Tuesday, January 24, 2017

0102--Feng Yao eighth ban!--I want to seal day

Pondered, Meng Hao frowned, Kanliao Yan side of the deep hole, and immediately saw in that deep hole, the moment was no longer a white-haired man at the moment, but in its vicinity, there have been seven or eight similar Of the figure, they do not growl, but floating in there, with blood-hole eyes, watching Meng Hao.

    Can not see their eyes, but the body of a cold Hao Meng, here extremely strange, so he kind of do not want to feel too long here.

    Moments later, Meng Hao looked at the hands of jade, a little thought after a puzzled, biting fingers, a drop of blood fell on this jade.

    Almost his blood fell to the moment of this jade, the jade suddenly shook up, followed by Meng Hao actually in the head, instantaneous gasification, actually turned into a ray of gray atmosphere, in this moment, went straight to Meng Hao From Meng Hao brain burst of sound, at the same time, that the vicissitudes of voice, once again in the Meng Hao mind emerge, this time more clearly, as in the ear to tell.

    "The old lady is not a demon of a pulse, in the sixth mountain sentiment seven generations of closure demon Taoist death of the concept of voluntarily cut off the dust, reversal of fruit, passing the previous generation of Taoism, walking the world, refining the sixth mountain Sea, made a demon for a generation of blood on behalf of the closure of their own refinery of the life of the closure of demon jade.

    Closure of demon jade into the seventh generation of closure demon seventh ban, heard the closure of a demon pulse of a pulse since ancient times more than a ban, so self-created closure demon eighth ban, the pursuit of this life, looking for the loss of more than I forbidden, Road, only to find three-ban, unfortunately, unfortunately.

    If future generations have the opportunity, when the condensate closure demon eight forbidden, hit the ninth ban, the achievements of the closure of the demon of a pulse of days of the law.

    Feng demon a pulse, to find the world big demon, lead the sky all the things the source of the gas, wins demon life, refining demon blood for my use ... ... However, a read closure demon, a read demon,

    I do not know if you are the old lady after several generations of closure demon, if nine, it is fortunate you, unfortunately, nine for the pole, reversal of the top, into this road ... ... life variable endless.

    This avatar is only closed demon eighth ban, to pass you, this forbidden to heaven and earth Yaoqi for the building, its life called closure ... ... Fengshen, sealing the spirit, letters cents, Fengshen, Fengtian good fortune, sealed everything sky! Meng Hao mind echoed, more and more loud, until finally became a roar, turned into a mind in Meng Hao mind, that mark is an ancient text, the word called letters!
    The roar echoed, lingering, Meng Hao I do not know the passage of time, immersed in the minds of the brand, the outside world has passed ten days, at the moment of the night, to the full moon night.

    Valley, moonlight through the fog, making the fog gradually rolling here, such as the sea, seven toad old man, once again here, this time condensed gas nine repair for those who, in addition to the old man with the snake monk, One person!

    This person is clearly just a breakthrough, into the condensate gas nine, but his breakthrough, but they made this line of confidence.

    "Sun Xiong cultivation as a breakthrough, this time I can be pulled out five Baizhang!

    "Yes, this day we have been waiting for too long, if pulled out of five Baizhang, once the ancestral spirit wake up, I can repair such a situation can be lifted out of thin air, and even have the opportunity to build the foundation of good fortune!

    "I do not know the chances of fortification is how much, but I have left the ancient ancestral records, once pulled out of five Baizhang, will make good temporary body." Seven people looked at each other, eyes are exposed light, now the moon Is thick, they suddenly cast seven people, as Meng Hao there, they have long forgotten, already thought that the other heart is dead.

    With their blood spray, with their own out of the debris condensed into the black knife, where the vortex whirlpool immediately stop, that with the whirlpool of the red rope, but also at this moment, the old man was caught in a toad in the In the hands, he growl loudly, suddenly pulled out a.

    Roar echoed, dragged the red rope, passed directly to the valley under the Kwu Tung, the introduction to the location of Meng Hao, in-depth that is now prohibited in the deep hole in the seal.

    With the red rope of a pull, immediately deep hole in that seven or eight white hair figure look are showing panic, actually have spread, at the same time, more large, such as seven or eight-year-old child-like figure appears, issued Bursts of sharp screaming roar, but can not this cries outside the ancient hole.

    That red string is very strange, with the pull, set off a lot of cold, more thick smell, and even actually makes it quiet prohibition trembling, as if at any time can collapse.

    Time slowly passing, with the outside world of the seven dragged, and that red rope was gradually pulled out of more than 50 feet, roar of the sound is more intense, more cold, the smell is again strong several times.
    Even at this moment, faint as if from the deep hole, the heard a gasp, that respite as if some kind of life in the struggle, the sound just appeared, immediately all the shadow of the deep hole, are issued a sharp scream roar , Regardless of the impact of that ghost ban.

