asked her is not a virgin. As a result she was anxious. Suddenly burst into the words of Dalian.

Why do you girls will mind the boys ask you is not a virgin, ah, if you girls are generally asked if we are not a virgin, we are definitely not angry good thing.

Say what the modern age, and feel that you are too sensitive to your girls too concerned about the Well. Brothers will certainly think so ask.

So in the eyes of girls
Do you have 18 cm boys? Can you stay in bed for three seconds? Can you do it seven times a night? So I asked you not to mind? What to do to have respect for the premise.

So many times, we think about empathy, remember to put my mind to bring, and then you will find that the world will be a lot of peace, your love will be a lot of happiness, pull and pull black is only a year between. Today, we test the following test, then you can distinguish what things can arouse the emotions which will make their own linked to reduced points it?

(The following part of the answer)

You are not fat again?

Staring at your neck the following Q: Are you A?

@ Gigi King
How do you face so many acne? I was young

@ I also thank the flowers
The most annoying is that a gender issue open to ask you or a virgin?

@ Prosperous, ending
How many people have you been to bed? Have you ever cheated? Do you look good?

@ Yu Jing
How much did you save? The most disgusted of this, how much money I save you P things ah.

The object of the most annoying blind date, how do you tell you before the object of the ah

@miss Zhang
The most afraid of the arms than the arms of the arms of the boys also asked me thin, you multiple ah? Really, this seems very square.

@ Xiao Wan
Lying groove is the most annoying of course, asked how your chest so small, his aging mother eighty kilos how much chest? .

@ ♡ 哆 哆 ↣
Since that play good to ask me your orgasm yet? What their level do not know ah? Also asked me? .

@ Flowers such as yeah
As the most annoying people ask your glasses how many degrees ah? And then said so high, ah, really is the minute to poke pain.

@ A a surname of the strange aunt field 
Very annoying boys asked themselves or a virgin, your aging mother is not at the hairy relationship with you ah aging mother does not like you.

@ Xiaoru
Most annoying go out with her boyfriend, he asked me, "What's your face painted?" Tu what? . Coated with flour you believe it! Has become a predecessor

@ Next stop happiness ♪
The most annoying boys to chat up and asked you to have photos? FML, do you think you are Taizong it? Long Sha had to pass your eyes?

@ Mouth 
All with "you girls are not how how how" at the beginning of all the questions! Mother a chicken! We girls how it! You provoke you?

@ You have to be afraid of what you ℡
Whenever asked to ask the girl's weight when the sucker is always so easy to runaway, do not know the weight of girls can not ask you privacy

@I am Mr. Lee
Friend asked: How much of your skin care products? I: five or six hundred. Friends: wow, so cheap, every time I skin care products are two or three thousand. FML, you have great money ah.

@ Miss Maozao
The most annoying is that someone in the WeChat said: send photos to see chant! See nm! who do you think You Are? There are people who ask you think I am powerful with you ex? You force him worse than the second!

@ Overlord flowers
The most disgusted people ask you are so big, how not to find the object too picky bad, really want to explode in minutes, not looking for an object and you have a relationship?

@ Hu Sister
The most annoying asked your husband or your boyfriend monthly income? How much annual income? I want to say, off your Pishi! Less money, and not to you to borrow money! More money and how it does not matter about your penny three

@ Blooming Pinellia
You talked about a few boyfriends? Cohabitation yet? Still not a virgin? Especially to see these problems minutes to destroy him! Miso miso bass on the rise

@ Han also Lanna
The most annoying asked is not a virgin, ordinary friends have a little diaphragm should be, not to mention the object of the blind date. There is a virgin complex of the best flash point, even if I have nothing to preach, this is privacy.

@A. The rest of a burning
Nothing to ask you, is not fat ah? Are you still a virgin? Fat ye? Will not chat hard to pull up this kind of people in situ explosion it did not mature with the whole family like the whole day

@ Italian sauce μ–Έ λ‹ˆ
The most disgusted asked you have no zw ah, how long ah, cool unhappy, single do not want to, is not very lonely? I Hehe, and you do not know no knowledge Pishi three lines from the lower body of the Cock wire, trouble dead away Well

@ Yang Enlin
The most disgusting is to be said to face large, see through do not say through, is a good friend, such a simple truth do not understand it? Every time I ask you better shape, how such a big face? You control it, I eat your home rice?

Was asked to masturbate before such a thing I would say? ?? Hold back the anger of his heart smiled to him, just do not understand like, and said nothing more now more open ah, women masturbation is also common, what you feel? Really, split minutes to kill him

It's going to rain
Hello, how old? Where people? Married? Work? How not to get married? On what school? Where to go to school? Big few? Have you eaten or have you slept? Have you been a virgin? Are you still there for the first time? Have not talked about a boyfriend?

@ 🎠
The most annoying to be asked, "You are not at ah" "I heard you and a guy on the bed is not really ah," I am not at what you ah? Are you familiar with me? Also heard that the mother had a chicken so you care about is like I still want to guns, ah, really

@ Big face cat πŸ€
How many pounds you ah. Eat your home dumplings? Home a few mouthfuls of people, ah, ah parents do. Are you a police uncle? How not object ah, not small, not too pick, and the last to introduce you to how not ah? Who told you to introduce me? Which does not hinder your eyes? Eye to eye buckle to!

@  supermodel  V
Just can not agree too well? Some people ask you why, where people, how much, what is the name, there is no boyfriend ah, about not about Han ah, have been used ah ah ah perfunctory him by the three words, but also think that it will be Lengmei it. Looks handsome even, and looks particularly ugly people do not want to forgive, can it?

@ Good name can make your friends more easily remember you + sea
You're long

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