Tuesday, January 24, 2017

And he has done twice, but fewer sets of four!

Key words: intimate spare tire

I know her, are the first blind date, meet feel good, I asked her mobile phone number, the night chat to three or four points late at night, the next day and chatted one morning, at noon called out to eat is a natural thing . After dinner, I pulled her hand across the street, she refused. She also took the initiative to work in the afternoon to speak to me WeChat, everything is normal. On the third day, the attitude changed, just as the goddess treats the spare tire the same attitude. This feeling makes me very unhappy. Chase her people Tingduo, but she really bad chase. Her character is very active, read a lot of books, literary Fan, Yan value, temper strong side against the soft.

After a period of no contact, New Year's Day at 3 am I give him a New Year blessing, the next day she advised me not to stay up all night, after another contact, but the attitude or before, and others are very active chat, but chat with me Like a change of a person like, I feel she is in the maintenance of the tire, before the feeling has been exhausted, may I ask how the outcome of such a break, so the girl is also worth the chase?

Speaking of blind date, usually through the introduction of people to contact you to meet, in fact, this is to give you two made a preliminary match, which also proves that you are at least in the eyes of the introducer is worth, It's also the reason why chatting well.

You say girls later become more and more cold, in fact, from the moment you take the initiative to hold her hand, this result has been doomed to half. Why do you say, you go hand in hand, but she refused, if you have heard the love model classes, this time you should quickly realize that their attraction is not enough, and this behavior has exposed your sense of needs, You should return to the attraction phase, and hide their sense of need, to re-strengthen the attractiveness of the high-value show for the girls.

And then you must be able to filter through you when you can do some high sense of demand things, such as hand, hug and so on. In general, you still do not grasp the rhythm, too anxious to do the things behind to do in front of you to deliberately improve their ability to control the overall rhythm.
Keywords: ex-girlfriend variable fire package friends

My girlfriend and I graduated from high school together, we are each other's first love, and now has four years, is she first chasing me, has been off-site, and I have been less concerned about her trouble breaking up many times, and later But also, and recently, she was admitted to another A city graduate students, if I Kaoyan will test to B city, (but I am willing to study for her or not, or another year, and finally go to her city) but she And I have to break up, I realized how much pain to lose her, people are so cheap, after the loss of treasure, and then desperate to restore.

She began to completely ignore me, I went to A city to find her, then slowly contact, and I can feel her no longer love me, and start chatting is perfunctory, then I said we do friends, she Do not let, that this is not easy for me to come out. Then I said to do PY forget, she actually agreed, but then repeatedly evade the back, do not and I met. But just a few days ago she suddenly like the same agreement, decided to come and meet me, we do very happy, holding her sleep.

Later, the contact more frequently, she said I took her to sleep well (before sleeping did not hold her), but she noticed that I want to compound the heart, that you will not want me to be your girlfriend ?? Now she feels more and more beautiful, but they are getting ugly. But I really want to save her, and her marriage, Xiao Bang greatly how do I do?

Look at your case, that a person's self-perception of the emotional impact of the concept is enormous, you and your girlfriend get along a few years ago, your value is higher than his, you attracted to her much larger than her So you do not even care about her, she insisted with you, but when you are more off-site, during which she must have a large degree of self-growth, but you do not notice, you did not tell her Synchronous upgrade, resulting in the value of her partner slowly above you, and this time you lost her original attraction, the importance of you in her heart has declined, so she would prefer to keep with you Do not be your girlfriend.

If you want to regain her favor, the most important point is to enhance your value, the gap between you slowly back up, and then beyond her, including the ability to work and study also includes the ability to provide her emotional value , Only you later in many ways very good, you have to keep her one of the largest chips.
Keywords: virgin complex

Do I really have a virgin complex? I told my girlfriend is a primary school classmate, two years ago in the reunion of the reunion of the students, she is also love at first sight, then we have been slowly contact, feelings of development is getting better and better, together four months ago, We also had a relationship, I was already want to spend the rest of her life with her, and later her own question of my ex-girlfriend, I told her finished, out of curiosity, I also asked her a few Ex-boyfriend, she is also very frank, there are three, I was the fourth, but with the first has had a relationship, and the third also has not dare to tell me before because of these past she would feel sorry I, and now my heart has been very guilty.

I have always told her that does not matter I do not care about these, after all, are past, to live well now. But after a few days I will suddenly think of my heart like uncomfortable feeling for her also dropped a lot, in the past, then do not say now can not think of words, but also suddenly remembered virgin complex this thing, do I really have ?? She was also told me that if the mind can break up these direct, but she told me before that if I still can not come to the end, she would casually find a flash marriage, because a lot of damage to her . My emotional intelligence is not high, do not know how to do, I do not want to slag men, early feelings for so long I am not willing to give up, how do I do?
In fact, you want to resolve your ambivalence now, the most important thing is to find out your own heart in the end is how to think, if you really care about the other is not a virgin this matter, you as early as possible to release this feeling, I could not bear a moment, the heart of the Terrier will eventually become more prominent in the ordinary life, if then re-outbreak, the consequences may be very serious.

But I personally think that two people in place of sexual relations is a natural thing, virgin complex is like the kind of allow others to start a relationship but does not allow others to end a feeling of embarrassment, although the virgin complex can be understood from the perspective of evolutionary psychology For men born with anxiety, but now, after all, is an open and civilized society, it is best not to live in their own instincts.
Keywords: security

Should boyfriends have their own secrets? I and my boyfriend together for three months, he is very stiff kind, with me after a lot of change, I can feel he loves me, that is, sometimes when he was playing the phone, I look at him Will take it again, let me see what he was looking at, let me move his cell phone, he felt too many secrets, I can not stand this, and sometimes particularly confused

You want him from head to toe from the inside out you can clearly control is not it? Afraid of him and other girls to chat, afraid of him do you do not know, these insecurity like poison eroded you, so you continue to breed suspicion, control and even your feelings have confusion.

But you know, it is this sense of insecurity, this story can want to control his desire, you will destroy the feelings of trust, intimacy, so that the two of you farther and farther.

No matter how close the two people, but also have each other's space, it is this space, so that each other have a breathing space, and will not be too close by the emotional and tired, breathless, and even breed a variety of more negative emotions.

Key words: multiple relational orientation;

Boyfriend to work in different places, but recently contact with me light, and sometimes one day did not give me a WeChat, or I take the initiative to contact him. I still see him in his micro-letters and other girls chatting records (more than one) New Year's Eve night told me that he slept, the results are still and girls chat, zero and other girls, Back to the people red packets, I asked him to say that the other party has been married, and said I eat what vinegar. Some time ago he said to buy a box of condoms, 24 loaded, and I used two. Today, I found four less, asked him, he said to be with me before buying. He will come back once a week, but back to our city he almost did not meet me, we are now in a little more than the state. Does he have been changed and derailed?

First of all you have to know, off-site itself will give a relationship impact, two people can not often meet, also can not give each other in time to accompany, usually see no surface, only by micro-phone contact is bound to reduce the emotional concentration of two people, time A long will find other fresh and exciting; in addition to your boyfriend in the multi-relationship tend to be high, are "peacock-type" man, nothing like talking about red envelopes Mody.
So you have to re-examine your feelings, if the problem can not be resolved in different places, if the man's feelings for you is not enough to resist the nature of his peacock, that derailment is a matter of time; but if your feelings there are problems, I suggest you Learn long-term relationship maintenance knowledge, improve their emotional intelligence, the preservation of your relationship and upgrade!

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