    Prohibited strong shaking, the edge of the location has begun to show signs of fragmentation.

    That is, at this moment, Meng Hao's eyes gradually become clear from a loss, then his body startled, took a deep breath, his eyes revealing a ray of expression at the same time, he immediately aware of this ancient hole changes, but also see the That red rope is being pulled up, but also noted that the prohibition of that glow, at the moment has begun to collapse.

    No time to think, Meng Hao Baoquan toward the bones of a prayer, without hesitation rolled the fog, went straight to the top away, may fly in less than a few hundred feet in his moment, he quietly under the ban suddenly broke down To its dozens of thin figure, as well as seven or eight white-haired man, flying out of Qi, went straight to Meng Hao here roaring.

    It is behind them, as deep as a black hole in the cave filled out, as if the hair is growing, out quickly filled with faint, breathing from the deep hole, more clear up.

    As if struggling to the extreme, you want to blew open this deep hole the same.

    Menghao pale, but the head is exposed Jingmang, the body build the base station operation, burst out the baseman for the operation of the whole body, the speed of instantaneous is several hundred feet, behind him can be as thin as those children ghost Shadow, but it is faster, and instantly catch up, continue to rush around the mine fog Meng Hao.
    The sound of roaring echoed back and forth, so that Meng Hao around the rapid dissipation of those mine-fog, those children, such as the ghosting, as if do not know the pain, even by the bombardment of the bomblets can be quickly re-shop, Ho looks around, has been a lot of ghosting winding.

    Jianguang whistling, two wooden sword at this moment emit Jian Qi, Meng Hao rapid rotation around, more feathers into the wind, scroll around, making Meng Hao's body can maintain forward.

    May at this time, that seven or eight white-haired man is slowly approaching, even in the top of Meng Hao, there are seven or eight child-like ghosts appear to block Meng Hao's road, a strong crisis in the Meng Hao inner emerged, he did not hesitate to shoot a storage bag, immediately more than 100 Feijian all fly out, turned into a Jian Yu went straight to the top.

    "Bang!" With Meng Hao Dihe, that more than a hundred of the Feijian roar burst open, turned into an impact of proliferation, making it seven or eight ghosting volume back in the moment, Meng Hao took a deep breath, Meng Out of the moment from the seven ghost of the gap in the direct cross, at the moment, his distance from the top of the hole, there are five Baizhang distance.

    But the roar behind him more and more intense, more black hair from the bottom of the spread, from the Meng Hao here is less than Baizhang!

    Meng Hao too late to view, at the moment eyes such as electricity, he knew that as long as the slow, then today's dead or alive, even if a reaction is not fast enough, then it will be beyond redemption.
    "Rich and dangerous in the request, can get closure evil eighth ban, all this is also value, but unfortunately the eighth ban I can not fully enlightened, can not immediately cast." Meng Hao took a deep breath, start full speed, making five hundred Zhang distance a few breathing becomes four Baizhang.

    May at this time, behind him a white man, raised his right hand, shaking a finger toward the Meng Hao there.

    This refers to the Meng Hao immediately the whole body of a cold, may at this moment, he did not hesitate to pinch tactic to go back, and immediately those feathers around him, all went straight to the rear, This is also the storage bag from the Meng Hao fly out of more than a hundred Feijian, once again burst open.

    Roar echoed, set off the impact of this is not large in the cave, and immediately spread to promote the spread to the upper and lower open, making it a white man that is also weakened in the impact of some, but still distant point in the Meng Hao Body.

    Meng Hao looking for a change, his body fog immediately rolling roar, but it was life and life to open a gap, making Meng Hao body instant chill, a blood spray, that blood directly into ice, his body in this Moment seems to have lost most of the cultivation, seeing to **, but in this crisis moment, Meng Hao grabbed the red rope around, suddenly to the next one drag, leveraging the body jumped into the sky.
    At the same time, in the valley, the seven one by one panting, but the teeth pulling red rope, constantly pulling, is behind them, there have been more than a dozen poison beast, bite the red rope began vigorously Of the pull.

    "Damn, how suddenly become so Shen !!"

    "This is what the reason, this more than a hundred feet it should not be ah." The seven immediately surprised, look showing tension, their bodies actually in this moment, was that red rope came under the drag force, Dora's forward Shu Zhang, Fortunately, this unit quickly pull the power to dissipate, but in their teeth back at the same time, that the power of anti-pull again.

    It is also their invisible help, Meng Hao, where the pull, the body leaps moment, once again sprayed with blood, without hesitation in the swallow immortality, not the slightest pause with the waste of time, full gallop.

    His gloomy look, at the moment the body has been thinner around the thunder fog, just below the white man from a means, if it is Meng Hao rapid response, but also by this fog fog to resist, fear is just a blow, you can Meng Hao body ** Go on.


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